Chapter 211 Xiaoxuan
After Xu Han touched it for a while and got addicted, Xianyu finally pulled him away, "Don't worry, it's not finished yet." Now this Transformer is just a cool-looking model. She hasn't got the important deformation and intelligence yet.

"Still... Is there anything else to install?" Xu Han reluctantly walked away from the Transformers to make room for Yu Yu.

"One more little detail." While talking, she fiddled with the computer in her spare time, and a code interface popped up in an instant. Her fingers danced quickly for a few seconds, and then closed the computer again.

Others only saw a piece of code, and before they had time to look carefully, they couldn't see it, and the computer was facing the camera, so no one understood what they just did in their spare time.

After tinkering with the computer, Lei Yu took out a small chip from the cardboard box, disassembled the back of Transformer's head, and put the chip in.

The Transformer with the chip installed seemed to come to life in an instant, two beams of light lit up in the eyes of the head, and the head slowly turned, making a creaking sound.

"Damn it! It's moving!!" Xu Han swears again in excitement.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him. Everyone is now stunned by this moving Transformer.

"Xiaoxuan, transform." Lei Yu gave instructions to the Transformers.She named this Transformer Xiaoxuan, Qian Xuanxuan's Xuan, she hadn't seen that little guy for a long time, and she was going to give this Transformer to him as a New Year's gift, he should like it.

"Yes, Master." The Transformer responded to Lei Yu's command, the voice was not that mechanical voice, but the childish voice of a little girl.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, Xiaoxuan spewed gas from her feet and flew up into the air, but she didn't fly very high, only slightly suspended at the height of her palm, and then fell to the open space beside her, followed by a burst of machinery The sound sounded, and the Transformers, who were still human just now, turned into a cool sports car in the blink of an eye.

Now even Xu Han, who was the most excited, was speechless, and there was not even a barrage in the live broadcast room, and everyone was dumbfounded.

This Transformers is too cool!Not only does it look cool, but it can also fly, and most importantly, it can really transform!

"Return to the prototype." Xian Yu said again, frowning slightly, although she only added rudimentary intelligence to it, it still looked too rigid, and she was not very satisfied.

"Yes, Master." The Transformer turned back into a human form with another bang.

Leisure: "Expand the thesaurus online."

The character of the Transformer she set up should be more lively, why is this so mechanical, not flexible at all, not what a primary intelligence should be.

"Yes, master." It was still a rigid answer.

Within a few minutes, Transformers started to move independently, "Master, Xiaoxuan has finished expanding the vocabulary, please tell Master Xiaoxuan to your heart's content."

The Transformers who had expanded the lexicon were indeed much more lively, and Lei Yu finally nodded with a smile on his face.

"Okay, you can order it to your heart's content now." Lei Yu gave way to the home field, giving the few people next to him who were eager to move and their eyes lit up a chance to experience it nearby.

The few people who had been waiting for this moment immediately rushed forward and surrounded the Transformers.

"Xianyu, is it called Xiaoxuan? Not only can it deform, but it can also talk? Is it intelligent?!" Xu Han's series of questions not only asked his own doubts, but also asked other people and even the live broadcast room. The voice of all viewers.

"What do you mean by asking me? You can ask Xiaoxuan." Lei Yu waved his hand to signal that if he had any questions, he would toss Xiaoxuan.Then she walked to the side sofa and took a nap. The assembly of this robot is also a meticulous job, and she was a little tired.

Xu Han, who was rejected by Xianyu, was not depressed at all, but instead happily entangled Xiaoxuan.

Xu Han: "Hi, is your name Xiaoxuan?"

"Yes, my name is Xiaoxuan, the master has already called my name just now."

"I want to ask, I want to ask too." Li Ziding pushed Xu Han away and brought her closer to Xiaoxuan, regardless of her idol burden and ladylike demeanor.

"Xiaoxuan, what else can you do besides transforming?"

"Miss, I can also sweep the floor and beat bad guys for you. If you can't sleep, I can sing to lull you to sleep."

"Wow!! So sweet!" Li Ziding covered her face with her hands, the girl's heart was pounding.

"What else is there?"

"I can also tell jokes, Miss Sister, I can make you happy when you are sad."

"No, the sugar content is too high, I have high blood sugar!" The baby's voice was very cute, Li Ziding's cheeks were pink, and she wanted to hug Xiaoxuan into her arms.

Also reacting with her was a group of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Ahhh!! I'm dead, this is too sweet!"

"Let's not talk about whether it's sweet or not, this Xiaoxuan is a bit smart?"

"I watched the artificial mentally retarded on my mobile phone and couldn't calm down for a long time."

"It's helpless and uneducated. Fuck the world, shit, this robot is too cool, it can transform and be intelligent!"

"Now I really believe that this young lady is a real boss. What the young lady said about the reserve scientists is true. I only listened to it as a joke!"

"It's true when people say it casually, but it's a joke when we say it seriously!"

"Wow, is this robot for sale? I really want to buy it!"

"Quickly ask Xiaoxuan some more questions, I still want to hear Xiaoxuan talk!"

"I still want to see Xiaoxuan's transformation, it's really cool!"

"The one in front who wants to buy Xiaoxuan, would you mind making up the order? I want to buy it too! Crying."

"I'm the one who made up the bill, and I really wanted to buy it, but Xiaoxuan saw that it was very expensive. I couldn't even afford an ordinary figure, so I burst into tears."

"I want to know if Xiaoxuan can drive it. If so, then my Lamborghini can be retired."

"Upstairs, as long as you have a peanut, you won't be so drunk."

"What kind of peanuts do you want to eat? Come on, don't just drink. I have cephalosporin here. You can take it with you."

"Haha, are you all devils!"

"I can't even make up the bill, I wonder if you guys would mind crowdfunding?"

"As soon as the Internet was disconnected at home, I felt like a caveman. Can anyone tell me, I haven't watched this variety show for two days. What happened? Why did I see a machine become a genius when I came back?"

"I don't want crowdfunding, I want to own Xiaoxuan alone! But I can't afford it!!! I implore the God of Wealth to remove me from the blacklist, and I will eat three chicken legs every meal to show my gratitude!"

"You stop upstairs, what's the matter, I don't deserve a name, Yue Lao?"

"Haha, God damn Yuelao doesn't deserve a name! Don't you want me to be a single nobleman?"

"Don't worry about the old man in front of you. I haven't heard that rich people get married. Have you witnessed it with your own eyes?"

"In the end, it's all caused by lack of money. Think about it, if you shake hands with someone without money, they are wearing Cartier, but you are wearing a rubber band. Isn't it embarrassing?"

"Upstairs, you may have misunderstood the word rich. Wearing a Cartier is rich?"

"You're off topic. Isn't the point of crowdfunding to buy Xiaoxuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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