Chapter 206 Chuan Shen
As if to confirm Li Ziding's conjecture, Lei Yu spoke slowly again: "This person is a person in my friend list. He applied to join the team just now. I think there is one less person, so I agreed. Don't worry. His skills are also good, not worse than mine."

Li Ziding was overwhelmed by her understatement and outrageous tone, for a moment he couldn't care less about starting the game, but asked Xianyu incredulously: "You don't know who the God of Chuan is?"

"Who is it?" Xianyu shook her head innocently. She wanted to ask just now. As soon as this person joined the team, Li Ziding seemed to have taken a stimulant. The excitement was about to bubble, and the others were also shocked. Look, so who the hell is this guy?Should she know?
"Chuan God, you don't even know! How can you not know Chuan God when you play pesticides! Chuan God is the undefeated god of e-sports!" Li Ziding felt that her idol was offended. It doesn't prevent her from worshiping the God of Chuan, so as a fan of God of Chuan, she must stand up for her idol.

"Okay, I see, he is Chuan Shen, the undefeated god of e-sports, so can we start?" I have no intention of arguing, I feel that this Chuan Shen should be Li Ziding's idol, and respect other people's idols She still has the qualities of faith and faith.

Li Ziding was choked by her neither soft nor hard answer, and didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only poke her mouth and click to start the game. If she didn't start the game again, she was afraid that Chuan Shen and others would get impatient and quit. up.

After clicking start, Li Ziding remembered his original intention again, "No, what I want to talk about is not this, I want to ask how you have Chuan Shen's friend!"

Li Ziting was not the only one who was curious about this. Bai Lu, Gao Ran and Xu Han were all very curious. The audience in the live broadcast room were also curious and wanted to get into the screen to ask questions. She Wei and the few onlookers also had time to spare. Waiting for the spare time to answer, they were not curious, they were just watching the excitement.

The much-anticipated Lei Yu recalled the process of adding friends between himself and the Chuan God they were talking about. It seemed that there was nothing special about it. It was just a fight, she and Zhou Mei lost, and then the other party took the initiative to add her as friends.

She felt that this process couldn't be simpler, so she said it very simply.

"You... you actually killed Chuan Shen?!!" Li Ziding was so shocked that his eyeballs almost popped out of the window.

Lei Yu didn't expect Li Ziding to react so much in such a simple process, and nodded blankly, she did kill this Sichuan god with a big dragon, but even so, she still couldn't make a comeback against the wind.

Li Ziding wanted to say something, but the game had started, she could only suppress everything she wanted to say, and started playing the game seriously. This is a game played with idols, and she had to play it seriously.

At the same time, Gao Ran and Bai Lu couldn't help being more serious. Playing games with Chuan Shen must be taken seriously. Only Xian Yu still has that laid-back look, and his expression hasn't changed.

Her appearance caused dissatisfaction among many people who watched the live broadcast.

"This woman is too casual, didn't you see that Gao Ran, who is similar in skill to her, is serious?"

"This is not only casual, but also brazen. Just now he said that Chuan Shen's skills are no worse than hers. Obviously, Chuan Shen dumped her for countless times!"

"If you are lucky enough to kill Chuan Shen once, you think you are not good enough, can you go to heaven?"

"Still pretending not to know about Chuan Shen, this is using Chuan Shen as a pedal, no, I will go to Chuan Shen Weibo to remind Chuan Shen."

"I also went to Weibo, I can't watch Chuan Shen being trampled by such a woman."


There are still many people who reacted the same way. Following Li Ziding's fans, Lei Yu caused dissatisfaction among passers-by, ushering in a wave of hackers all over the Internet.

And Chuan Shen He Peichuan didn't know about all this. He was glad that the opponent he met last time was finally online, so even if the opponent made him wait for a long time before starting the game, he was not impatient at all.

After the game started, Li Ziding behaved extremely obediently from the very beginning, guarding the tower seriously, and resolutely not to hold back his idol.

In addition to guarding the tower, he also found time to type, "Hello idol!"

At this time, the people on the opposite side seemed to realize that this person was Chuan Shenben, and they paid tribute to their idols on public screens.

He Peichuan didn't pay any attention to these strike-ups. He was used to it. Every time he played games with strangers, there would always be someone who would keep chatting up him on the public screen.

But this time it was his turn to strike up a conversation with someone else. He felt that with his own reputation, the other party should give him this face, so he named Lei Yu and asked if he could leave a contact information after the game.

There were so many people who approached Chuan Shen, but Chuan Shen ignored everyone, but favored Xian Yu alone, and immediately Xian Yu attracted everyone's jealousy, and Li Ziding glared at Xian Yu even more.

The corners of Xianyu's brows twitched, what could she say, star fans are irrational, just recall Zhao Tian's nympho when she saw the wall.

Ignoring Li Ziding's jealousy, she didn't reply to He Peichuan in leisure time, she was afraid that if she replied, Li Ziding would hate her even more.

It's a pity that she had a wrong idea. If she returned to He Peichuan, it would indeed make Li Ziding hate her even more, but if she didn't return, Li Ziding would be blown up by her.

"Why don't you go back to Chuan Shen, you go back to him!" Li Ziding angrily and urgently urged Xianyu to reply to her idol quickly, not to make her idol wait in a hurry.

I had no choice but to type a good word on the public screen.

He Peichuan, who received an affirmative reply, didn't say anything more, and started to play the game seriously. He wanted to quickly end this round and get the spare contact information. Such a master should quickly find his team.

He Peichuan ecstatically plays games by himself, and doesn't know the excitement on Weibo, but his teammates are checking Weibo, and in the blink of an eye, Weibo's most popular searches are exploded by their captain.Click in and take a look, good guy, it turns out that the captain of his family has accidentally entered the most popular live variety show "Dream of the Future".

Not caring so much, a carp from his teammate jumped up from the sofa, and hurried to find the captain with his mobile phone.They happened to be training together during this time, so he found the captain easily.

"Captain, you're still playing games. You've been on the top searches, do you know?" The teammates yelled at their captain Qiong Yao.

He Peichuan gave his teammate a look, "Are you having a seizure?" It was already on the trending searches, and it wasn't the first time it was on the trending searches, so what are you making such a fuss about?

He Peichuan's captain prestige is still very high, with a look down, his teammates have calmed down, and they didn't dare to disturb He Peichuan's game, so they had to sit obediently and tell He Peichuan why he was on the trending search.

He Peichuan harvested the heads while listening to him, without delay on either side.

After he finished speaking, he slowly replied: "So the person we met last time is called Xianyu, or a girl?"

The teammate nodded, and he didn't expect that the master who killed the captain last time was actually a girl, and she was also a very beautiful girl.

"She was scolded because of me?" He Peichuan frowned and asked.

This is a bit difficult to deal with, he still wants to draw someone to his team, although it is a bit unexpected that the other party is a girl, but it doesn't hinder anything.

But now that the other party is being scolded all over because of him, can the other party be pulled into the team by him?Don't just turn around and join their opponent's team.

 Sorry, I posted the order in reverse again... I reflect, I admit my mistake...

  There is also a problem with the numbering of the chapters in the previous chapters, (д) ​​don’t shoot me, but there is no problem with the content, just read it normally.

  Finally... I was wrong Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)→
(End of this chapter)

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