Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 210 Assembly Formation

Chapter 210 Assembly Formation
Xianyu is still ecstatically explaining while making his own robot. There are fewer and fewer people in the live broadcast room, and in the end there are only four digits of online viewing. The robots who are fiddling with are interested, and some are idle diehard fans.

Li Ziding and the others also looked up at her from time to time, but they never looked up at her again. They were playing their own poker games, so it was not easy to gamble live, so there was no money involved. Some small penalties act as gamblers.

The four-digit viewership continued until the end of the live broadcast in the spare day. During the period, there were occasional warm-ups, but seeing that she was still assembling boringly, she slowly left again.

Since she always assembles a part, she will put that part into the cardboard box beside her, so everyone who insisted on waiting for a day did not see a prototype.

In the morning of the second day, I still assembled it in my spare time, but the number of people watching it was reduced by about half.

"How long do you have to assemble for Idle Yu? It won't be so exhausting today, right? I don't need to paddle like this." Li Ziding asked idle while beating his neck. Yesterday he played poker all day, and his neck A little sour.

Lei Yu returned without raising his head: "It's almost done."

As soon as everyone heard her saying that she was going to recover soon, they all cheered up and moved to her side one after another.

Idle Yu said it’s almost ready, it’s really almost ready, she’s assembled the last part now, after this part is assembled, then assemble all the parts together, her inferior version of Transformers will be fine. It took shape.

Under the interested eyes of several people, Xianyu finally completed the final assembly, then she slowly got up and stretched, turned around and took out all the parts in the carton, and put them on the table.

"Didn't you say it's almost ready? The piles on the left are the robots you mentioned?" Li Ziding said with a little disgust.

On the contrary, Xu Han touched his head and asked hesitantly: "I think your color and structure are familiar?" look familiar.

Xian Yu smiled lightly, ignored their eager questioning, but assembled several parts by himself.In fact, she herself is quite curious about what the final effect of this inferior version of Transformers will be. The material is so much inferior to Interstellar, and the intelligence is only a rudimentary intelligence. The final effect should not be very good.

As I was thinking about it, the movements of my hands became faster and faster. When Li Ziding and the others were about to lose their hold, the Transformers on the table finally took shape.

"Transformers?!" The seven exclaimed in unison.

Transformers are so famous that even She Wei, a noble son, and Sun Dian, a soldier who has not been in contact with the outside world all year round, know about it.

"I just said, why does it look so familiar? It turns out to be a Transformer!" Xu Han became excited after exclaiming, and kept running around the Transformer on the table, wanting to touch it very much.

May I ask which man would not be excited to see a half-human-tall Transformer standing in front of him alive!The familiar color and metallic texture, he felt that he could not resist touching it now was the result of nine years of compulsory education.

Xian Yu looked at the Transformers in front of him, showing a satisfied smile, not to mention anything else, just this appearance is already very pleasing to the eye.

After Xu Han, several other people also began to move around, even the two women Li Ziding and Gao Ran were full of interest in their eyes.

And Sheng Jisen who was standing behind the camera was also excited, he didn't even care about other things, he yelled at Xu Han directly: "Xu Han, you blocked the camera!"

Xu Han belatedly let the camera out, allowing the Transformer who had been covered up by him to reappear in the eyes of Sheng Jisen and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly, Sheng Jisen became more restless. The few hundred viewers in the live broadcast room could not intuitively appreciate the charm of this metal bump through the lens of the camera. The few people present were not excited, but it was not much worse, after all, they were seeing it with their own eyes. Seeing this thing take shape.

As a result, some viewers couldn't help but posted this screenshot of the Transformers on Weibo, with the text: Witness the transformation of Transformers with my own eyes, my Transformers dream!My Gundam Dream!

The person who posted the blog is a mechanical enthusiast. He likes all kinds of mechs, Transformers, and Gundam. He also collects a lot of hand-made models. These days, hand-made models are not cheap, and many people who have these hobbies cannot afford them.

And he happens to be able to afford it, and at the same time, he also likes to post his hand-made models and share them with netizens.Over time, he has accumulated many fans with the same hobbies.

As soon as his picture was released today, many fans immediately started to leave comments, hoping that he can post high-definition photos, preferably with a small video.

The blogger's mouth swelled when he saw these comments. He also wanted to post high-definition photos with small videos, but the Transformers that made him covetously did not belong to him, so he could only watch helplessly.

It's just that more and more people commented, and some even privately messaged him, begging him to post a high-definition video, so that everyone can take a closer look at this Transformer.

The blogger couldn't produce a small video, so he could only point the way to the spare live broadcast room.

The people who were guided by him came to the spare live broadcast room one after another. As soon as they entered, they saw the Transformers car with a dazzling metallic luster, and many enthusiasts immediately drooled.

After reading it, other people also turned their heads like the blogger and posted on Weibo to express their excitement.One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and within a short period of time, #梦想的未来 & 转式金属# was sent to the hot search again.

Many people who visit Weibo see that the future of their dreams is on the hot search again, and they can't help but click on the hot search. Fascinating pictures of Transformers come into view. It turns out that someone is assembling a half-person-high Transformer in a live broadcast. , and it has already taken shape, so it almost moved to the live broadcast room.

Gradually, the number of people in the live broadcast room slowly began to increase again, returning to the original number, and the number is still growing slowly.

"I... can I touch it!" Xu Han restrained his request to Xianyu.

"Just touch it." Lei Yu made a gesture of invitation. This thing is made of metal, not water, and it won't break even if you touch it.

After getting the consent, Xu Han finally couldn't help it. He touched and tried to swing the limbs of the Transformer. He was surprised that the limbs of the Transformer were not as fixed as he imagined, but very flexible, able to move with him. Swing to make moves.

She Wei and the others also wanted to go forward and do some practical operations, but Xu Han is in the mood for it now, so it's hard for them to come forward and interrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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