Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 588 Mei Yuer's Secret

Chapter 588 Mei Yuer's Secret
Just as he was about to jump down to see the birthmark, he suddenly heard a noise.He buried his head down, but his eyes noticed the situation outside.

Mei Yuer suddenly got up and walked towards him, he held his breath, felt Mei Yuer touch his head, and then let go.

After letting him go, Mei Yu'er did not return to the couch as he expected, but went to the back, and after a while a figure came out from behind the curtain, and he was stunned for a moment, night clothes?
Mei Yu'er walked very lightly, jumped onto the beam, slowly lifted the tiles, jumped out with the whole body, and then put the tiles back on the spot.

With his eyes and ears, he knew that Mei Yuer had left.

He suppressed the doubts in his eyes. If he hadn't practiced for a few days, he would definitely want to chase him out to have a look.What kind of secret is hidden in Mei Yuer's body?

Thinking of Mei Yuer going out, Mo Ming couldn't calm down to practice, so he jumped out of the basket, kicked his hind legs, and jumped onto the bed.Now that she was out, he could sleep in bed, but he forgot that he was just a little puppy in front of people, no matter what he did, he would not arouse other people's suspicion.

Although Mei Yuer could feel that something was wrong, she probably couldn't think of so much.

While thinking about future plans, smelling the fragrance of the quilt, he slowly fell asleep.

Near the early morning, the roof suddenly rang, and Mo Ming woke up immediately, but he didn't intend to wake up, and deliberately made himself look like he was asleep.

Slowly, he felt footsteps near the bed, and a pair of warm palms landed on his body: "You little brat, you actually took my bed while I was away."

Mo Ming thought dully, if he is sure that she is Bao'er, he will not only occupy the bed, but also occupy the person, everything about her, he must occupy, otherwise I will be sorry for his more than 200 reincarnations, more than 2 years pursuit.

Mei Yu'er let him go, changed her clothes again, and lay down on the couch.This time, he didn't carry him to the basket, and let him fall asleep on the bed.

Gradually, he felt that Mei Yu'er fell asleep and her breathing became steady.

So, Mo Ming slowly raised his head, not knowing if he was guilty of guilt, at this moment he was a little nervous, moved to Mei Yuer's neck, stretched out his dog's paw, stared at it without blinking, and was about to fall When she was hanging on her skirt, suddenly a jade white hand grabbed him.

He froze as a dog, as if he had forgotten that he was a dog, and was about to explain, but Mei Yuer held the whole dog in her arms: "Mo, what are you doing?"

"Did you pretend to be asleep before? Can you understand me?"

Mo Ming looked helpless, and could only look at Mei Yu'er silently.Mei Yuer was lost, she thought this dog knew everything, guess it was just a joke!

"Okay, let's go to sleep!"

She put Mo Ming aside, put one hand on his stomach, and fell asleep like this.

After previous experience, he knew that Mei Yuer was very vigilant, and it was impossible for him to look at the birthmark while she was asleep, judging from his current situation.Therefore, he can only check the birthmark in the middle of the night after he has cultivated beyond the scope of a mortal martial arts master.

At his current speed, it would take at least a month to see the birthmark.This is still his best effort. He is a little thankful that he is well prepared, at least with a little spiritual power, he can open his space, search for heavenly talents and spiritual treasures, and practice faster.

Although he has a bitter heart about his identity as a dog, as long as Bao'er can be found, nothing is important.

Thinking of this, he really fell asleep.

Until dawn, when he woke up, Mei Yu'er was no longer beside him, and he was not even on the bed, but in the basket, let's count it as his current nest.

Beside the basket, there was also vegetable and meat porridge, needless to say, Mei Yuer must have ordered someone to prepare it for him.Only she would treat him like that, not even treating him like a dog.

Satisfied, she ate the vegetable and meat porridge cleanly, and when Mei Yuer came back, she saw an empty bowl, and asked someone to take it down to clean it.

"Second Miss," Wu Momo's face turned ugly, "What do you mean Ma'am? You know that Second Miss is easy to bully, so she wants you to marry a cripple?"

is not that right?Isn't the son of Shang Shufu a cripple?

"Didn't you agree yet?" Mei Yu'er ate her breakfast slowly, "Why are you so anxious, Madam Wu, it should be the elder sister who is so anxious!"

"But...Second Miss, if Madam really wants to marry you to the third son of Shangshufu's family, what should I do?" Wu Momo was full of worry, "I heard that he has countless concubines. That's all, but how can such a person be worthy of Second Miss."

"Nurse Wu, don't be in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry." Mei Yu'er's eyes flashed a light, "Maybe Shang Shufu doesn't want to?"

"Sigh, I don't know who told the second lady's appearance. I heard that the third son still has your portrait in his hand. I'm afraid the madam will not push this matter away."

Madam Wu was worried about this. Mrs. Mei would not fight for a mere concubine daughter. It would be such a good deal to sacrifice a concubine daughter to recruit an official.

Regardless of the fact that the prime minister has already sat in this position, there are quite a few people staring at the prime minister. The situation between the court and China is complicated, and Mrs. Mei has to maintain the relationship between the backyards of each family.

She raised so many concubines, wouldn't this be useful?
"Nurse Wu, go down and have breakfast first, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge."

Nanny Wu was also in a hurry, there was no solution at all, she could only go down.These servants can only worry and worry, and cannot decide the development of anything.It's just a little sad, if the fate of the second young lady is like this, then God is really blind.

But Moming was a little upset, someone wanted to marry his Bao'er to a cripple, he had to practice, isn't it a little slow for a month, no, he had to find a way to advance the time by ten days, and then he would be able to Protect Bo'er.

Although he didn't see the birthmark, he was sure that this woman was his Bao'er.

Mei Yu'er also felt Mo Ming's tense body, the puppet hugged him, looked at him with both eyes: "Mo, are you worried about me?"

"Don't worry, I won't marry a cripple." Mei Yuer murmured to herself softly with a smile on her eyes, "I always feel that there is no one in this world that I should marry."

"go to play!"

(End of this chapter)

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