Chapter 219

Seeing that Xianyu's eyes were red, Yun Zhu became more anxious, the last thing he wanted to see in his life was his Yinyin crying, but now he himself was about to make Yinyin cry.

Sensing Yun Zhu's urgency, he pulled out a smiling face in spare time, "Brother is right, today is a happy day, and none of us should cry."

"Yinyin, you called me brother?!" Yun Mu looked happily at Xianyu.

"Yeah! Big Brother, Second Brother." Xian Yu repeated it again, this time taking Yunlu with him.

Yunlu, who was still curling his lips at being ignored one second, was suddenly cueed the next second, and immediately changed into the same expression of Yunmu, smiling a little silly.

"Yinyin, my elder brother's name is Yun Mu, your second elder brother's name is Yun Lu, your father's name is Yun Zhu, your mother's name is Yu Die, and the name your parents gave you was Yun Yin." I thought Lei Yu didn't know much about them.

But in fact, as early as the moment I saw him, I had already checked all the information I could find on the Internet, and I already knew their names.

However, Yun Mu, the elder brother, was willing to introduce, so she could not disappoint his kindness, so she pretended not to know, and followed his introduction one by one.

Suddenly, Xianyu remembered that she didn't seem to have introduced Ji Mo, so he stood up and walked to Jimo's side and solemnly introduced to Father Yun Yunmu, "Dad, Mom, this is my boyfriend, Ji Mo."

Ji Mo stood up following her words, and bowed to Father Yun and Mother Yun, saying hello: "Uncle, Aunt."

Yu Di looked at Ji Mo and thought that this young man looked pretty good, but the name sounded familiar.

But Yunzhu and Yunmu Yunlu's faces were not so good. The daughter and sister who had just come back, before calling out twice, suddenly appeared a robbing boyfriend, whoever looked good no.

"Ji Mo? The prince of the Ji family? Do we have to follow the crowd and call him Lord Mo?" Yun Zhu looked at Ji Mo.

"Uncle is too serious, just call me Ji Mo." Ji Mo waved his hands fearfully. It's fine to call outsiders this way. In the future, father-in-law and brother-in-law will also be called this way. He estimates that the future will not be too happy.

Thinking about meeting Yinyin for the first time, they shouldn't point fingers too much, for fear of arousing Yinyin's resentment, Yun Zhu and Yun Mu Yunlu snorted coldly and didn't say anything more.

Ji Mo has no dissatisfaction with all of this. The more the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she is satisfied, and the more her father-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more displeased he is.

And as long as he can grasp the key points, such as the mother-in-law, he feels that the dissatisfaction of the father-in-law and brother-in-law is actually the same.

Ji Mo really got the point. Although Father Yun has the final say in this family, in most cases, Father Yun listens to Yunca, and it is still Yunca who is in charge of the Yun family.

It was the first time for me to see Ji Mo being made things difficult, and it was quite interesting. Last time I went to see Professor Qian, Professor Qian still cared about his identity, but it was Father Yun's turn that he didn't care about his identity at all.

"Okay, it's been so long, Yinyin should be hungry, hurry up and ask someone to serve, don't be hungry Yinyin." Yu Die rolled his eyes at Yunzhu and said.

Yun Zhu's attention was diverted instantly, and he rang the bell to call the waiter to come in and order food.

Yu Die beckoned to Xianyu, motioning for her to sit over, Xianyu smiled at Ji Mo, then resolutely gave up on him and walked to Yu Die's side.

Seeing her smile, Ji Mo also smiled, resigned to his fate, walked to sit opposite her.He had never seen such leisure, and there was a warm joy in his bones.

In the past, no matter what happened in leisure, it always made him feel unreal, but today she was not so indifferent, as if the floating duckweed suddenly had roots, which made him feel real.

He is happy to see such changes, and he also hopes that besides him, there will be more people who love leisure.

After Xian Yu sat down, Yu Die opened up the chatterbox. Even though she already had information, she still asked Xian Yu about everything from childhood to adulthood.

Lei Yu was not impatient, and answered every question seriously, but there was no need to answer truthfully for some topics, and it would be okay to beautify it to make Yu Die happier.

But what she doesn't know is that everyone in the Yun family has detailed information about her from childhood to big, so her beautification is not only touched by her thoughtfulness and filial piety, but also heartache to others.

My heart aches for such an excellent and lovely daughter, who can be described in all beautiful words, grew up in such a neglected environment without receiving any warmth.

But Lei Yu didn't say this, and they could only pretend not to know, she wanted them to be happy, so they cooperated.

"By the way, Yinyin, where do you live now? Do you want to go back to... Yun's house?" Yu Die asked a little nervously, she was worried that Xianyu was still not used to them, and she didn't want to go back to Yun's house.

This question hit the point, not only Xianyu froze, but also Ji Mo froze, both of them intuitively felt that this question was not easy to answer.

Seeing that Xian Yu didn't answer, Yu Di's eyes were red again, she thought that Xian Yu didn't want to go back to Yun's house, and now her attitude towards Xian Yu was extra cautious, a little fluctuation could make her feel distressed or feel guilty.

Finally, everyone became happy. I was really afraid that Yu Di would cry again, and I would not care about Ji Mo anymore, so I said bluntly, "I live in Ji's house now."

Sure enough, after hearing this answer, the four members of the Yun family all focused their eyes on Ji Mo, especially the sharp blade in Father Yun's eyes, which almost cut Ji Mo to pieces.

Even Yu Die looked at Ji Mo with some disapproval. Although she seemed quite satisfied with this son-in-law, and she was even more satisfied with what Yun Zhu said just now, this was Ji Mo from Ji's family, but it didn't On behalf of her willingness, the daughter who had just come back was abducted by him to his home at the age of 19 before graduating from college.

Ji Mo sighed, he knew this would be the result.

The frustration on Ji Mo's face was so conspicuous that Xianyu couldn't help but laugh.

"Mom and Dad, you misunderstood. Isn't this winter vacation? I haven't had time to buy a house, so I live in Ji's house. Aunt Yun, Uncle Ji, and Grandpa Ji all treat me very well and treat me like family." Yu took the initiative to explain that as for the fact that she usually lived with Ji Mo in an apartment off-campus, she felt that there was no need to speak out.

With this explanation, Father Yun and the others looked at Ji Mo with a lot more gentle eyes, but when they thought about what I had said before buying a house in time, what came flooding in was innumerable heartaches.

According to the information, their Yinyin was kicked out of the idle house before the college entrance examination. At that time, she was underage and only had 5 yuan on her body!And the 5 yuan will be used to pay tuition fees. How can she buy a house in such a helpless situation?

If she hadn't completed Shihang's project independently with her own excellence, she might not have enough money to eat and go to school.

The more I think about it, the more I feel distressed, and the more I hate Xian's family, don't tell them that Xian's family has raised Yin Yin for more than ten years, and they don't owe anything, let alone that if it wasn't for Xian's family, Yin Yin might have been stolen and sent abroad long ago.

In fact, the chaos came suddenly at the beginning, but they were not unprepared. When the chaos came, they resolved it quickly, and it didn't spread to the baby room. If it wasn't for the mistress in Xianlou, their love would not have been lost!

 In the afternoon, I had a nightmare of being urged to change, crying, and fear of being dominated by being urged to change, but I still chose salted fish haha

(End of this chapter)

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