Chapter 25
After that, Mo Yunxi has been avoiding Shen Zhuoyan.

I don't see him, and I don't answer his calls.She asked Xiao Chongyun to fill up his announcements.And soon took a play.It's a period drama.When Xiao Chongyun brought the script to her for the first time, Mo Yunxi was still hesitating whether to agree or not, because the actor she was going to cooperate with in this play was Lu Jinnian, and the one she was going to play was a little girl from the Demon Cult. Hierarch.

But now, Mo Yunxi just wanted to be away from Shen Zhuoyan for a while, so that he would not think about him or see him.In this way, she would be less sad, less self-blaming, and less guilty and guilty towards Tong Anchi.Therefore, Mo Yunxi asked Xiao Chongyun to take over the play.

After Shen Zhuoyan knew about it, he didn't express anything, but just nodded to show that he already knew about it.

The bright red costume was put on Mo Yunxi with the help of three assistants.

When the last gauze was put on, it was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.Mo Yunxi's long hair was tied up high, with a blood-colored coral hairpin slanted on top of it.Looking at his own attire in the mirror, Mo Yunxi narrowed his eyes slightly.The bright red clothes made Mo Yunxi's pale complexion more beautiful, like ceramics, showing her indifference.Those shining eyes seemed to cast countless reflections, as if they were about to dazzle others.

The upturned corners of her eyes showed a pair of bright eyes that were as deep as ink, with a little charm.

The little assistant who saw her changing her clothes couldn't help but bend down, and respectfully called out 'Master Sheng'an'.

When Mo Yunxi appeared on the set with a bone fan in his hand, he surprised almost everyone.

"Master Sheng'an!" Someone really shouted at Mo Yunxi.Mo Yunxi was also unambiguous, turned over the bone fan in his hand, and lifted it lightly. "No." Then everyone burst into laughter.

Director Yu looked Mo Yunxi up and down for a while, then nodded. "Not bad. This time it has improved a lot, and it looks more comfortable than last time." Just as he finished speaking, Lu Jinnian's voice came from behind him.

"Yun Xi. You look so beautiful." His voice was so close that people couldn't ignore it even if they wanted to.

Mo Yunxi turned around, squinted at Lu Jinnian, and chuckled. "It's absurd, but Senior Brother Lu is still suave and suave, and Yushu is facing the wind."

Lu Jinnian pursed his lips and looked at Mo Yunxi for a while, but said nothing.

Filming started soon.This is a fight at a martial arts conference.Mo Yunxi took the congregation of the Hanyi Palace, dressed up as dancers and ordinary knights, and entered, and then carried out a thorough fight.

"Okay. Take your seats, are you ready?" Director Yu yelled with a tweeter.After getting the actor's response, Director Yu made a gesture. "Okay, 3, 2, 1, start shooting!"

The black hair and the corners of the clothes fluttered lightly.

The entire set was almost eerily quiet.Director Yu raised his hand and made a close-up motion.

On the screen, Mo Yunxi swung the carved jade bone fan in his hand, and slammed it down in the air. They all looked fierce.

In fact, Mo Yunxi had already practiced these movements with Wu Zhi too many times. Although the clothes are a bit heavy now, it does not affect Mo Yunxi's performance at all.

After she stopped the remaining few coherent slashes, she made a closing movement.

The white-printed bone fan opened with a 'swish', covering half of her face, squinting at the righteous martial arts people below the stage who were dumbfounded, full of momentum, but charming eyes.

This fan dance almost amazed everyone on the set!However, the whole drama has just begun.

Mo Yunxi flipped her wrist, she closed her fan with a 'snap', looked down at the audience, and smiled. "Today's martial arts, it seems that everyone has gathered." When she was speaking, her eyes were fixed on Lu Jinnian who was far away from her.It was as if her gaze could travel through time, space and distance, and truly look at his face. "That's just right, it's not in vain for my Hanyi sect to gather here!"

As soon as these words came out, all the 'champions' in the audience panicked. "They are witches from the Cold Clothes Palace!"

"Hahahahaha." Mo Yunxi looked up to the sky and laughed, and finally stopped laughing, and looked at them with a cold snort, his eyes were quite disdainful. "We are witches, so what are you?! Could it be that the so-called decent people only slaughter these orphans and weak women who are much weaker than you?!" Mo Yunxi opened the bone fan in his hand and shook it in front of his body. Then she raised her finger and pointed in Lu Jinnian's direction. "Gu Qu! How long are you going to hide there?! Today is the day of life and death between you and me! How long are you going to delay?!"

