Chapter 24
However, before he had time to be excited by the sudden joy for too long, something happened that made Mo Yunxi regret it, and it was as painful as cutting out his heart.That innocent child who was carefully protected by Mo Yunxi, that little girl who would be by her side, holding her arm and calling her softly 'Sister Yunxi', that... would be more sad than her when she was wronged Xiao Chi, who would immediately stand up to defend her against injustices, was so resolute, jumping down from the top floor of LKK, and died forever.

When Mo Yunxi first heard the news, he shook his head in a panic. "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" She fixed her gaze on Shen Zhuoyan in front of her. "How could Xiaochi commit suicide? How could Xiaochi commit suicide?!" With tears in her eyes, she frantically looked for her phone.

However, when Mo Yunxi finally found his phone, he found an unread text message on it.

She clicked on the information almost with trembling fingers.Then, Mo Yunxi saw that this text message was sent from Tong Anchi's mobile phone, and there was only a simple sentence written on it. "Sister Yunxi, I'm sorry, Xiao Chi let you down."

Mo Yunxi's hands trembled violently, her throat seemed to be blocked by a big iron block, the moment Shen Zhuoyan's palm was placed on her shoulder, Mo Yunxi burst into tears. "Ah—" She growled in a hoarse voice in distress, but she couldn't evacuate the slightest pain in her heart. "Xiao Chi... Xiao Chi..."

Shen Zhuoyan approached her, pressed Mo Yunxi's head into his embrace, and couldn't help feeling a little moved. "Yunxi, cry, you'll be fine if you cry. Cry..."

"Why did this happen? Why... Shen Zhuoyan—" Mo Yunxi's hands tightly gripped Shen Zhuoyan's clothes until the fabric on his body was wrinkled, but he did not let go.

Facing her question, Shen Zhuoyan didn't answer a word.

When Mo Yunxi finally stopped being so excited and Ken paused, Shen Zhuoyan raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.It took a while before he spoke. "An Chi's body is now in the hospital. Are you going to send her for the last time?"

Mo Yunxi just shed tears silently and nodded.She was crying so hard that she couldn't speak anymore.

Shen Zhuoyan looked at Mo Yunxi's red and swollen eyes from crying, and opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything.

The hospital ward was full of people.Because of Tong Anchi's special status, the hospital kept her in the ward without moving.

The white sheet that originally covered his face was folded off, and it was Ah Tang who was guarding Tong Anchi by the bed.Mo Yunxi knew him, he was a member of a four-person group that has been very active recently, and he is in a relationship with Tong Anchi.Regarding this matter, Tong Anchi once told Mo Yunxi that Mo Yunxi was very optimistic about their relationship.

"Sister Yunxi, you're here." When Ah Tang saw Mo Yunxi, he held Tong Anchi's cold hand and stood up.He turned his head away to prevent them from seeing the tears in his eyes, and raised his sleeve to wipe them hard. "Xiaochi must be very happy, you can come to see her off for the last time."

Mo Yunxi nodded, she staggered slightly, but insisted on pushing away Shen Zhuoyan's hand that was supporting her, walked to Tong Anchi's hospital bed, knelt down slowly, and put the other cold hand on her chest. hand in his own.The bone-piercing coldness, no longer able to rely on other people's body temperature for warmth.The lively little girl who couldn't rest for a moment was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed at this moment.

"Xiao Chi, sister is here." Mo Yunxi clasped his hands together and pressed Tong Anchi's hand to his face.Seeing that pale, lifeless face is close at hand.The blood stains on her body have been cleaned up, and now there is only a frightening paleness left. "Jumping from such a high place, you must be in pain, it must be in pain..." Mo Yunxi let out a low sob in his throat, and the tears slid down his cheeks, and finally fell on the back of Tong Anchi's hand . "Xiao Chi, why are you so stupid? Why don't you come to me? Why don't you come to your sister? Xiao Chi, you look like you want me and A-Tang to be sad?"

From the low sobs at the very beginning to the hysterical tears at the end.Until Shen Zhuoyan and Xiao Chongyun forcibly hugged and pulled him away, Mo Yunxi still kept growling. "Xiao Chi - open your eyes, and call me Sister Yunxi again..."

That shrill cry almost made those who heard it feel sad, and those who saw it wept.Ah Tang was also choked up for a moment, he wiped his tears, choked his throat and said: "Sister Yunxi, seeing you so sad, Xiao Chi will definitely feel uneasy when you leave, just let her... Let's go without worries."

In the end, it was the doctor who stepped forward and covered Tong Anchi's face with a white sheet again.

