Chapter 220

Xian Yu looked at Yu Die who didn't know what to think, looked at her with love and distress, and said to her: "Yin Yin, you have a family now, you go back to Yun's house, let us take good care of you, okay?"

Facing Yu Di's motherly love, what else can Xian Yu say, he can only agree.

Although Ji Mo who was sitting opposite was unwilling to go back to Yun's house in his spare time, he didn't express any different opinions after all.

One is because he felt that when Xianyu had just found his family, the Yun family wanted to put everything in front of Xianyu to make up for her.

The second reason is that, to put it bluntly, Xianyu now has a family and parents, and if she is not engaged or married, if she continues to live in Ji's house, the outside world will not be sure how to talk about her, and Father Yun and Yunmu will not give him a good look.

After comprehensive consideration, it is most appropriate for Xianyu to return to Yun's house.

However, he can only endure the winter and summer vacations. When he is in school, he still has to live with him in his spare time. This matter is not negotiable.

After Xianyu agreed, Yun's father, Yunmu, couldn't control his happiness for a while, and Yunmu kept planning what to buy for her.

Father Yun should be more calm. Considering the problems of Ji's family, it is really rude to take Lei Yu back so silently.

He thought for a while and said to Xianyu and Ji Mo: "Yinyin, you stay with Ji Mo at Ji's house for a day, and tomorrow I will visit with your mother, and then I will take you home, what do you think? ?”

This is idle time, if it was Yunmu or Yunlu, he would not ask their opinions, he just made a decision.

Of course, I don't have any objections, and it would be more appropriate for Aunt Yun and the others to be mentally prepared before returning to Yun's house.

While talking, the food was served, Yun's father and Yun's mother worried that Xianyu would be hungry, so she kept asking her to eat more, yelling that she was too thin.In fact, they wanted to serve leisure food by themselves, but because they didn't know her food preferences, they had to give up.

Instead, I took a look at my figure in my spare time, it couldn't be more suitable, how could it be too thin?After thinking about it, there is probably a kind of thinness that makes parents think you are thin. Most parents in the world think that their children are thin.

During this period, Mica did not leave Ji Mo behind, and she cared about him a few words in her spare time, and asked about the preferences of everyone in Ji's family.

I have asked these questions before, but Ji Mo didn't say anything at that time, but now that Yun Mu asks these questions, he knows everything without saying a word.

After listening to what he said about Aunt Yun and others' hobbies, Lei Yu also deeply understood why he didn't tell himself at the beginning, presumably it was also to take care of her self-esteem. Hearing about these hobbies, what antique emerald jewelry, which one is hers? Can afford it at the time?
However, these seemed to her to be some extravagant hobbies, but Yunfu and Mica seemed to listen to the commonplace, and there was no general reaction, as if what Ji Mo was talking about was just some ordinary little things.

In fact, Father Yun Mica thinks so from the bottom of his heart, isn't it just some antique emerald orchids, and the Yun family doesn't lack any of them.Especially the rare orchids that Mr. Ji loves, there are many in the flower room of Yun's family, and they are all produced in the research institute and sent to Yun's house.

The meal was pleasant and warm, and Yun Mu and Yun Lu felt extremely relieved when they saw the smiles on the faces of Father Yun and Mu Mu who hadn't stopped for a moment.

When I didn't find my sister before, Father Yun and Mica were rarely so happy. Even when he smiled, he smiled with melancholy. More often, Father Yun's face was full of heavy, and Mica was always wrinkled. With a frown and a worried face, has he ever been so happy physically and mentally as now?

After the meal, under the reluctance of Yun Mu and others, Ji Mo returned to Ji's house with his spare time.In the car, Ji Mo looked at the faint smile on Xian Yu's face, didn't say much, and stretched out a hand to shake Xian Yu.

Feeling the warmth from his hands, Lei Yu turned his head to look at Ji Mo, and suddenly his smile became brighter, without saying anything.

After arriving at Ji's house, the two of them found that everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for the two of them as soon as they entered the door. Presumably, they were also very concerned about Xianyu's recognition of relatives today.

Ji Mo walked to the sofa and sat down with his spare time, and told everything in advance before Lu Yun asked.

After listening to his narration, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xianyu and Ji Mo have not been dating for a long time, but she has already become a member of Ji's family. From the old man Ji's housekeeper to the servants, everyone has already regarded her as the future mistress of the Ji family.Coupled with the status of an orphan before Xianyu, everyone loves her even more.

Now that she has found her family, everyone will inevitably worry about whether her family treats her well and whether they will love her like other parents. After learning that the Yun family has been looking for her for more than ten years, and they can't treat her better , are relieved a lot.

It's just that after knowing that the Yun family will visit tomorrow, and then bring Xianyu back to live in the Yun family, he feels a little bit reluctant again.

Especially Lu Yun, the brat in the family is not cute, he is gentle and good-looking in his spare time, and often chats with her, how can she be willing to let her go.

She wanted Xianyu to stay at Ji's house, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say anything.

It's fine if she doesn't find her relatives. Now that she has found her, how can she selfishly deprive her of the time she spends with her parents and relatives.Thinking about it again, as long as Ji Mo works hard, in a few years, she can still go back to Ji's house in her spare time, and she will still be resident in Ji's house, so she will feel much more comfortable.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Ji Mo, the complex emotions in her eyes made Ji Mo confused when he received this look.

"Go back, but you have to remember, this is your home from beginning to end, you still have to come back more often to see me, old man!" Old Man Ji said in a deep voice.

He is an old man, and he has not had a good life for a few years. He agreed to the granddaughter-in-law of Xianyu. As he grows older, he wants more people from the younger generation to accompany him. Ji Mo has tasks all year round and spends little time at home. There are very few, and Xianyu, the granddaughter-in-law, is going back to Yun's house now, and he also feels very reluctant, but he has been iron and blood all his life, and no amount of warm words can be said.

"Grandpa Ji, don't worry, I will come back often to water the flowers and play chess with you." Mr. Ji did not know when he became obsessed with playing chess, but it was not Go, but chess. Bundle.

Grandpa Ji: "What else is it called Grandpa Ji, just Grandpa!"

"Okay grandpa." Lei Yu changed his words in a polite manner.

Compared with Mr. Ji, Steward Ji is more emotionally exposed. He smiled very gently and said to Xianyu: "Don't just remember Mr. Ji, I'm also waiting for you to come back to see me more often."

"If you forget, no one can forget the butler grandpa." Lei Yu hurriedly promised.

Ji's father didn't say much, but kept nodding to show his agreement when Mr. Ji and Butler Ji were talking. The two old men had finished what he wanted to say, and he really couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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