Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 589 Her intuition told her that she was going to kill someone

Chapter 589 Her intuition told her that she was going to kill someone
After Mo Ming was put down by Mei Yuer, he began to practice crazily, and he didn't want to check for birthmarks anymore. He had to save all his time, and it wouldn't be too late to look at it when he could help.

Seeing him sleeping in the basket, Mei Yuer didn't say anything.

Mo Ming knew that Mei Yuer would go out every night, and he was curious about what she was doing out there.But one night, when she came back, he smelled a smell of blood, which made him worried for a long time, and he was relieved after confirming that she was not injured.

Her intuition told her that she was going to kill someone.

To him, killing people was just one thing, but he still felt a little surprised by Mei Yuer and even other people.

He even wanted to know why Mei Yuer killed people, and even had a calm expression, as if she had killed thousands of people.

A few days later, it was also early in the morning. Mother Wu's remark brought him a message: "Bodhisattva bless you, Second Miss, I didn't expect the third son of the Shangshu Mansion to die suddenly. I have heard that the third son He does all kinds of evil, and he snatches girls from ordinary families."

"I really didn't expect that there will be evil rewards for wicked people. Second Miss will no longer have to worry about marrying into the Shangshu Mansion." Madam Wu looked happy, as if she was happier than she got some treasure.

Mei Yuer frowned: "Is it dead?"

Mo Ming obviously didn't find any surprise on her face, but instead had an indescribable feeling, remembering that she smelled blood on her body one night before, did she go to kill the third son of the Shangshu Mansion?
If so, he can rest assured that people like this who try to trick her should die! !
"Yeah, isn't that right, Second Miss, I heard that he has been dead for two days, and the old slave hasn't gone out recently, so I heard from other people. This is really good news for Second Miss." Only Nanny Wu was happy, and all the servants who served Mei Yuer were very happy, even though they didn't say it out loud, they couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

Mei Yu'er still responded lightly, and didn't say much, as if she wasn't interested in this matter.Nanny Wu talked a lot over there by herself, and she had to shut up in the end. She found that Miss Er couldn't use ordinary people's thinking to make judgments.

Mrs. Mei was a little lucky, fortunately she didn't rush to agree to this matter, otherwise Mei Yuer might have to bear the life of a Kefu.She was not worried about Mei Yu'er, but worried about the reputation of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

There are quite a few concubines in the prime minister's mansion. If something happens because of this incident, she, the prime minister's wife, is also responsible.

"Yu'er, I'll help you look into your marriage. If you have any thoughts, just say it."

"Thank you Madam, everything is up to Madam."

Mei Baoer bowed her head in response, making people look a little thin.Mrs. Mei's face was also not very good-looking. As for Mei Xin'er on the side, she said: "Xin'er, go down and get ready. Your marriage has been decided and the date has been chosen. I will help you prepare for this period of time." dowry."

Mei Xin'er's face turned pale, obviously unwilling, but she didn't dare to say anything.

She obviously heard that there was going to be a talent show, but Madam looked like she didn't intend to give these prostitutes a chance.

"Yes, ma'am." After thinking for a while, Mei Xin'er was still not reconciled, "However, Xin'er feels that with the appearance and talent of the second younger sister, she can be said to overwhelm many women in the capital. I heard that during this period of time, Many people have mentioned the second sister, and even want to meet the second sister at the poetry meeting!"

"It's a pity that the second sister doesn't like to go out of the house. It is said that several princes have become interested. A few days ago, they used the name of the second sister to compose a poem."

Mei Yu'er kept an eye on her heart, she didn't speak, the corners of her mouth twitched, she felt that she had nothing to say to the person who wanted to drag her into the water.It is said that Mr. Li's family does not seem to be so peaceful.

Sure enough, Mrs. Mei's face changed, and she was relieved to see that Mei Yu'er didn't seem to be moved.How could she let the concubine daughter of the prime minister's mansion be drafted? Isn't that digging her own grave?
Once the concubine ascended to the imperial concubine position, no matter how honest Mei Yuer was, it was impossible for her to be of the same mind.

Only her daughter has this qualification. The people who support the prime minister's mansion can only be her blood, and the others don't even think about it.

"Yu'er only wants to live a stable life, so she doesn't like to go out. As for what to say outside, this Yu'er really doesn't know."

Mrs. Mei was satisfied, but Mei Xiner's complexion was not good. She knew that she had angered Mrs. Mei, so she didn't dare to say anything.Going on, it is estimated that life will be difficult.

She still has to prepare her dowry. If she offends Mrs. Mei, imagine what will happen next.Her marriage has become a foregone conclusion. Even if her current fiancé dies, she can only go to the Li family to be a widow.

This is not the day she wants. Although the marriage is not ideal, the Li family's status is not low after all. As long as she uses all means, she may be able to become a Mrs. Li.

"Go down!"

Mrs. Mei didn't mean to say too much. It was enough for these concubines to beat and beat them every day. She didn't punish them too much. After all, the Prime Minister's Mansion still needed them.As long as she treats them well and holds their lifeline in her hands, she can control everything. Don't think that once she gets married, she can get rid of everything she once had.

They were born as members of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and they must die as ghosts of the Prime Minister's Mansion. They can only be used by the Prime Minister's Mansion throughout their lives.

Mei Yu'er left indifferently, Mei Xin'er thought that the other party would say something, but she didn't expect that she would be so ignored to the end.Staring at Mei Yuer's back, some cruelty appeared in his eyes.

Originally, she thought that Mei Yuer's fate was not as good as hers, and she was happy for several days, but she did not expect that Mei Yu'er was dodged by the other party abruptly.

Another two days later, Mrs. Mei brought Mei Yuer over, saying that she had taken a fancy to another family.But fortunately, the son of this family is neither disabled nor stupid, and his official position is not high, but he is a very important figure in the court.

Mrs. Mei will definitely not let her daughter marry such a person. Her daughter is going to enter the palace to be a concubine, so these officials can just use the concubines in the palace to win them over.

"Yu'er, prepare well, and in two days someone will come over there to discuss a good date."

This time she married as a wife, not a concubine, so she was considered a high-ranking man.

Although she is the prime minister's daughter, everyone in Beijing knows that the daughter of the prime minister's mansion doesn't actually have much status. Although the other party is not a high-ranking person, she has great potential, and there are not a few people who win her over.

However, Mei Yuer's portrait leaked out before, and that young master just took a fancy to her.

"Yu'er understands."

The corner of Mei Yu'er's mouth curled up, but she didn't resist anything.She never resisted on the bright side, as for whether to marry or not, that was her own business.

(End of this chapter)

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