At that moment, Mo Yunxi's eyes were stung by the pale color, she cried out Tong Anchi's name hysterically, the sadness of her voice was unbearable to listen to any more.Many nurses couldn't help but their eyes were red again because of her crying.

Finally, Mo Yunxi's voice stopped abruptly, her body softened, and she completely fainted in Shen Zhuoyan's arms.

The surroundings were in chaos, but those voices were getting farther and farther away from her...until they could no longer be heard.

When Mo Yunxi woke up again, she found that she was on the big bed at Shen Zhuoyan's house.

"Are you awake?" Shen Zhuoyan was sitting on the sofa not far away, typing on the keyboard, seeing Mo Yunxi struggling to sit up, hurried over to help her up, poured a glass of water and handed her over. "You have a little fever, take your medicine first."

Mo Yunxi sat for a while covering his forehead, and suddenly his body became stiff.Then she raised her head, looked at Shen Zhuoyan and said loudly. "I... had a nightmare."

Shen Zhuoyan's eyes flickered, and he handed her the medicine in his hand. "Take the medicine first, you have a fever."

"Tell me first, that dream is fake, right? Nothing happened, it's just my dream, right?" Mo Yunxi raised his hand in an instant, tightly grasping Shen Zhuoyan's clothes collar. "I beg you, Shen Zhuoyan, tell me..."

"Dreams are all fake. Yunxi." Shen Zhuoyan put the water glass aside, and gently stroked Mo Yunxi's long hair with his hand, his frowning showed his distress. "But things have indeed happened. If you collapse, An Chi will not rest in peace."

The moment Shen Zhuoyan's voice fell, Mo Yunxi sobbed and put his head on his shoulder, crying uncontrollably.

After a long time, Shen Zhuoyan patted her on the back lightly, comforting her, and finally stopped gradually when Mo Yunxi cried until he had no strength left. "You take the medicine first, okay? Yun Xi."

Mo Yunxi nodded weakly, let Shen Zhuoyan feed the medicine into her mouth, and then helped her to lie down.Looking at the wet tears on Mo Yunxi's eyelashes.Shen Zhuoyan felt empty in his heart for a moment.

Tong Anchi passed away, and Mo Yunxi suffered from a serious illness and lost a lot of weight.Even Tong Anchi's funeral, Mo Yunxi insisted on going to attend it while dragging his seriously ill body.When she watched Tong Anchi's urn being put into the cold tomb, she suddenly felt that the pure heart of her two lifetimes had also died along with it.For this simple and straightforward little girl, Mo Yunxi wanted to protect this innocent girl to the best of her ability.

After all, in the deep waters of the entertainment industry, it's hard to see a girl as beautiful as Tong Anchi.

But in the end she still couldn't protect her... In addition to feeling sorry for Tong Anchi's death, Mo Yunxi also fell into deep self-blame.If she could have discovered Tong Anchi's anomaly earlier... If she could have contacted her more often, would it not be the end now?Mo Yunxi closed his eyes and bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, Xiaochi. It's my sister who didn't protect you well." Mo Yunxi raised his hand, stroked the picture of Tong Anchi smiling like a flower on the tombstone, and wept softly. "I'm sorry...can you forgive me? Xiaochi..."

Atang didn't say a word from the beginning to the end of the funeral. He just stood quietly beside the tombstone. Finally, after the funeral was over, he slowly squatted down and gently hid his lips on the top of the tombstone. "Tongtong, sleep well. A-Tang is watching over you, always watching over you. I received the last message you sent to A-Tang, and I heard your 'I love you'. Go to sleep at ease, Tong child."

The final voice was inaudible, but Mo Yunxi turned his head away, unable to bear to look any further. "Let's go, Zhuoyan." She said this to Shen Zhuoyan.

Shen Zhuoyan nodded. "Wait no more?"

"No." Mo Yunxi raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes. "Xiaochi, she... definitely wants to be alone with Ah Tang for a while, they must have a lot to talk about. It's not good for us to interrupt there."

"Okay. Let's go home." Shen Zhuoyan held Mo Yunxi's hand tightly, wrapped her cool palm in his palm, and led her forward.

It was just at the gate of the cemetery that Mo Yunxi saw Eden secretly wiping away tears.In an instant, Mo Yunxi broke free from Shen Zhuoyan's hand and ran towards Eden. "Eden!"

When Eden reacted and wanted to escape, Mo Yunxi was already in front of her. She pulled Eden's arm, raised her right hand high, and slapped Eden hard on the face. "Are you still qualified to come here?! Eden! You are Xiaochi's manager! How could you treat her like this?! How could you let her accompany you for a drink! She is still a child!"

