Chapter 209 Making Robots

How should I put it, the live broadcast fits the theme, and the people in the country are satisfied, which can bring a lot of invisible convenience to Shengxing, but if it fits the audience, the audience is satisfied. The intuitive benefit is that the number of downloads and users of the app is even lower. Significant increase, in any case he is not at a loss.

Lei Yu's side cheered up to meet He Peichuan's challenge.The opponent's operation awareness and various predictions can be said to be extremely powerful. She doesn't have much time to play this game in her spare time, and her operation awareness is obviously not as good as the opponent's. Her operations rely entirely on her subconscious reactions and precise calculations.

Especially in terms of skill countdown calculation and displacement control, she completely beat the opponent.

The two have their own advantages, and the heroes they choose are both assassins. The situation froze for a while, and it depends on who makes a mistake first.

In the end, it was Xianyu who couldn't hold on, and didn't escape the opponent's prediction, and was beheaded by He Peichuan with a combo of moves.After the beheading, the opponent hit the iron while the iron was hot and picked the crystal straight, ending this difficult fight.

At this time, there were very few bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and everyone was so absorbed in watching Chuan Shen's extreme operation that they didn't even bother to use bullet screens.

After the match between the two ended, the live broadcast room seemed to come to life, and was instantly overwhelmed by bullet screens.

"Fuck, what Chuan Shen said is true, this woman is really good at playing!"

"Emma, ​​I finally saw a good woman who plays games."

"Is there sexism upstairs? There are more women who are good at playing games. You haven't seen it because you have little knowledge. If you have little knowledge, don't come out to show!"

"So what kind of fairy lady is this? She looks good, is good at playing games, can write novels and does experiments! I've made up my mind. From today onwards, I'll be a loyal fan of Miss Sister!"

"One thing to say, being able to face Chuan Shen for so long is indeed a very good technique."

"Hey, other young ladies are proficient in games, literature, and science and engineering, but I am different. I eat everything fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, and fried. There is a difference between this person and others."

"Look at Miss Sister's flash killing, and then look at my own flash moving grave. I don't want to live anymore. I want to cut my wrist with potato chips. I'm short of a bag of potato chips. Who will help me?"


He Peichuan was also watching the reactions in the live broadcast room and Weibo. Seeing that after a solo, the netizens were really friendly to Xianyu and believed in her strength, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Now he invited Xianyu It shouldn't be that difficult to join his team, right?
With this beautiful thought in mind, He Peichuan went offline.

After a few games, the crew had almost rested, and the afternoon scene began. Li Ziding remembered his business, and dutifully broadcasted the daily shooting of the crew, especially focusing on the dedicated actors.

Two days passed in a flash, and it was Lei Yu's turn to live broadcast in an instant.

After these few days of getting along, everyone has gotten to know a lot, and they can chat and laugh when they have nothing to do. Lei Yu is the best-looking among the seven. Although he looks indifferent and glamorous, in reality After getting along, you will find that she is actually a gentle and selective person.

Today it was her turn to broadcast live, and everyone jokingly asked her what she planned to broadcast live. After all, she introduced herself as a student, a scientist reserve.

Lei Yu calmly asked the staff to take out a half-person-high cardboard box, "I am broadcasting indoors, you can sit as you like."

She made Transformers live and didn't need to wander around, so everyone gathered in the large living room of the villa.

"Indoor live broadcast? What are you broadcasting live? Singing and dancing?" Li Ziding thought that after a few games of friendship, he and Xianyu were already familiar, so he asked her first.

Xianyu shook his head and pointed to the cardboard box beside him, "I'm making robots live."

Li Ziding's eyes widened when he heard this, and the other people also had subtle expressions.Did they hear correctly?Live production robot?Shouldn't they say that as expected of a girl of science and engineering, the live broadcast is different.

Ignoring their shock, Xianyu sat down in front of the workbench set up by the staff, unpacked her carton, took out the parts she needed, and started to fiddle with them one by one. While fiddling with it, he introduced the use of the parts in his hand.

This process is very boring. After a while, the others couldn't hold on anymore. They sat on the sofa to entertain themselves. Xu Han even asked the staff to bring over two decks of poker. The six played poker while raising their heads occasionally. Wait and see for a while.

The guests who watched the scene couldn't hold on anymore, and the reaction of the audience in the live broadcast room can be imagined. After a while, the number of online viewers dropped by more than half.

As the director, Sheng Jisen has been paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room, and he couldn't help but feel anxious when he saw this scene.

It's just that no matter how anxious he is, he can't intervene in the live broadcast. One is for fairness. He didn't intervene in other people's live broadcasts before. It makes no sense to make an exception here.

Second, he dare not.He was the one who invited Xianyu to help, if he dared to intervene to request the content of Xianyu's live broadcast right now, he would definitely be criticized later, so no matter how anxious he was, he could only watch.

On the other hand, Xian Lou, who had also been following "Dream of the Future", heaved a sigh of relief.

"Qinqi, Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea" obviously couldn't make any splashes. He can only hope that "Dream Future" will go high and low, but the fact is that it has never come down from a high place.

He thought about contacting Xianyu and asking her to withdraw from this variety show, but he didn't know why his subordinates couldn't contact her all the time, and they were blocked by inexplicable forces. His wife Zhang Li was also useless, and she was actually Leisure is blacked out.

Seeing that Xianyu's live broadcast is so boring now, more than half of the audience disappeared in a short period of time. .

idle home.

Zhang Li and Su Lian are also watching Xian Yu's live broadcast at the moment. Because of being blocked by Xian Yu, Zhang Li has always been angry in her heart. Knowing that Xian Yu will be live broadcasting today, she has been waiting for it for a long time. Su Lian also thought about this in his heart, so he squatted and watched the live broadcast with Zhang Li.

Seeing the number of people in the live broadcast room slowly drop, Zhang Li and Su Lian smiled at the same time.

In an instant Su Lian hid her smile again, pretending to be worried, as if she was just a good sister who was worried about her elder sister.

"This damn girl deserves it right." Zhang Li muttered bitterly, she couldn't live with the matter of blackmailing her in her spare time.

Su Lian was noncommittal, neither persuading nor agreeing with her.

Persuasion will make Zhang Li unhappy, she doesn't need to do this, and agreeing will inevitably affect her kind image.

(End of this chapter)

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