"Give Lu Jinnian a close-up." Director Yu instructed the cameraman of the No. [-] camera.

The camera zooms in slowly.I saw a pampering and indulgent expression on Lu Jinnian's face, but mixed with helplessness and pain. "Han Yi, why are you still unwilling to give up? Do you have to see the blood in the rivers and lakes before you give up?"

A hint of hatred suddenly appeared on Mo Yunxi's face, she stared at Lu Jinnian fiercely, and then sneered after a while. "It's none other than you blood-stained rivers and lakes! It's you sanctimonious hypocrites! Gu Qu, the lives of 130 people who died in Hanyi Palace! Today, you will pay for your debts with blood in your stool!"

In an instant, the bone fan in Mo Yunxi's hand closed, and her face was stained with a touch of resolute beauty and despair!

"Very good! Card!" Director Yu made a decision.

Director Yu was very satisfied with the shooting of the last one today, so he kept nodding. "Come on, today is Chinese New Year's Eve, everyone will go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers. After leaving the film crew, go back to celebrate the New Year. But let's make it right first, come back to me after the first day of the new year, my place But no one can be missing. Give you two days off, get out."

With a burst of cheers, the staff of the crew began to pack up the things in their hands.

Mo Yunxi was stunned.It turns out that today is New Year's Eve.She stopped there for a while, then turned and walked towards the dressing room.But he didn't see Lu Jinnian not far away, who kept looking at her.

Coming out of the dressing room, Mo Yunxi also gave Xiao Chongyun two days off.In the end Xiao Chongyun invited Mo Yunxi to go home with him to celebrate the New Year, but Mo Yunxi shook his head and refused. "Go back, I'm used to it by myself. Happy New Year." Mo Yunxi took the car keys from Xiao Chongyun and smiled at him.

"Well, since you have decided so, I will not force you. Happy New Year."

Sitting in the cab, Mo Yunxi waved to Xiao Chongyun, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away slowly.

She was driving aimlessly on the street, staring ahead, but her mind was blank.When I noticed it, there were very few cars on the dark street.So when Mo Yunxi's car was driving on the street, he felt a deep sense of loneliness.

The surrounding is very quiet.There was no wind and no pedestrians.Cars are rarely seen on the street.

The city lifted its ban on fireworks three years ago.So occasionally, you can see the fireworks exploding in the sky.It shines on the car, flashing and flashing.

Mo Yunxi suddenly didn't want to go back to the apartment.Now her apartment is safe.But even so, Mo Yunxi still didn't want to go back.Anyway, I was alone, so it didn't make much difference whether I went back or not.

There are no paparazzi around, at this time, even the paparazzi have to go home for the New Year.And Mo Yunxi drove around the streets by himself.

She was aimless and didn't know where she was going to drive the car.However, when she saw that everything around her seemed familiar, when she stopped the car, she actually found that she had driven the car to the apartment complex where she once lived with Lu Jinnian.

The neighborhood is very quiet.The lights of some residents are turned off, some are because this is a high-end main house, and some have not been sold yet.Part of it is because I went home for the New Year.Only a small fraction of the lights were still on.

Mo Yunxi was surprised, but also got out of the car.The air here is fine, she knows.So, she chose to come down and take a walk to relax.

Occasionally, there are children running and laughing in the community, running past one after another.Mo Yunxi would stop, look at their small figures, then show a smile and continue walking forward.

Slowly, Mo Yunxi's footsteps stopped.She raised her head, stood at the corner of the building and looked at a certain apartment upstairs, but was surprised to find that the lights there were actually on.Mo Yunxi looked there in a daze, a little dazed.There was Lu Jinnian's apartment.

Mo Yunxi remembered that she used to spend several Spring Festivals in this apartment.Every time, she would prepare a table of meals and wait for Lu Jinnian to come back.He didn't see him push open the door of the apartment until all the food was cold.

After that, she became wiser, no longer waiting, no longer having expectations, and no longer having any illusions.

Now that he would come here unknowingly, Mo Yunxi laughed at himself.This deep-rooted habit is really terrible.

It's just that she really didn't think of it.