Eden was slapped by Mo Yunxi, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he covered his face and cried, crying very sadly. "I'm sorry...I, I'm sorry...I don't know what happened, so I just believed Xia Yi's words. I'm sorry for An Chi...I'm sorry for her..."

"How could you do this to Xiaochi? Ah?!" Mo Yunxi's hands were tightly grabbing Eden's clothes, trying to pull her hands away from her face. "Back then you brought together two artists, Xiao Chi and Xia Yi, and you only focused on Xia Yi. Xiao Chi, you didn't even ask. I tried to persuade her to change her manager several times, but she was afraid of you, afraid of embarrassing you. Refuse to change! She said that you are a good person, but you are too busy to take care of her! But what about you?! You actually asked her to accompany you! Eden, what good did Xia Yi do to you! Let you push Xiao Chi into that hell with your own hands! Tell me! Tell me!"

What saddened Mo Yunxi the most was that later she asked Shen Zhuoyan why Tong Anchi committed suicide by jumping off the building.Shen Zhuoyan was silent for a long time before he half-hesitatingly told her that it was because Tong Anchi was taken to drink with him, someone put medicine in Tong Anchi's wine, and then...Xiaochi was ruined just like that.After disappearing for a day, in the end they only sent a text message to Mo Yunxi and Atang respectively, and resolutely jumped down from the top floor of LKK.

At that time, Mo Yunxi was stunned for a long time.Such things are actually commonplace in the entertainment industry.In order to get ahead, sell yourself.But her little Chi, in order to preserve the last trace of her dignity, resolutely embarked on this road of no return.And at that moment, Mo Yunxi's shock was hundreds of times greater than heartache.

Eden also cried very sadly, she almost collapsed on the ground, she cried and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I know it's all my fault. Xia Yi went to the royal family, and the businessman invested in making a movie. I still have contact with Xia Yi in private, so she came to me. I think it's good for An Chi. It's a good opportunity, so... I agreed to her to go. But I didn't expect... the boss later said that if An Chi is not allowed to accompany, then let, let you accompany - the boss also knows about this! The boss..."

Then, before Eden finished speaking, Shen Zhuoyan strode forward and pulled her away. "Eden! Shut up!"

But it was too late.Mo Yunxi's face was pale at this time, she looked at Shen Zhuoyan in disbelief, her eyes widened, staring at him firmly.After a while, he asked in a trembling voice. "What she it true?" Then, Mo Yunxi's hoarse voice was tinged with astringency, she was breathing quickly, and she could hardly stop the sour and sharp pain in her heart Pain. "You know about knew it from the beginning?! Do you know why you let Xiao Chi go to drink with you?! Shen Zhuoyan, you lied to me?! What kind of face do you want me to face Xiao Chi again!"

"Yunxi, it's not like this, listen to my explanation!" Seeing that Mo Yunxi was on the verge of collapse, Shen Zhuoyan didn't care so much, and dragged her half into the car, "Listen to me Let me explain to you, okay?"

Mo Yunxi's pupils were red now, she looked deeply at Shen Zhuoyan for a while, and finally closed her eyes. "Tell me why you knew it, but didn't stop it."

"Yunxi, you know that this kind of thing is too common in the entertainment industry. It's normal for female artists to accompany them to dinner. Tong An will have to face these things sooner or later. You can't protect her for the rest of her life. The reason why I didn't stop her , because I thought it was just a simple meal. I didn't expect that An Chi would be drugged, let alone that she would..." Shen Zhuoyan could only sigh in the end, unable to say anything.

"You thought it was a simple dinner...then why didn't you let me go?" Mo Yunxi's eyes moved slightly, the black ink in them was scary. "Didn't he say that it could be me instead of An Chi? Since you already knew, why didn't you let me accompany you?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Shen Zhuoyan's face suddenly darkened. "As my woman, how can you drink with them?!"

"Then Xiao Chi is also Ah Tang's girlfriend, why did you ask her to accompany her for a drink?!" Mo Yunxi raised his voice suddenly.There was a sudden silence in the car. "It would have been nice if you didn't agree at the time. If you didn't agree, what Xiaochi lost was just a chance to play, but you didn't say anything... What Xiaochi lost was her life—" Mo Yun Xi shed tears and let out a long sigh. "Shen Zhuoyan, do you want me to hate myself, or you..."

Then, Mo Yunxi raised his hand, pushed open the door, and got out of the car.Shen Zhuoyan subconsciously wanted to catch her, but he didn't. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to apologize to Xiao Chi. You go back, I don't want to see you now."

In the next second, the car door was closed with a muffled 'bang'.At that moment, Shen Zhuoyan suddenly felt that his heart was empty, and Mo Yunxi was getting further and further away.

(End of this chapter)

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