Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 195 Tragic Contrast

Chapter 195 Tragic Contrast

"Beautiful cultural relics are very attractive, but the little brothers and sisters who talk about cultural relics are also very attractive. I really like this feeling of knowing history and cultural relics. I have decided that I will fill in the history major for my college entrance examination next year. .”

"I also decided to take the history major. These cultural relics and history are really intoxicating. What is even more intoxicating is that I can get in close contact with them and be able to cherish them."

"How do you say that sentence, I have poetry and books in my stomach, and I watched the live broadcast with my parents. My mother kept saying that the temperament of my little brothers and sisters is the temperament of poetry and books, and it made me also Consider a history major."

"Reading history can be wise. To be honest, studying history can really precipitate and enlighten a person."

"After you say that, I feel that the major of history is indeed very attractive."

"If you major in history and can work in a museum in the future, and get along with these cultural relics day and night, I think I can."


There are many similar comments, most of which are positive. Although it deviates from She Wei’s profession as a teacher, learning history is also the root of learning Huaguo. After you come out, you can not only engage in research and protection of traditional cultural relics, but also be a history teacher It's not too far behind, Sheng Jisen is still very satisfied in general.

The two days that belonged to She Wei passed by in a flash, and judging from the response on Weibo, it was still very good. During this period, such things as #长在美丽上的文章#, #历史这个每奇起的专业#, #古人的女儿心# , #我可以见她生日送钟#, #国家的高贵# and other headlines are frequently searched, making many passers-by who haven’t followed the live broadcast interested in this variety show.

And those people who moved to "Qinqi, Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea" began to beat their chests, why did they switch to other live broadcasts, and missed such a beautiful cultural relic!

And don't look at the "Qin Qi Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea" program if it has a good idea. The guests invited also have backgrounds, but the atmosphere of the program is really bad. Otherwise, the live broadcast is regarded as a personal show, playing the piano vigorously, it sounds good, but the problem is that it is boring to play all the time, not to mention that many people can't appreciate these music at all.

During the evening break, Sheng Jisen looked at the comparison of the two variety shows released by the major marketing accounts on Weibo and laughed mockingly. Seeing that Shengxing Film and Television accepted such a popular and professional variety show, Louyu Film and Television immediately followed suit, and also Everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's intentions for planning a variety show with lofty intentions, and also deliberately uploading it to broadcast at the same time as them.

It's just a pity that the concept and creativity of the variety show "Qinqi, Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea" are excellent. It was an idea that could explode, but it ended up being ruined in the hands of Louyu Film and Television. Pity.

Compared with Sheng Jisen's spring breeze and horseshoe disease, the head of Louyu Film and Television, Xianyu's ex-father Xianlou is not upright at this time.

The development of domestic film and television entertainment started from the big screen, so Shengxing Film and Television, which made its fortune from the big screen, has firmly established itself as the number one in the entertainment industry.

However, Louyu Film and Television started later than Shengxing Film and Television. At that time, the big screen had no room for Louyu Film and Television to develop, so Louyu Film and Television chose to develop on a small screen. But in the early years, people focused on the big screen, so Their development has been sluggish.

In recent years, people's living standards have improved, everyone has a mobile phone and computer, and every household has a TV, so the small screen has begun to take the mainstream. In addition, the domestic film and television culture has been impacted by foreign countries, and the momentum of the big screen is not so great. Well, this is the chance for Louyu Film and Television to skyrocket.

It's just that no matter how hard you rush, you can't surpass the status of the boss of Shengxing Film and Television. Of course, Xianlou is not reconciled.

Therefore, after Shengxing Film and Television received the "Dream Future" promoted by the state, Louyu Film and Television immediately followed suit and launched "Qin Qi Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea".

I thought I could crush Shengxing Film and Television with this variety show, but in the end, I was crushed mercilessly. You must know that Lou Yu Film and Television wanted to invite those professional people to participate in the variety show, and also to get rid of Shengxing Film and Television. Whether it is guest remuneration or publicity funds, they have spent a lot of money.

Now that the money has been spent, but he has not received the expected return, how can this make him angry.

But what made him even more angry was Xianyu!
If he read correctly, isn't one of the guests in "Dream of the Future" the daughter Xianyu who was kicked out of the house by them? !

After all, the Xian family had raised her for so many years, providing her with delicious food and drink for her to grow up. In the end, she turned around and went to the opposite company of the Xian family to participate in a variety show!He also gained a lot of fans for the strength of "Dream Future", which he absolutely cannot tolerate!

The extremely angry Xian Lou returned home directly from the company, where his wife Zhang Li and daughter Su Lian were leisurely eating fruit and watching TV. Seeing this scene, he was furious!

He was busy working desperately outside, and the two of them sat at home and enjoyed it leisurely, without even knowing what happened outside!
"Zhang Li! How do you usually teach your daughter! Look at the good things your daughter has done!" Xianlou scolded his head and covered his face, and Zhang Li was so frightened that he choked on the fruit and coughed repeatedly.

Su Lian hurriedly got up and helped Zhang Li pat her back, and said to Xianlou while patting, "Dad, what's wrong with you, why are you so angry?" God can't do it?

"I'm ashamed to ask me what's wrong. You mother and daughter are very leisurely. If you care about the company's affairs, you won't come to ask me what's wrong now!" Xianlou didn't have a good look at Su Lian, The sarcasm made Su Lian burst into tears.

It's a pity that Xianlou doesn't feel her tears at all. He is the owner of a film and television company, and there are not many artists under his banner. He is not a loyal and good man. The number of lovers outside can't be counted. He has seen a lot, and tears are the most useless thing for him.

Zhang Li, who had managed to get over it with difficulty, was not a doormat, and immediately confronted Xianlou: "Are you talking about how I taught my daughter? What happened to my daughter? Xiao Lian is gentle and filial. Is it not to your liking? If you don’t say one, two, three today, I’ll never end with you!”

As soon as Xianlou heard it, he knew that Zhang Li had misunderstood, "I'm not talking about Su Lian, I'm talking about Xianyu!"

Spare?Why did you suddenly get idle?Zhang Li and Su Lian looked at each other, completely confused about what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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