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Chapter 208 Solo Invitation

Chapter 208 Solo Invitation

"Okay, I got it, you can go." After He Peichuan got the information he wanted to know, he started to chase people away without mercy.

Teammates have shocked faces, is it okay to chase people away when they run out?Crossing the river demolished the bridge stone hammer.

After his teammates left, He Peichuan continued to operate the game, but he set aside his mind to think about how he could help Xianyu clear his name. The other party had to do something to show that he had suffered an unwarranted disaster.

So after a game, He Peichuan logged on to his Weibo, which was already a few feet deep, and updated the content.

[The random entry into the live broadcast was purely accidental, she was not trampled on, she is very idle, I sincerely invite her to join my team. 】

He was already on the trending search right now, and when he updated Weibo, it immediately caused a sensation.

"Ahhhh! The groundhog screamed, God Chuan, you have finally gained more knowledge!"

"Chuan Shen, do you still remember that you have Weibo?"

"Chuanshen, since you have Weibo, you need to update it regularly. Weibo is already growing grass."

"It's really hard to be your fan. Waiting for you to blog is like Chinese New Year."

"No pulling? Really? She didn't look that good on the live broadcast."

"Wow!!! God Chuan admits that she is amazing, so I believe it!"

"Chuan Shen, did she really kill you? Did you get kidnapped? If it was you, post another Weibo!"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, it is impossible for Chuan Shen to be killed!"

"When does Chuan Shen post a selfie? When does Chuan Shen post a selfie? When does Chuan Shen post a selfie? Ask important things three times."

"Don't dream upstairs, Chuan Shen will never post a selfie in his life."

"We will believe Chuan Shen and her solo! I will never admit that I want to see Chuan Shen operate."


In just a few minutes, He Peichuan's Weibo had over [-] comments. Some people believed that he was good at idle operations, while others did not.He stared at one of the comments with a high number of likes, which made him and Idle Solo fall into deep thought.

This seems to be a good way. After a solo game, the skills will be revealed. Facts speak louder than words, and he also really wants to play a solo game with Lei Yu. People are excited.

Just do it when you think about it, He Peichuan decisively invited Xianyu to solo before he went offline.

Lei Yu didn't go offline entirely because her mobile phone was no longer in his hands.After playing the game, He Peichuan quit the team after getting the contact information. Without the God of Chuan, Li Ziding was not in the mood to play games anymore. She asked Xianyu to borrow her mobile phone because she wanted to pay homage to the God of Chuan account.

Lei Yu thinks this kind of thinking is weird. What is there to look up to about an account, and it’s not a celebrity statue. It’s enough to be dedicated to chasing stars.But this is not an excessive request, so I agree.

Li Ziding was looking up at her, when suddenly a solo invitation popped up, she took a closer look, it was the invitation from her idol, Chuan Shen, and she agreed immediately out of excitement.

After ordering, she realized that it was not her own mobile phone but Idle Yu's. She hastily agreed to Chuan Shen's solo invitation for Idle Yu, which is really rude.

"Xianyu, I... I... Just now Chuan Shen sent a solo invitation, I forgot that it wasn't my phone, I accidentally clicked yes..." Li Ziding said to Xianyu eagerly.

Before she could reply, she quickly said, "I really didn't do it on purpose, otherwise I'll help you solo with Chuan Shen."

Now it's live broadcasting, Chuan Shen's skills are so high, if you play solo with him, you will definitely be abused miserably, and then you will be ridiculed by the whole network. This agreement was ordered by her. She can't let Lei Yu bear this innocent disaster for her, anyway. Her bad habit of playing games and being tortured and killed has long been known by everyone, and this time is not bad.

Xianyu was stunned for a moment, seeing the worry and helplessness in Li Ziding's eyes, and thought that he wasn't that scary, didn't he just accidentally agreed to a solo, and it wasn't a big deal, so he smiled slightly, He waved his hand at Li Ziding, "It's okay, I'll do it myself." His expression was very kind.

"No, no, I'll do it!" Facing Xian Yu's gentle and kind smile, Li Ziding became more and more determined in her choice, she couldn't let Xian Yu be ridiculed by the whole network for no reason.

"Then you come." Xianyu thought that Li Ziding wanted to solo with his idol, so he stopped arguing with her, and let her come.

I have to say that this was an extremely beautiful misunderstanding.

He Peichuan didn't watch the live broadcast, so he didn't know that the solo with him was not idle.

But after the game started, he immediately noticed that something was wrong. There was a big gap between the opponent's technical operation and the person who killed him back then. It was a cliff-like gap.

So he asked his thoughts on the screen, "??? Are you idle?"

Facing the idol's questioning, Li Ziding didn't know how to explain it, so he could only reply weakly: "I am not."

"..." He Peichuan issued another ellipsis to express his current mood.

He wanted to solo with Xianyu to prove Xianyu's strength, but the person who soloed with him was not Xianyu?

He Peichuan, who didn't know why, decisively sent the person opposite him back to the spring, took advantage of this time to turn on the computer beside him, and searched for the live broadcast of "Dream of the Future" and his own Weibo.

With the combination of the two, he also understood what was going on, but he had no choice but to quickly end this unilateral killing.

Li Ziding is usually not in a very beautiful mood when he is tortured and killed, but today he was tortured and killed by his idol, but he was not unhappy at all. On the contrary, the more he was killed, the happier he was. Soon, the game is over in a few minutes.

After this game was over, He Peichuan sent another solo invitation, followed by a request and a message of spare solo.

This time Li Ziding didn't hesitate to agree, and returned the phone to Xianyu, letting her make her own decision.

Xianyu looked at Chuan Shen who was persevering in wanting to solo with her, and met Li Ziding, Bai Lu and Xu Han who were staring at her staringly at her side. Even the three of them looked very interested, and sighed Click to agree.

He Peichuan's skills are very good, so Xianyu chose his own assassin, and He Peichuan who was opposite him also chose his own assassin.

The duel between the two assassins, and the double warm-up of Weibo and live broadcast, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room reached a new high all of a sudden.

Sheng Jisen felt that this live broadcast seemed to be a bit off topic here. It is obviously the charm of the live broadcast profession, so why did it become an e-sports solo live broadcast?

However, he is satisfied with one thing. The more people watching the live broadcast, the more users of this video app acquired by Shengxing, as long as the various variety shows, TV series, and movies they launch later cater to the appetite of the audience. , even if this app stands on its feet.

(End of this chapter)

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