Chapter 587 You Look Like a Thief
When Mei Yuer said this, she didn't mean that people would take away the partner she had approved of, but she understood that at this moment, only by saying this, Mrs. Mei would let her keep the little milk dog.

A mere puppy is not a threat to Mrs. Mei.

Mrs. Mei really smiled: "It's a rare little thing that Yu'er is rare, just keep it, it seems that Yu'er likes these small animals, I will ask someone to help you find some other ones, let you choose carefully .”

"Thank you ma'am." Mei Yu'er thanked her, and said: "But Yu'er will just keep this little milk dog, and I won't take care of it if there are too many."

Mrs. Mei smiled, and didn't say anything more, it was just a passing word, she didn't want to help Mei Yuer find some cute little animals.

Mei Yuer's indifferent temperament saved her a lot of trouble.

An obedient concubine, she doesn't mind treating her better.Compared with other concubines who have a restless heart, she prefers Mei Yuer, who is calm and obedient, without any fighting spirit.

Mrs. Mei smiled more sincerely, "Okay, you are tired after traveling all the way, so go back and rest first."

So Mei Yuer resigned, and walked out of the somewhat depressing room together with Mei Xiner.

"Second Sister, Madam said earlier that she wanted to find some cute animals, why didn't you agree?" Mei Xiner's heart was about to twitch, "I didn't expect the little milk dog to be so cute before."

Mei Yuer glanced at her indifferently: "Eldest sister, as juniors, how dare we accept a gift from my wife. If eldest sister likes it, I can send someone to the flower and bird market."

As for Mei Xiner's desire to use her as a weapon, Mei Yuer didn't want to bother.

In fact, since she was born, she has been a little confused, and she doesn't care much about everything that happens around her, as if she doesn't belong to this world.

Turned around and left, leaving Mei Xiner where she was.

Mei Xin'er's face changed a bit, and she was led by the maid to another road. Every time she choked on Mei Yuer's place, she was helpless.

The other concubines didn't care about their behavior in front of her, but this Mei Yu'er always treated her indifferently, which made her very annoyed.Every attack seemed to hit the cotton, limp and powerless.

Mei Yu'er didn't care what Mei Xiner thought behind her, she left people's sight, and couldn't help but quicken her pace, and soon arrived at her room.Pushing open the door and entering, seeing the little milk dog in the basket, I couldn't help but trot in and hugged it.

After only being together for a few days, she felt that this little milk dog should be with her all the time. This was really a wonderful feeling.

"Miss is back. The hot water is ready. Miss takes a bath first. Let the old slave take Mo away first, and help him wash it, and bring him over later." Nanny Wu made a gesture to hug Mo Ming. , was dodged by him at once, and he had no choice but to dodge it before.

Now he didn't want to, and when he heard that Mei Yu'er was about to take a bath, his eyes lit up and he felt that this was a good opportunity.After a while, he would be able to confirm whether she had a birthmark on her body, so he quickly hugged Mei Yu'er with his paws, expressing that he would not leave.

"Well, you little thing, the old slave hugged you to hide from other people before, but now he doesn't recognize you."

Nanny Wu was so angry that she pointed at Mo Ming and wanted to scold him, but she didn't know what to scold.

"No need, Mammy, let him stay here, and I'll help him wash his body later." Mo Ming was a little embarrassed, never expecting that one day he, a majestic deity, would turn into a little milk dog , and let the woman wash his body for him.

However, if this woman is Bao'er, he doesn't mind letting her wash him every day.

Nanny Wu knew what her second young lady said, so she had no chance to refute, so she hurriedly left and closed the door.

Miss Er is a thoughtful person, and usually doesn't like to have many people around to serve her.

"Mo, you wait here first."

Mei Yuer put Mo Ming in the basket, turned around and closed the door.Then he walked to the bathtub behind the curtain, Mo Ming kept staring at her back, heard the sound of water, and the sound of undressing, and quickly jumped out of the basket.

Slowly approaching the other side of the curtain, Mo Ming said that this time was the worst time for him, but he had to make sure if this woman was his Bao'er, and if so, he didn't have to worry so much.

Stretching out a paw, he slowly opened the curtain, thinking that he could see something, but there was only a huge wooden barrel in front of him, which made someone tangled up.

Looking at the tall wooden barrel, he could only see a black hair hanging down from one end. After thinking for a while, he slowly moved to the other side, but he still couldn't see the person inside.

Suddenly, a gust of wind flashed in front of him, and there was a sound coming from the ground beside him. When he took a closer look, it turned out that a golden hairpin was thrust into the ground abruptly.Before he had time to think about it, there was still surprise in his eyes, and then he was hugged by a pair of hands.

"Mo, you look a bit like a thief. If you didn't have the body of a puppy, I would have thought you were a human in disguise." There was a smile in the voice, and there was no doubt about his identity.

Mo Ming just didn't expect that Mei Yu'er could know kung fu, it seems that she also has a secret, a prime minister's daughter, can know kung fu?But he was happy again, if Bao'er could protect himself, he didn't have to worry so much.

He quickly raised his head and found that Mei Yuer was wearing an undershirt. When he looked up, the birthmark had been covered by the clothes.Can't help but feel a little frustrated, it seems that this is another failure.

However, he suddenly remembered that Mei Yu'er was back and would sleep at night, so he might be able to watch it secretly.

"You have a very rich expression, you don't look like a little milk dog!"

He inexplicably felt that her voice was more sincere than during the day.No, it should be when she was in front of people, as if she was suppressing something. At this time, there was a bit of chic between her brows, not like the former prime minister's concubine.

The nobility on her body faded away, and the scattered blue hair made her a little lazy.

Mei Yuer wiped the little milk dog's paws, then carried him out and put him in the basket.

"Don't run out."

Mo Ming looked at her ignorantly, and didn't dare to really promise anything.I only heard Mei Yuer say: "You are just a dog after all, it's just that you have more human nature than ordinary puppies."

For some reason, he always felt a little lost in her words.

Staring closely at her skirt, now he has an urge to see if she has a birthmark.

In the middle of the night, the Prime Minister's Mansion was quiet.Mo Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the sleeping person on the couch.

(End of this chapter)

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