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Chapter 196 The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf

Chapter 196 The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf

"It seems that you still don't know the good things your daughter has done. I think your daughter just followed you, ate and used my Xian family's money, and in the end she cheated the Xian family hard. I just raised a white-eyed wolf!" After talking, Xianlou was too lazy to break up with Zhang Li, and ran to the study angrily, he had to find a way to save it quickly, the money was all thrown in, and the company would lose money if he couldn't get it back big.

Being angry at the building, Zhang Li herself was also angry. Being yelled at in front of her daughter did not save her face at all. Now she is not only angry, but also very ashamed.

It's a pity that Xianlou has already gone to the study, and she can't find the master to vent her anger for a while, so she can only divert her attention.Obviously, leisure became her punching bag, she picked up her phone and searched quickly.In the past two days, the popularity of the two variety shows was high, and within a short while, she figured out the ins and outs of everything.

After figuring it out, she was the same as Xianlou, her face was ashen from anger, this wicked girl, it really is better to raise a white-eyed wolf than this beast.

Su Lian, who was on the side, followed her mother to understand the reason why Xianlou was so angry. Seeing that Zhang Li was also angry, she lowered her head and smiled secretly from an angle that others could not see.

To say that when she first came back to Xianyu's house, she didn't have that much hostility towards Xianyu. After all, she still knew right and wrong. Back then, she and Xianyu were helpless little babies, and it was also Xianlou who was dropped. I really can't blame Lei Yu for what his mistress did.

But later when she saw Leisure, when she saw the other person's temperament and beautiful appearance, she admitted that she minded.

Obviously she is the real daughter of Xian's family, and Xian Yu is just a counterfeit, how can she look more beautiful than her, and have temperament?In front of her, as if she was the fake daughter, she was set off inconspicuously.

This was the beginning of her animosity towards Idle.

Later, under her repeated approach, the contradiction between her spare time became deeper and deeper, and became more and more irreconcilable.

She was just slightly jealous, so she wanted to embarrass her a little bit. She has occupied the position of Miss Xian's family for more than ten years. If she embarrass her a little, it's repaying the Xian family's kindness, isn't it?But she wanted to fight against herself, not only did she not honor her approach, but also returned all the embarrassment to herself invariably.

After several times like this, she naturally lost the indifference to Xianyu at the beginning, and now she can't wait to see Xianyu's misfortune, only when she is not doing well, can she be happy.

No, now Xianyu has obviously provoked Xian's father and Xian's mother, without her taking action, the trouble will automatically find Xianyu, and she just needs to watch a good show, and then pretend to be kind and persuade her.

She is still the kind and beautiful Su Lian, and Xianyu will get what she deserves.

Su Lian raised her head after laughing, and comforted Zhang Li softly, the smile on her face was full of worries.

"It's still Xiao Lian, you know how much you love your mother, unlike that white-eyed wolf who has raised Su Lian for more than ten years and doesn't know how to be grateful!" Zhang Li said angrily while holding Su Lian's hand.

"Mom, sister...she may have some difficulties."

"Is there any difficulty that can make her go to Shengxing Film and Television to help deal with Louyu Film and Television! Stop talking for her, she is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!" When it comes to emotional excitement, Zhang Li can't help but use With force, Su Lian's hand turned red.

Su Lian frowned and whispered, drawing Zhang Li's attention back, "Are you okay, little pity? It's all because of my mother's fault, I hurt you." Zhang Li looked at Su Lian's red hand with distress.

To say that Zhang Li treats Su Lian as a daughter, she really loves her to the bone.

The mother's love that was not given to Lei Yu in the past ten years, after meeting Su Lian, poured it all on her without reservation.

Su Lian is extremely useful for this, and has some genuine feelings for Xianmu.In this Xian family, Xian's father's attitude towards his children is dispensable. Compared with his children, he loves himself more.Since Xianmu found Su Lian, she has transformed into an ordinary mother, thinking of Su Lian wholeheartedly.

Comparing the two, Su Lian is not stupid, so he naturally knows whose heart he should grab.

Going back to the idle building in the study, I called the secretary and asked the secretary to arrange it, adjust the broadcast content of "Qin Qi Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea", let the director and screenwriter find a way to make the program more interesting and catch the audience's attention. Eyeballs, on the other hand, he ordered people to make an appointment to meet Xianyu as soon as possible.

To be on the safe side, Xian Lou went out of the study to find Su Lian's mother and daughter, and said to Zhang Li, "You are Xian Yu's mother, you ask her out for me, and let her quit Sheng Xing's variety show no matter what, otherwise you won't be married." Blame me for not thinking about the relationship between father and daughter!"

Zhang Li now understands why Xian Lou is so angry, and also understands the current situation of Lou Yu, so she no longer cares about what Xian Lou just yelled at her just now, and nods her head in agreement. After all, the company is more important.

So she immediately dialed the spare number regardless of the time of day.

She was reading a book in her spare time, and the live broadcast during the day was noisy and busy, which greatly reduced her reading time. After finally being able to read a book quietly at night, the phone started making noise again, which was really annoying.

Without looking at who the other party was, Lei Yu frowned and picked up the phone, "Hello, who is it!" His tone was not very good.

Zhang Li choked on Xianyu's tone before she had time to speak after the call was connected, and immediately yelled back after realizing it: "What's your attitude!"

Lei Yu didn't realize who the other party was, there were question marks all over her forehead, what kind of attitude, what attitude should she have?This person made a phone call with a sense of superiority, right? She was fascinated by the book, and didn't bother to care about it, so she hung up the phone directly.

Here Zhang Li was about to vent a few more words, but the sound of the phone hanging up came from her ear.

She looked at the phone in disbelief, and instead of venting her anger, it surged up exponentially.

Furious, she called the phone again, and she decided that she must scold the white-eyed wolf Xianyu later, so as to alleviate her anger a little bit.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is often not satisfactory, and the machine is shut down in leisure.

Zhang Li didn't believe this evil, and called several times, without exception, there was the sound that the other party had turned off the phone, and she couldn't suppress her anger anymore, she threw the phone out violently, and bluffed Su Lian and Xian Lou beside her. one jump.

Seeing that Zhang Li couldn't get in touch with Xianyu, Xianlou didn't even have the heart to comfort her, and didn't even bother to look at her face anymore, so he slammed the door and walked out.

"Go out to find a lover again! Go out to find a lover again! Go out to find a lover again!" Zhang Li muttered like a man in a daze. Su Lian's hand was once again flushed by her pinching, but this time her whispering did not work again. Pulling back Xianmu's attention, she had no choice but to pull her hand out with all her strength, and then comfort Zhang Li carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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