At this time, there was actually someone in the apartment.The light is on, which means the owner is at home.Mo Yunxi lowered her eyes, she didn't feel much.I was just thinking, in fact, if Lu Jinnian had only turned back once among the few waiting times, then she would not be so sad, so dead-hearted, and thus determined.It's just that the past is unbearable, let alone look back.

Mo Yunxi withdrew his gaze and lowered his head.He took a few steps back, and when he was about to leave, there was a faint sound behind him.The moment she was about to turn around, someone hugged her from behind, and her back was firmly embedded in a warm embrace.

"Yunxi... I knew you would come back. Yunxi..." The familiar smell of perfume came from behind, which made Mo Yunxi's face slightly changed.

For a moment, she panicked.But soon calmed down, she broke free from this embrace, turned around, took a step back, and opened the distance between her and him.The voice-activated light in the hall suddenly went out, but there was still light outside.In this faint light, Mo Yunxi raised his head and looked at the person in front of him.

At Lu Jinnian's feet was a bag of what looked like ingredients.Like going shopping.

Mo Yunxi remembered that there was a convenience store near this neighborhood, and the items in it were very fresh and complete.

Lu Jinnian looked at Mo Yunxi with strange eyes.It was a look full of nostalgia and affection.It was mixed with surprise and deep regret.

"Brother Lu." Mo Yunxi said. "Why are you here?"

Lu Jinnian's expression turned ugly for a moment.However, he quickly recovered and still looked at Mo Yunxi with that affectionate look. "This is our home, have you forgotten?"

"..." Mo Yunxi frowned. "I didn't know this was Brother Lu's home."

Then when Mo Yunxi wanted to speak again, Lu Jinnian interrupted her again. "Then why did you come here?" However, when Lu Jinnian's voice came out, it was obviously gentle.This is completely different from the appearance he had in Mo Yunxi's impression. "Yunxi, you're finally back, come on, let's go home. Let me cook dumplings for you today, okay? Your favorite shrimp dumpling, I'll cook it for you today, okay? Look, I've already bought them material."

When Mo Yunxi heard what Lu Jinnian said, he panicked for a moment.She thought that Lu Jinnian had fallen into a kind of paranoia now.Taking a step back nervously, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground shook the lights in the balcony.

Then, Mo Yunxi saw that Lu Jinnian's face was as usual, but his words seemed to be speaking to another person through himself.

"Senior Brother Lu, it's getting late, I have to go back. Goodbye."

Mo Yunxi almost wanted to run away, but just when she was about to turn around, she heard Lu Jinnian suddenly say something.

"Yun Xi, don't you want to see if our home is still the same as when you left?"

These words almost nailed Mo Yunxi in place in shock.Lu Jinnian seemed to sigh, he walked over and put his hand on Mo Yunxi's shoulder. "I know it's you, Yunxi. No more hiding, no more hiding or covering up. I'm sure it must be you."

When Lu Jinnian said this, his fingers brushed over Mo Yunxi's hair.

"You are used to using the same shampoo, you have the same body wash scent as before, and you wear the same brand of clothes." Lu Jinnian laughed as he said in a low voice. "This is a habit you have when you are with me. This is a memory you and I share together. If you deny it again, then Yunxi, tell me, why do you know this apartment? You know, this is my The apartment prepared for you, in fact, apart from me and Lydia, no one knew that there was such a property under my name. How would you know?"

When Mo Yunxi was about to speak, Lu Jinnian smiled softly. "Don't say that you are here to visit a friend. I have had someone check Mo Yunxi's identity. She is withdrawn and weak by nature, and has no friends. But you, it seems that your personality has changed more than a little bit. If you It can be denied, then Yunxi, can you tell me why the tricks of hanging wire you taught those actors in the film crew are exactly the same as when you taught me?"

Upon hearing these words, Mo Yunxi suddenly opened his eyes wide, his pupils constricted suddenly, and his breath froze.

Lu Jinnian seemed to have confirmed Mo Yunxi's identity, and didn't want to give her a chance to refute.

Mo Yunxi didn't move, nor did he look back.She squinted her eyes and thought for a long time.Finally gave up. "Don't you think it's weird or scary? Lu Jinnian." Raising his hand, Mo Yunxi's fingers covered Lu Jinnian's wrist on his shoulder, and took his hand off his shoulder. "Dead people can come back to life. Change the body and appearance. Don't you think it's creepy?"

