Chapter 216

When seeing this face, Yun Mu had all sorts of thoughts in her mind, but in the end, she finally found Yun Yin who she had been looking for for more than ten years!

Then she took Yun Zhu to Hongtu to look for Yun Mu.

Yun Zhu was the former director of Hongtu, and Yun Mu herself was the wife of the former director and the mother of the current director, and the two entered Hongtu to find Yunmu without hindrance.

After finding Yunmu, they found out that their youngest son, Yunlu, had actually returned from Country M, and Lushunkou, the two of them who are the parents, had not received any letter from Lushunkou.

Just like this, they still wouldn't be so angry. The problem is that when they arrived, the two brothers were also watching the replay of the spare variety show!
There is nothing to explain in this situation. It is clear that the two brothers have found their sister, but they are hiding it from the two elders. Can the two not be angry?

Yun Mu and Yun Mu looked at each other, and they both saw pushback and encouragement in each other's eyes.

Yun Mu: Go and explain.

Yunlu: You are the eldest brother, you go!

Yun Mu: Parents are obviously angry, so I won't go.

Yunlu: Knowing that parents are angry, you still let me go, or are you brothers? !
In the end, it was Yun Mu who took on everything.

"Mom and Dad, we didn't deliberately try to hide it from you, it's just that this matter hasn't been finalized yet, we are afraid that you won't be able to bear the blow at that time, and we want to tell you when the matter is finalized." Yun Mu expressed his affection Move with reason.

Father Yun and Mica could accept this explanation, "Then what did you find out?"

Knowing that Father Yun and Mica had calmed down, Yunlu quickly seized this opportunity to show off and handed over all the information they found to the two of them.

Yun Mu looked at Yun Lu angrily from the side, he would go up first if there was any difficulty, and run faster than anyone else if there was any advantage, he was indeed a brother without a doubt.

Yun Zhu and Yu Die read all the information at a glance, with mixed feelings in their hearts, while rejoicing that without their company, Xian Yu has grown into an excellent girl who is envied by everyone, while feeling sorry for her that no one has been around for more than ten years A life that loves and cares about.

Perhaps some people would envy Xianyu growing up in a wealthy family like Xianjia, where he didn't have to worry about food and drink, didn't know what poverty was, and didn't suffer any abuse.

But in fact, it is not behavioral abuse that is considered abuse. Cold violence is a way that can destroy people's spiritual will more than behavioral abuse, especially this kind of cold violence is imposed from top to bottom by parents to children body.

When the cold violence that adults can't bear is transferred to a child, it is a kind of torture to the child's personality and spirit.

The most intuitive expression is that the original owner desperately yearned for Luo Ye's love, just because Luo Ye was kind to her when she was a child.

Those who are not parents don't know how to feel distressed, but the two biological parents, Yun Zhu and Yu Die, have long felt distressed for everything that Xianyu has encountered.

"It's hard for this child." Yun Zhu, who had been silent for a long time, murmured extremely guilty after reading the materials. Such a simple sentence even caused Yun Muyu to burst into tears.

It was their parents who didn't protect the child well and let her grow up in such an environment.

"Let's get Yinyin back quickly, shall we?" Yu Die asked Yun Zhu almost out of breath from crying.

Yun Zhu looked at his wife crying like this, how could he disagree?His wife, Yu Die, was the youngest academician of the Academy of Engineering back then. She was proud and confident, strong and unrestrained, just like a rich flower in the world. She seldom shed tears must be extremely sad at this moment.

"You immediately start making an appointment with Yin Yin, don't scare her." Yun Zhu turned his head and told Yun Mu Yunlu.

The two of them exited the office in low voices, leaving this space for Yun Zhu to comfort Yu Die.

Knowing that his mother, Yu Die, was in a hurry, the two of them worked quickly, so they contacted Xianyu through Liu Han that afternoon.

Now Liu Han is equivalent to Xianyu's personal secretary. Anyone who wants to contact Xianyu must first go through Liu Han, and Yunmu Yunlu is no exception.

Since I had already prepared in my heart, I didn't panic, and agreed to their request to meet, and the time was scheduled for tomorrow morning.

After Ji Mo found out, of course he asked to accompany him. After thinking about it in his spare time, he agreed, just in time to meet the parents and so on.

After Xianyu's side agreed, the four members of the Yun family were not calm. Due to Yun's father and Yun's mother's advice for more than ten years, both Yun Mu and Yun Lu have devoted a lot of effort to this sister. As the saying goes, giving The more you know, the deeper the relationship will be, so both Yunmu and Yunlu have extremely deep feelings for Xianyu, a sister they have never met before.

When they met the next day, whether it was Yunfu Mica or Yunmu Yunlu, they all dressed up before dressing up. Yunfu Mica was trying to make herself look kind and kind, and Yunmu and Yunlu were trying to make themselves look mature. Steady, is a good brother of the people.

In my spare time, I dress quite casually, which is completely everyday wear.

Although she also attaches great importance to this matter, she feels that when meeting relatives, she should dress casually. If the other party really treats her as a daughter, casual clothing can also draw distance. If the other party does not want to recognize her, It's useless if she dresses up, maybe it will be mistaken for her trying to post it.

So to sum it up, just wear it casually.As for Ji Mo, the clothes hangers for walking are either military style or formal attire, and occasionally casual attire, so it is natural for this occasion to wear formal attire.

The place for the two parties' meeting was decided by Lei Yu, and it was in Jinxiu. Jinxiu tastes good, has good privacy, and the environment is also very good. There is no more suitable place than Jinxiu.

Xianyu felt that he and Ji Mo were juniors, so he set off early, but when she arrived, there were already four people sitting neatly in the box, and it seemed that the other party had arrived earlier than her.

Father Yun and the others didn't expect that there would be two people coming in, and their posture was quite intimate. Seeing that the relationship was not simple, they were stunned for a while.

After being stunned, they couldn't care so much anymore, they all locked their eyes on Xianyu.Especially Mica, the tears came down just looking at it, and I couldn't stop it.

Leisurely has no resistance to other people's tears, oh, except for the heroine, when Su Lian cries, she just wants to turn her into a spinning top, and she is upset and irritable when she cries.

Before Xian Yu had time to say anything, he saw the beautiful woman who looked very similar to her staggeringly stood up and walked in front of her, then gently caressed her face with a warm and dry hand.

"Yinyin, you are my Yinyin!" Yu Die said with tears.

Xianyu was also a little confused by this scene, presumably this should be her mother, right?Shouldn't she react a bit?But she really didn't know what to say, should she say: Hello, are you my mother?How embarrassing it sounds.

(End of this chapter)

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