Chapter 217 Meeting
Embarrassed and not knowing how to react, Xian Yu simply stopped talking and just stared blankly at Yu Die. She felt that the hand of this beautiful woman was quite warm, a touch she had never experienced before.

She didn't say a word and didn't think much about it. She just thought that the incident happened suddenly and she didn't react. After all, no matter who suddenly had biological parents, they would feel at a loss.

Yun Zhu, who was behind him, stepped forward and took his wife in his arms and patted his shoulders to show comfort, and then looked at Xian Yu and said with emotion: "Yin Yin has grown up, she is very beautiful when she comes out."

Yun Mu and Yun Lu, who also stood up, pulled Father Yun and Mica back to their seats one by one. Their performance was too abrupt, and Yinyin didn't even know who they were, so they just went up and talked like parents Oh, didn't you see that Yinyin was stunned.

Yes, they all thought that Xianyu didn't know who they were. After all, when they made an appointment to meet Xianyu through Liu Han, they didn't say that they were her relatives, but they communicated as Hongtu Research Institute.

But Yu Die, who was so excited, obviously couldn't be held by others, and she broke away from Yunlu's pull again, walked to Xian Yu's side, and said with distress and joy: "Yinyin, I am yours." Mom." Before he finished speaking, the tears flowed even more fiercely.

Xian Yu couldn't stop being stunned anymore, glanced at Ji Mo, and supported Yu Die in the helpless eyes of the other party, "Sit down first, let's talk slowly." She was a little worried about this excited fainted man. In the past, after all, she looked as if she was not in good health.

After all, Xianyu's words are more useful than others. The person who couldn't hold back Yunlu just now sat down slowly following Xianyu's words, but his eyes never moved away from her for a moment. He was reluctant to blink his eyes, for fear that the person in front of him was just an illusion and would disappear in a blink of an eye.

As the person concerned, I have never experienced such a passionate feeling. It is a completely different feeling from Professor Qian, Aunt Yun and even Jimo. It can even be said that this feeling is more turbulent than Jimo's feeling for her. warm.

Is it true that the relationship between parents is like this?Lei Yu couldn't help but take a short errand and think wildly.

She was an orphan of a martyr in Interstellar, and she had never experienced such a thing as family affection, nor did she have it on Earth.Although there is love from the elders such as Professor Qian and Aunt Yun, they seem to be different from the feelings I feel now. This feeling is too complicated, and I have no words to describe it in my spare time.

Yu Die sat down with Xianyu's support and didn't let go of her hand, just kept holding it like this, a steady stream of warmth came from the palm of his hand, and Xianyu didn't want to break away from the warm touch, so he simply held her hand sat down beside him.

After she sat down, Yun Zhu also shook off Yun Mu's hand neatly, ran to the other side of Xian Yu and sat down, but pushed Ji Mo who had been following Xian Yu all the way away.

Ji Mo looked at Yu Die and then at Yun Zhu, thinking in his heart that this was his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he convinced himself decisively, then walked to the other side, and was about to sit down, when Yun Mu and Yun Lu snatched it up again. position, and gave him a scrutinizing look.

He kept thinking in his heart that this was Xianyu's elder brother, and he was also his own elder brother. After his luck passed, Ji Mo calmly resigned to his fate and sat on the seat opposite to Xianyu.

Leisurely has no intention of paying attention to Ji Mo's situation at the moment, she is being pulled away by Yu Die, and the problem is that Yu Die is so excited that she has been crying and can't speak.

Yun Zhu is a man, after all, he is more reserved than his wife. Although he was also very excited, he calmed down, got up and sat next to his wife to comfort her.As for why he had to sit next to Xianyu just now?Don't ask, he is willing to ask.

Under Yun Zhu's comfort, Yu Die finally calmed down slowly. Although he still shed a string of tears from time to time, he was able to speak anyway.

"Yinyin, I... I am your mother..." When things came to an end, Yu Di couldn't say anything else, and could only repeat this sentence over and over again.

Otherwise what can I say?Did you say that because of them, she was dropped at birth?Or were they so clueless that they couldn't find her after 18 years of searching?No matter what they say, they can't cover up their dereliction of duty as parents, which has made her suffer for so many years.

"I know you are my mother." Xian Yu gently wiped the tears from Yu Die's face, and said softly.

If it is said that she was a little apprehensive about the attitude of her original parents before the meeting, after the meeting, this apprehension completely disappeared, not only disappeared, but she was even a little jealous that the original owner had parents who loved her so much.

Lei Yu, who has never experienced such a strong family relationship, admits that she is very attached to this deep affection from her parents and relatives at the moment, so she is willing to assume and accept this kinship relationship.

" know?" Yu Die said blankly.

Lei Yu looked at Yun Mu and explained: "I had guessed about this when I saw Director Yun at the Hongtu Research Institute."

Yun Mu was dissatisfied when he heard this title, what director Yun, "Yinyin, I'm your brother, big brother!" How could he be called Director Yun, he should be called brother.

Xian Yu smiled slightly, and was not in a hurry to change her name. Some things were still unclear, such as why she was dropped to Xian's house, and why she hadn't been found for more than ten years, and so on.

Fortunately, Yun Mu also knew this, so he didn't say much, he just showed his identity.

Following him was Yunlu, who also quickly revealed his identity, "Yinyin, I am also your elder brother, I am your second elder brother."

Lei Yu also smiled and nodded, and received exactly the same treatment.

"Yinyin...can I call you Yinyin?" Yun Zhu, who was sitting next to Yu Die, asked. They knew she was called Xianyu now, but they still wanted to call her Yinyin, which represented their identity as a daughter. name.

Idle Yu nodded, it was just a title, just to be considerate of Father Yun and Mica's excited mood at the moment.

"Yinyin, it's all our fault that caused you to be outsourced to Xian's house and suffer for more than ten years. You should have grown up like a little princess." Yun Zhu said, thinking of Yu Diegang The mood when she was pregnant with Yun Yin.

They already had two sons, so they naturally wanted to have Yuxue's lovely daughter, full of such thoughts, they had great expectations for this child.

In their vision, this daughter will grow up like a little princess under their love and the love of her brothers, and they can provide her with such a life with their strength.

However, the greater the anticipation, the harder it is for them to accept the moment when their spare time is lost. The little princess who had been looking forward to it for a whole year was taken away just after they met. One can imagine how big a blow this is.

It is also for this reason that Yu Die resigned from his academician position at the Academy of Engineering at a young age, and spent the rest of his life busy on the road to find his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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