Lu Jinnian's hands trembled a little.He didn't seem to believe that Mo Yunxi would admit it at all.For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

Mo Yunxi raised the corners of her lips and smiled, she turned around and looked at Lu Jinnian calmly.

"Don't you just want me to admit it? I'm Du Yunxi. I admit it." There was no trace of panic on Mo Yunxi's face.She was no longer afraid, no longer afraid of being discovered by Lu Jinnian, because she had nothing to lose anymore.

"Yuanxi..." For a moment, Lu Jinnian's eyes became obsessed and complicated. "You're back, Yunxi, it's really you!"

When he wanted to go forward to hug Mo Yunxi, but Mo Yunxi took a step back to avoid him. "I'm right, but I won't come back. Lu Jinnian, don't you understand? Why do I hide from you, I don't want you to see through my identity."

Lu Jinnian's breathing stopped.He looked at Mo Yunxi with complicated eyes. "No, Yunxi, don't lose your temper with me anymore. Wouldn't it be good to go home with me? I took you home from the hospital that day, and you slept soundly in my arms. At that time, I said , when the time comes, I will wake you up, as long as you don't stay up. Yunxi, now that you are awake, come home with me. We celebrate the Spring Festival together, and we can always be together in the future. No one else able to separate us..."

Mo Yunxi pulled the corner of his lips and showed a wry smile. "Lu Jinnian, until now, do you still think that we will separate because of others? Who is it because of, He Yinyin or Lydia? Why don't you find the reason in yourself?" After a pause, Mo Yunxi looked directly at his face. Eye. "Besides, I remember that I said before that day that I will leave you and break up with you. Have you forgotten why I fell into He Yinyin's hands?"

Mo Yunxi's question made Lu Jinnian's throat choke.

He did not forget.That's because Yun Xi wanted to break up with him at that time.He refused, but wanted to teach her a lesson, so he didn't go home for a long time, and he didn't talk to her.No calls or texts from her.Even the last text message asking for help was regarded by Lu Jinnian as a way for her to bow her head.It's just that he didn't expect that he made a mistake once and made a mistake for the rest of his life.

"Yunxi, I was wrong, I was really wrong. Please forgive me. I really love you." Lu Jinnian explained urgently. "You don't know how long I've been sad, you don't know, when I saw you lying in Mu Yan's arms covered in blood, I almost collapsed! Yun Xi..."

"Lu Jinnian." Mo Yunxi interrupted him, and when he turned his gaze to Lu Jinnian, he suddenly became a little sad and pitiful. "At that time, I heard you calling He Yinyin. You were discussing where to travel after the Golden Luan Award, weren't you?" When Mo Yunxi said this, Lu Jinnian's expression changed.However, Mo Yunxi finally sighed, with a sad expression on his face. "Actually, I've always wanted to ask you, Lu Jinnian, what have you taken me for all these years? Are you with me only for the spot in the key training of LKK? If that's the case, actually, you don't have to It took so much trouble to get myself included. As long as you say it, at that time, as long as you say it, I will willingly hold the spot in front of you with both hands. Really."

"Yuxi, I—" Lu Jinnian felt a lump in his throat. "I love you..."

Mo Yunxi smiled wryly and shook his head.She let out a long sigh. "No, you don't love. What you love is actually just yourself."

Then, Mo Yunxi blinked slightly, lowered his head slightly, and walked outside.When passing by Lu Jinnian and brushing shoulders with him, Lu Jinnian grabbed his arm.Mo Yunxi stopped, didn't speak, and didn't shake off his palm.

"Even if I know I'm wrong, can't you come back?" Lu Jinnian's voice was hoarse. "Yunxi, can you understand that I am amplifying my guess a little bit, implying that you didn't have the mood when you died? Can you really...can you be so decisive and stop loving me?"

"I loved you. But when I loved you, did you ever think about my feelings?" Mo Yunxi lowered his head slightly, and answered calmly.

Lu Jinnian's fingers tightened a little.The expression is a little painful. "I loved it... so I don't love it anymore, right? You fell in love with someone else? Shen Zhuoyan?"

Mo Yunxi shook his head. "These have nothing to do with you. Lu Jinnian. Let go, as I said, I will never come back."

(End of this chapter)

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