Chapter 185 Assistant
Ji Mo didn't follow, because he was forced too quickly, he was afraid that he would become angry with shame, and even more afraid that he would run away from home with his proud self-control.

The next day, when Lei Yu packed herself up and left the room, Ji Mo was already laying out breakfast. The first time she saw Ji Mo, she couldn't help thinking of the passionate kiss last night in her mind, and her face began to blush.

Feeling the heat on her cheeks, afraid of being seen by Ji Mo, she quickly adjusted her breathing, controlled her heart rate, and brought herself back to normal.

Ji Mo didn't notice her abnormality, and while handing her her favorite steamed stuffed bun, he said, "I've arranged two assistants for you, and they'll be here later, you can meet them."

Lei Yu took a bite of the hot bun, squinted his eyes enjoying it, and asked Ji Mo after he finished eating the bun in his mouth, "Why do you want to arrange an assistant for me?"

"Have you forgotten how sensational your solar cells are?" Ji Mo asked without answering.

After I thought about it, I nodded suddenly. The solar cell they developed can be said to be a breakthrough in this industry. There will definitely be many companies coming to their door one after another to buy their patents.

In this way, it is necessary to arrange assistants to handle these trivial matters for her. She only needs to do her own academic research with peace of mind, and she doesn't need to worry too much. Moreover, there is no doubt about the ability of the assistants arranged by Jimo for her, and there is no need to doubt her sincerity. , he even solved the problem of trust.

"Then why are there two? Isn't one enough?" Idle Yu asked again, she guessed that she didn't have too many things to deal with, maybe two would be a little too much.

Ji Mo smiled, "You will know in a while."

Freely pouted, what kind of mystery should you keep when you can see him right away?

Not long after the two of them finished their breakfast, the doorbell rang at the right time. I was thinking that the assistant Jimo had mentioned should have arrived, and ran to open the door first.

As soon as the door opened, two tall women with very different temperaments came into view.

One of them was wearing a capable black suit, and the temperament of an elite was undoubtedly revealed.The other is in a streamlined sportswear, with the same aura as Ji Mo, which is the aura of a soldier.

Both of them are not too beautiful, but because of their temperament, they still look very pleasing to the eye.

It's just that these two people with completely different temperaments get together, and the impression is really strange.

Xianyu let the two into the room, and then closed the door behind him.

Ji Mo pointed to the woman in a suit and said to Xianyu: "Liu Han, your assistant." After speaking, he pointed to the woman in sportswear, "Du Xing, your bodyguard."

"Huh?? Bodyguard? Why do you arrange a bodyguard for me?" Idle Yu asked suspiciously.

"I don't want what happened last time to happen again." Ji Mo said solemnly.

That kidnapping was enough to make him terrified, and with the continuous release of new achievements, she will become more and more dazzling and dangerous.He had been looking for a suitable person who could protect her personally before, but such a person was not easy to find, so before he found him, he had arranged for someone to protect her in the dark, without letting her find out.

Now that the person has been found, he and his assistant sent it to her.

Liu Han is one of Lin Zhi's deputies, and his professional ability is beyond doubt. Before being sent to Xianyu's side, Liu Han went through a thorough investigation. It can be said that the eighteen generations of his ancestors have been thoroughly investigated.

As for Du Xing, she was a female special soldier who had been trained under him and her net worth was clean enough. Later, she was discharged from the army due to family reasons, so he hired her to be his spare bodyguard.

When I heard what Jimo said last time, I naturally understood that she was kidnapped by gangsters arranged by Mu Ying, and I understood Jimo's worry about her, but... she really doesn't need a bodyguard, and it's not convenient .

"Isn't it appropriate? I'm in school during the day, either doing experiments or studying writing papers, and I'm with you at night, so why do I need bodyguards?" I tried to understand with emotion, "And in It's too high-profile to have a bodyguard around the school."

Who goes to school with a bodyguard, the stars are not as eye-catching as her.

"My vacation is coming to an end. I need someone to protect you when I'm not here." Jimo was unwavering and did not change his mind because of her persuasion.

"I'll go back to school and live after your vacation is over. Zhou Mei and the others come and go, and I don't need bodyguards." She really didn't want to show off with a bodyguard all day long, not to mention the inconvenience, it was really too high-profile.

Ji Mo saw her reluctance, thinking that what she said was indeed true, and the safety in the school could still be guaranteed, so he didn't want to force her anymore, so he took a step back and said, "I will arrange for her to live near the school. She doesn't have to follow in school, but you must let her accompany you after school."

Ji Mo's tone was extremely firm. I knew that there was no room for discussion on this matter, so I could only agree.

As long as she doesn't follow her every step of the way in the school, Ji Mo has regressed, and she can't go too far, and she can't let him be distracted and worry about his personal safety while performing tasks.

After that, Xian Yu and Liu Han and Du Xing got to know each other for a while, and gave Liu Han the accounts of everyone in the team and the check for the million-dollar bonus, and asked her to distribute the bonus to everyone, and then let the two go back separately. She doesn't need them yet.

After the two left, Ji Mo sent Lei Yu to school, and then went to the military area by himself.

When Xian Yu returned to the dormitory, all three of them were there, eating breakfast leisurely, seeing Xian Yu coming, he asked her if she wanted something to eat, but Xian Yu ruthlessly refused.

She took her own computer and turned it on, and after a while there was a burst of typing, she was perfecting her thesis.

She had already started writing this thesis when the experiment started. With the end of the experiment, the thesis gradually gained content and skeleton, and became full. At this moment, it is almost finished.

"Boss, can you slow down!! We are still eating, and you start writing papers, don't you have any humanity!" Zhao Tian cried out. After finishing the experiment, they couldn't let them eat with peace of mind. Have breakfast?
Without raising his head, Xianyu said: "You eat yours, I write mine, and there is no conflict. Besides, I have other things to do after I finish writing, so I don't have time to take care of your feelings."

Zhou Mei became interested, and asked with interest: "What project are you going to start again?"

Shaking his head in leisure time, he focused on two tasks, and answered Zhou Mei while typing: "I have something to study, why, do you want to come too?"

"What do you want to study again?" Zhao Tian's eyes widened. Is there any mistake? The competition was over yesterday, and today I'm thinking about researching new things. Don't the bosses need to rest?
"Holography and Virtual Reality."

It was only after a little understanding that I found out that what I told Ji Mo was not comprehensive. Holographic technology belongs to optoelectronic information engineering, which focuses on visual effects, while virtual reality focuses on sensory experience.In order to realize holographic technology similar to Interstellar, which can be applied not only in film and television entertainment, but also in military fields such as immersive games and aerospace, it is necessary to thoroughly study virtual reality and holographic technology together.

(End of this chapter)

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