Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 186 Arrogant President Yuan

Chapter 186 Arrogant President Yuan

As soon as Idle Yu said this, the three people who were quite interested waved their hands quickly, "No, no, you can study it slowly."

I really can't afford to provoke.

They have only one brain, and they have exhausted all their energy to develop in the field of energy and power engineering and to dabble in the field of biopharmaceuticals. They really can't bear the photoelectric information engineering, and they have more energy than energy.

Lei Yuben just asked casually, seeing that they refused, he didn't say much, and continued to type his thesis.

Seeing that she didn't pull them together, the other three breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that Lei Yu would look down on them, so they insisted on pulling them to study together.

"How is your thesis going?" Lei Yu was concerned about the situation of the three of them while improving his thesis.

"It's not as fast as you. I just made a framework, and there are still many things to be completed." Zhao Tian said with a little sadness, "And it's about to take the final exam, and I have to endorse it."

Obviously, we did experiments together and wrote papers together. Although the direction is different, there are too many of them in the spare time. She is almost finished writing, and half of them have not arrived. The problem is that spare time can be completed without preparation. No. 1 in the dominance test, as expected, still can't compare with the big guys.

Hearing the indignation in Zhao Tian's tone, I leisurely sprinkled salt in her heart, "I compare myself to others, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable."

"It's piercing my heart!!" Zhao Tian howled, and then was too lazy to take care of herself, chewing the breakfast in her mouth to vent her anger.

In fact, it is not necessary to go back to school to write a thesis in spare time, but Zhou Mei and the three of them have no tutor to guide them. In the process of writing the thesis, there will always be more or less problems of one kind or another. Answer their questions.

I wrote about Xianyu all morning. Just after taking a nap, I received a call from a stranger. The caller first politely reported his family name, explained his intentions, and then said that his boss wanted to meet with Xianyu.

Lei Yu directly declined, because the other party was the secretary of the president of ST's Huaguo District, and the purpose of meeting her was to buy her patent, but it was impossible for her to sell this patent to ST.

Hearing her firm tone, the other party gave up after a little persuasion.

But it's not really giving up, it can only be said to give up and start with spare time.After all, this patent is not owned by Lei Yu alone. This patent belongs to the team patent. I can't do it here. You can ask other team members.

So, after he was free, Bai Lei also received a call from ST, and also politely reported his home and stated the purpose of the call, wanting to meet him.After a set of procedures, the reply I got was exactly the same as that of Lei Yu, and I didn't consider selling it to ST.

The secretary didn't believe this evil, and called the other people in the team one by one. Within an hour, Zhou Mei, Liu Jia, and Zhao Tian received calls from this person in front of Xian Yu.

When the last phone call was hung up, he had been refused to vent his anger.It's okay for one person to reject him, but ten people have rejected him. If he still doesn't understand, he is really stupid.

It's clear that the whole team has negotiated not to sell the patent to ST, and the person who decides here may be their captain, Xianyu.

Helpless, he had no choice but to report the matter to his superior truthfully. The other party was not even willing to meet with them, apparently he was not even willing to discuss it.

The secretary felt that he had done his best and should not be harshly criticized, but unexpectedly, he was still criticized for being stupid.

Afterwards, the president took him directly to Q University, where he found the spare counselor Zeng Jing.

Lei Yu received a message from the class monitor saying that the counselor was still a little puzzled when she was looking for her, because the counselor would not look for her if there was nothing to do. She wondered if there was a company that wanted to buy her patent, so she contacted her through the counselor.

But what she didn't understand was why didn't these people come to her directly?After yesterday's competition, she seemed to have been exposed to the public. It shouldn't be difficult for those companies to contact her, so they wouldn't have to go around to the counselor.

With this suspicion in mind, Xianyu walked to the door of Zeng Jing's office, but the door was not closed, so Xianyu knocked on the door and went in.

Besides Zeng Jing, there are two other men in the office. One is slightly potbellied, with glossy hair and a lot of pomade. .

"Mr. Zeng, are you looking for me?" After looking at the two men in leisure time, he turned to Zeng Jing.

"It's not me looking for you, it's these two gentlemen looking for you. They want to buy your patent."

Zeng Jing felt that her views on Xianyu were becoming more and more complicated now. She watched this girl whom she was not optimistic about prove her strength step by step, climbed higher and higher, and gradually climbed to a height that she needed to look up to , I can't tell what it's like in my heart, I just want to be out of sight and out of mind.

However, this girl's sense of existence is too strong. A competition made her a famous master student in Q university, and people keep meeting Xianyu through her, which made her unable to avoid it.

After talking about Zeng Jing's words, Xian Yu looked at the two middle-aged men who were sitting still, "Who are you two?"

The subordinate who answered her was the less imposing subordinate: "Miss Xian, we just talked on the phone not long ago. This is my boss, Mr. Yuan, the president of ST Huaguo. I am Mr. Yuan's secretary, and my surname is Yang." Secretary Yang First introduced his boss, Mr. Yuan, and then introduced himself.

"Secretary Yang, I thought I made it very clear on the phone." Lei Yu said calmly.

Now Secretary Yang stopped talking, and handed over the right to speak to his boss, Mr. Yuan.

"Miss Xian, why don't you think about it again. Our ST is not comparable to other companies in terms of strength and capital. I believe you are a smart person. You should know how to choose to maximize the interest, right?" Mr. Yuan said calmly. , there was an arrogance in his tone that couldn't be concealed.

"But what should I do? I'm more patriotic." Lei Yu crossed his arms, looked at the so-called President Yuan with a half-smile, and replied in the same arrogant tone.

As the idle voice fell, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became tense, "It's right for young people to be patriotic, but it's just a patent, so it's not related to patriotism. It's not good to be on the line like this."

Mr. Yuan felt that as the person in charge of ST Huaguo District and a dignified president, it was already a great honor for her to condescend to come to Leisurely to discuss patent matters in person, but this person is still very unscrupulous. He was a little annoyed.

"Isn't this business about what you want and what you want? Why do I look at Mr. Yuan as if he wants to buy and sell by force?" Lei Yu was not a pawn, so he directly asked Mr. Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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