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Chapter 207 The opponent is a girl

Chapter 207 The opponent is a girl
I thought this was another massacre, but of course the massacre must refer to herself.But who knew she was actually taken away? ?
Yes, Xu Han's strength is mediocre, and it would be good if he could save his own life, but Gao Ran and Xianyu flew up beautifully, taking the three of them flying with their strength!

"Just hide under the tower and don't go out." Gao Ran found out that Li Ziding and Bailu were two pits.

She can become the most powerful policewoman in a place like the criminal investigation team, and it is conceivable that she will win or lose.Based on the mentality that the head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the game cannot be lost, Gao Ran couldn't help but speak out.

At first Li Ziding was still not convinced, she thought why, she was just playing games, what pleasure would she have in guarding the tower, she had to go out and kill people!
But as soon as she came out of the tower, she sent the head to the opposite party. Once or twice, the opposite party even thanked her on the public screen, and the economics of the opposite party were piled higher and higher by her. more and more laborious.

Gradually, Li Ziding herself felt a little embarrassed, and everyone asked her if she was an actress on their side!So, Li Ziding, who came to his senses, began to guard the tower and clear the soldiers seriously, resolutely never going out of the tower to give away his head.

As soon as she settled down here, the pressure on Lei Yu and Gao Ran was reduced a lot, and the map was full of development and stealing people. They finally turned the situation around and won.

When Victory's voice sounded, Li Ziding and Bai Lu still couldn't believe it. The two of them were so good at winning?The two looked at the phone interface several times again, and it was indeed the winning interface. Although the two died a little too many times and their scores were a little low, they did win!

The two people who reacted burst into laughter, and Li Ziding said to Xianyu and Gao Ran without hesitation: "One more and one more!"

Gao Ran's inner strength refuses. Apart from idleness, several people are cheating, especially Li Ziding, who is not aware of the cheating, and the more cheating, the more he will give away. Although he will do his duty later, in terms of game experience, it is really impressive unbearable.

But now that the live broadcast is going on, any reaction will be over-interpreted. The guests like Xianyu were also aware of the disfigured comments that were spattered at the beginning of the live broadcast. I guess I am the only one who doesn't know that I have been hacked.

"Then let's give it another shot." However, Gao Ran finally agreed.

Xu Han is a little more self-aware than Li Ziding. He thought it was just an ordinary playing game. He doesn’t play much by himself, and his skills are really average. He has also heard about Li Ziding’s pitfalls. Everyone is a noob. Chicken, there is no pressure to play.

But who knew that two cranes would appear out of a group of rookie chickens, so he, a rookie chicken and the only male rookie chicken, would not have the courage to continue to lose face, so he politely declined Li Ziding's invitation.

Lei Yu said that it doesn't matter, she can play or not, she is very Buddhist.

Li Ziding immediately invited her strongly, "This team can't do without you!" Just kidding, how could she and Bai Lu win without leisure and Gao Ran.

The other party was overly enthusiastic, so I nodded in agreement.

Xu Han withdrew, and there was only one person missing in the team. Four people couldn't start the game. It happened that someone from Lei Yu's side applied to join the team, so she agreed casually.

After the other party joined in, I took a closer look at the other party's profile picture and nickname, and after a little thought, I remembered who this person was.

The opponent was the opponent she met when she teamed up with Zhou Mei and the others to play games last time, and that game was also the only game she lost since playing games, although she didn't play many games in total.

"I, I, I... I!!! I'm not mistaken! This is Chuan Shen?!" Li Ziding suddenly exclaimed.

After exclaiming, she looked at Bai Lu again, "Tell me, I'm not dreaming! Is this really Chuan Shen?!"

Bai Lu's eyes were also a little dull. She stared at her mobile phone screen for a while, and then slowly raised her head, "You read that right, this is Chuan Shen!" One good thing about the pesticide game is that duplicate names are not allowed. And she just observed carefully, and the nickname and profile picture of this person who suddenly added are exactly the same as Chuan Shen!

"Ahhh!!! In my lifetime, I can actually team up with Chuan Shen to play games! My life is complete!" Li Ziding has completely transformed into a Chuan Shen's little fan girl at this moment, throwing all the burden of being an idol to Jia Da horn.

Xu Han was startled by Li Ziding's fangirl scream, and after hearing her words clearly, he was also shocked, "Chuan God? Are you teaming up with Chuan God?"

As a boy, Xu Han is usually busy with work and doesn't play many games, and his skills are really average, but there are a few boys who don't pay attention to e-sports, and Chuan Shen is a legend of e-sports, of course he knows it.

Li Ziding heard the disbelief in his tone, and immediately pointed the phone interface at Xu Han with a high air, so that he could see clearly.

"Fuck, it's really Chuan Shen! How did you team up with Chuan Shen?" Xu Han was overly shocked for a moment, and unexpectedly burst into a foul language without noticing.

Fortunately, the current situation is a bit too shocking. The audience in the live broadcast room were also disturbed by Chuan Shen's random entry into the live broadcast. Don't say they didn't notice Xu Han's swearing, they wanted to fuck themselves, okay?

This is Chuan Shen, an undefeated legend in e-sports. Anyone who plays pesticides knows Chuan Shen. Out of personal worship, I don’t even know how many people on the Internet have changed their nicknames to similar models of Chuan Shen.

"Fuck, shit, shit, is this really Chuan Shen?"

"They are so lucky, they can actually form a team with Chuan Shen!"

"I'm just wondering how Chuan Shen joined their team?"

"Could it be that they posted the team to the world's public screen, and Chuan Shen clicked in when he saw it for a while?"

"The guess upstairs is very likely. I have decided. In the future, if I can't find a teammate, I will go to the world to call. Maybe I will meet Chuan Shen by chance!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gods""


There are still many unwilling people who did not mourn in the live broadcast room. They switched to Chuan Shen's Weibo and left messages below, hoping to form a team with Chuan Shen in their lifetime.

There are really many fans of Chuan Shen, more than any other fresh meat, so netizens both sent "Dream of the Future" and Chuan Shen Luanru to the hot searches.

"No, I didn't post the world public screen to find my teammates, did any of you post it?" After being shocked, Li Ziding remembered this incident and asked Bai Lu, Gao Ran and Xianyu.

Both Bai Lu and Gao Ran shook their heads silently, and they hadn't had time to post their official screen yet.

Then there was only Xian Yu left, Li Ziding set his sights on Xian Yu who was leaning on the back of the chair in a Buddhist manner.

"I didn't post the public screen either." Lei Yu said.

"Then how did Chuan Shen join our team?" Li Ziding was confused. He didn't send out a public screen to summon his teammates in the world. It is impossible for a stranger to join the team, unless...unless this person is not a stranger, but friend!

(End of this chapter)

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