Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 578 Wintersweet Flowers on the Skirt

Chapter 578 Wintersweet Flowers on the Skirt

At that time, both of them were a little angry, but Bu Tianya looked around anxiously to see if there was any scent of Mei Zhuang, but he was disappointed. Except for Ling Shuang, there were only those customers who came to buy things here.

"Where is Xiao... Xiaozhuang?"

Finally, the two looked at each other for a long time, and Bu Tianya asked this sentence with some difficulty.

Ling Shuang's face was not very good-looking, and she didn't want to answer at first, this person hurt Xiao Zhuang so much back then, why did she come here now?
However, just when she was about to refuse, Mei Zhuang's sad look came to mind, and she couldn't bear it, she walked out from inside, and couldn't help punching Bu Tianya in the face.

Bu Tianya didn't fight back. If Ling Shuang vented his anger and could take him to see Xiao Zhuang, he would be willing to be beaten all the time.

"Xiaozhuang is not here. If you want to see her, keep looking for her! I have been separated from her for a long time," Ling Shuang smiled wryly, "She rejected me." With an extremely disappointed voice, he turned and walked away Go in and ignore Bu Tianya.

"If you like Xiaozhuang, I hope you can make her happy. Over the years, she has been very unhappy, especially after being hurt mercilessly by you. She said that she would find a hidden place to spend the rest of her life. She Said that she may not be able to forget the people she once loved, but she will learn to slowly bury the memories in her heart."

Bu Tianya shuddered, finally there was some panic in his eyes, he knew that Ling Shuang would not deceive him at this time.

Saying goodbye in a hurry, before leaving, Ling Shuang still couldn't bear it, and told him the place where she last saw Mei Zhuang.

After getting the exact news, Bu Tianya continued to search, he thought, he understood, he must find Xiaozhuang, tell her all the thoughts in his heart, he will never miss his thoughts again.

"Excuse me, do you know this woman?"

Bu Tianya took out Mei Zhuang's portrait, and when he passed a place, he would take it out and ask anyone he saw, even if it was people in the whole city, he would ask them one by one.Over time, wherever he passed, the name of an idiot would spread.

Gradually, even if there are some places he hasn't passed by, many people still know his reputation.

When he passed by, he was instantly recognized.

He doesn't mind any of these, as long as these people can help him find Xiaozhuang, he is willing to pay any price.

"Your Excellency, have you seen this girl?"

Bu Tianya once again traveled across mountains and rivers to a new place. Compared with other bustling cities, this place is much deserted. This is a small town. There are not many people in the whole town, the kind you can get to know when you go out.However, he still persisted in taking out the portrait whose scroll was a little smooth, and looked expectantly at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man took the portrait, carefully identified it, and finally shook his head: "I have never seen such a stunning woman. If I have, I will definitely not forget it."

"Thank you, excuse me."

Bu Tianya took the portrait back, thanked him, and began to ask other people. Everyone shook their heads, saying that there are very few such stunning women in the town, and they will never forget them.He is getting more and more desperate. Over the years, he has searched nearly 1 cities and countless small towns, but he still hasn't found him.

Xiaozhuang, is this the price for hurting you?

If this is the case, he is willing to pay any price as long as he can find her.

Xiaozhuang Xiaozhuang, where are you?
Bu Tianya felt a kind of despair, the kind of despair of losing, he thought that Xiao Zhuang was the same in those years, every time he thought of this, his heart was almost suffocated.

Just as he was thinking about this, a figure suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, he rushed up quickly without even thinking about it, grabbed the woman, and showed surprise on his face: "Xiaozhuang!!"

"Young Master, you..." The woman was a little frightened, and quickly broke away her hand, "Young Master, did you recognize the wrong person?" If Bu Tianya hadn't seen Bu Tianya's good-looking appearance, the woman said that she would slash him with a knife.

Bu Tianya was a little disappointed, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, girl, I did admit the wrong person, but..." He hesitated a little, the clothes on this woman looked like Xiaozhuang, especially the wintersweet flowers on the skirt, It looks like Xiaozhuang embroidered it by herself.

It's so familiar. It turns out that he actually noticed Xiao Zhuang a long time ago. At that time, he just didn't want to admit it. Now when he regrets it, he doesn't understand why he didn't admit his feelings for Xiao Zhuang in the past.

"Girl, may I ask, your clothes..."

Before Bu Tianya could finish asking, the woman smiled, touched the two wintersweet flowers next to her sleeves, and seemed to like it very much, "I bought this dress, and the shop is in the town. Here, just turn the corner on the street ahead." will be able to find it.”

Facing the woman's enthusiastic explanation, Bu Tianya thanked her and followed the direction she indicated.

The wintersweet flowers on it were really familiar to him. He felt that if he didn’t go and have a look, he would definitely regret it. He walked hurriedly, and finally crossed the street, turned a corner, and indeed saw a shop. You can see that the shop sells beautiful women's clothes and some accessories, and there are countless pieces of cloth among them, which are not ordinary things.

He hurried up, only to realize that there were also a small number of men's clothes here.

Just as he walked in, his eyes were fixed on the woman with her head buried. Even though she was hanging her head down and couldn't see her face clearly, he could still recognize her. The aura on her was so familiar that he searched for it for a long time. Long time people.

"My lord, what do you need?"

Suddenly, she raised her head and asked casually before she could see his appearance clearly. After the question was over, she saw his appearance clearly, and she was taken aback for a moment.

When Bu Tianya saw that very unfamiliar face, with his strength, he could easily see through that it was just a cover-up and saw her dumbfounded.

He finally got closer and hugged her quickly: "Xiaozhuang!"

Mei Zhuang was a little stunned, and suddenly saw the person buried in her heart being hugged, and her mind was a little dazed.He didn't push him away for a while, but when he heard his voice passing by his ears, he suddenly pushed him away.

He forced a smile: "Master, what are you doing? When you see a disciple, even if you are excited, you can't hug him. How decent is this? Are you not afraid of being laughed at?"

"Xiaozhuang, I finally found you."

Bu Tianya's eyes were full of surprises, and he still couldn't help but want to approach her, but she avoided him, "Master, you are so happy to see your disciple, you are happy when you are happy, why do you have to make such misleading actions, don't be afraid Are people making fun of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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