Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 215 Filming is over

Chapter 215 Filming is over
The two chatted on and on for a long time, not talking about serious business, but casually chatting about the short life of the parents.

Later, it was late, and I didn't ask Ji Mo if he would go back to Ji's house, and let him sleep here.It's not the first time for the two of them to share the same bed. When they were in the apartment, they sometimes fell asleep while chatting, so they are very used to sharing the same bed now.

Moreover, Ji Mo has always been very restrained. Influenced by the traditional education of the Ji family, he loves leisure, so he is willing to wait until the two get married.

The two embraced each other and slept a good night's dream. Ji Mo woke up according to his own schedule as usual, and deliberately lightened his movements so as not to wake up Leisurely. Just finished washing, this can be regarded as the tacit understanding that the two have developed for a long time.

After a quick breakfast, Ji Mo went back to Ji's house before the film crew arrived.

After Ji Mo left, I suddenly remembered that I had nothing to do with Ji Mo yesterday, so that I didn't think of talking about many serious things.

She also plans to ask Ji Mo Xiaoxuan whether she wants to mass-produce it. Although Xiaoxuan is not good enough as a mecha envoy, it is more than enough as a sports car or a smart housekeeper.

But I'm not in a hurry, it's not too late to finish the variety show first.She sighed when she thought of variety shows in her spare time. She deeply felt that participating in a variety show was more tiring than doing several experiments. She swore that after "Dream of the Future" ended, she would never touch these thankless variety shows again. .

Today is Xu Han's turn. In fact, Xu Han is the most unlucky of all people. Not to mention the pressure at the end of the ranking, he also collided with Li Ziding's profession. The overlap of professions is too high, so he doesn't even know that he can broadcast. Something new and original.

But Xu Han can be regarded as open-minded, he and Li Ziding have some similarities in temperament, they are both relatively open-minded people in the entertainment industry.

He also felt that relying on his own strength could not change the public's view of the entertainment industry, so he followed Li Ziding's example and followed his own way.

The consequence of following one's will is that although the number of people in the live broadcast room has not reached an impressive level, after taking advantage of the traffic bonus, the number of people has always been maintained at a considerable level, which is more than enough than the last.

Without the pressure of the live broadcast, I spent two days playing and eating and drinking, and finally received the good news that the filming was over.

The rest is the audience voting session. Shengxing will cooperate with the country and charities to set up a dream fund based on the number of audience votes for each profession, but these have nothing to do with the guests, so on the day Xu Han finished the live broadcast, everyone Each went back to each house to find each mother.

Lei Yu also followed Ji Mo back to Ji's house, and welcomed Lu Yun's ardent concern and the hard-working comfort of Ji's father and old man Ji.

After having a sumptuous dinner and greeting everyone, I went back to my room to rest in leisure. She needed a good night's sleep to rectify her spirit.Lu Yun and the others were also considerate of her hard work, and told her to take a good rest before releasing her.

Although she didn't do any physical work during the live broadcast, she couldn't stop her from feeling tired, which was more tormenting than physically tired.

I have to say that sleep is really the best way for human beings to repair themselves. After waking up from sleep, I have given up the bad thing about variety shows, and I am full of energy again.

After washing up, I went downstairs to eat breakfast full of energy. The Spring Festival was approaching, and everyone in the family was there. After eating, I hesitated and told about my suspected blood relatives.

The words startled a thousand layers of waves, and everyone who reacted looked at Xianyu in unison.

"Where did you see it? Are you sure it's your relative?" Lu Yun asked anxiously.

"I saw it at the Hongtu Research Institute when I participated in a variety show. I'm not sure if it's true, but there's a high probability of it." Lei Yu recalled the face of the director, and felt that it should be the original owner's blood relatives in all likelihood.

"Hongtu Research Institute?" Father Ji and old man Ji repeated in surprise.

When it comes to the Hongtu Research Institute, they have to be more cautious.Hongtu Research Institute is different from other research institutes. Due to its special status when it was established in the early years, after so many years of development, there are not many places where the state can intervene.

The remaining blood relatives actually saw it at the Hongtu Research Institute, and they had to imagine some less than ideal situations, after all, no one knew what the other was thinking.

On the contrary, Ji Mo looked thoughtful after hearing the words of Hongtu Research Institute.He had long thought that with Xianyu's IQ, her biological parents should not be simple, but now that he knew that the other party was from the Hongtu Research Institute, he had a kind of mentality that should have been the case.

"That person seems to be the director of Hongtu Research Institute." Lei Yu lightly dropped another bomb.

Originally, it was troublesome enough that the other party was a member of the Hongtu Research Institute, but it turned out that the other party was suspected to be the director of the Hongtu Research Institute!At this moment, Ji's father and Ji's old man didn't know what to say, even Ji Mo was a little speechless.

He had imagined that his girlfriend's identity should not be simple, but he really didn't expect it to be so big.

Xian Yu didn't want everyone to worry about it, so he waved his hands and said casually: "Come and cover the water and earth." She said this just to let them have a certainty in their hearts, not to make everyone worry all day long.

Although Father Ji and the others were still a little worried, when they thought about it carefully, it was the same thing. There was no other way except for soldiers to cover up the water and soil.

No matter who they are, the Ji family is not overwhelmed, so what about the Hongtu Research Institute, with the power of the Ji family, it is no problem to protect Xianyu.

The Yunmu and Yunlu brothers, who were suffering in the Hongtu Research Institute, didn't know that the Ji family almost regarded them as class enemies. They were facing the questioning of their parents, and their heads were almost bald.

The reason is this. In recent years, the burden of finding a younger sister has been handed over to the two brothers. Father Yun and Mica are in poor health due to years of running around and worrying, especially Mica, which implies a hint of despair. State and Father Yun have accepted their old age.

But who knows why Mica, who never pays much attention to the Internet and does not watch variety shows and TV dramas, but only loves to read, suddenly became a trending topic on Weibo. Fortunately, she saw the trending topic of Transformers.

When Mica was young, she was the youngest academician of the Academy of Engineering, and her old profession was in the field of machinery. She suddenly saw a hot search saying that someone made a Transformer. Could she not be interested?
The result of her interest was that she clicked into the trending search, saw Xianyu's face, and also saw the weibo of Guilu's live broadcast room.

So Yun Mu followed the live broadcast room all the way, and intuitively saw the face that resembled her.

(End of this chapter)

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