Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 222 Mountain Villa

Chapter 222 Mountain Villa
Both parties are interested in making friends, and they chat happily.But no matter how cheerful the atmosphere is, it must always get to the point.

"Old man, we came this time not only to thank you for taking care of Yinyin, but also to take Yinyin back to Yun's family. We owe her too much, and we want to make up for her in the future." Yun Zhu has already done Well, I’m ready to be rejected. After all, the Ji family treated Yinyin really well in the last document. They treat Yinyin as a family member. They will take her away when they come here. I know it won’t be too bad easy.

"Okay, just pick it up, but let Xiao Yu come back to see us more in the future." Mr. Ji didn't tell the Yun family to treat Xian Yu well, because he has already seen that no one can treat Xian Yu better than them Yu is better.

Before Yun Zhulai came, he had already thought about how to persuade Mr. Ji and the others to agree to him taking Yinyin back, but he didn't expect that all the manuscripts were stillborn, and Mr. Ji agreed too readily.

"Thank you, Mr. Ji!" Of course, it's a good thing to agree quickly, and it's better than one side holding on to someone, and the other side trying every means to persuade, leaving Yinyin caught in the middle.

Yun Zhu got up and bowed to Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji didn't avoid this gift, firstly, he was old enough to accept this gift, secondly, if he avoided this gift, it would make Yun Zhu feel bad, instead It is better to accept it directly.

After the matter was finalized, Lu Yun's reluctance to be suppressed by herself yesterday came to the fore, she held Idle's hand with red eyes, "come back more often to see Aunt Yun, otherwise Aunt Yun's life will be so sad. "

Xianyu sighed in his heart, why is it like this, it is not a farewell, "Aunt Yun, you miss me, I will come over as soon as you make a phone call." It doesn't matter what you think, what should be comforted should be comforted.

Yu Die also said at the side: "Mrs. Ji, don't be sad. If you get bored in the future, you can find Yinyin or me. You will definitely be there whenever you are called."

Lu Yun wiped the slightly moist corners of her eyes and said to Yu Die, "What's your name, Mrs. Ji? You're estranged. You're two years older than me. We'll just call you by your first name from now on."

Yu Die nodded and said, "Success, Lu Yun." The two seemed to hit it off.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, seeing that it was almost noon, it would not be appropriate to visit early and delay until lunch time, Yun Zhu proposed to take his spare time to leave.

Lu Yun was already chatting happily with Yu Die at the moment, thinking of being able to contact each other frequently in the future, she didn't hold back much, and asked the servant to hand over the things that Yu Die had packed up to Yunmu and Yunlu brothers , let him go.

It is still a simple two boxes, most of which are some books. Lu Yun does not let Lei Yu take too many things away, saying that she will come back to see them in the future, and this room has been kept for her, so there is no need to take all the things. take away.

Thinking about it in my spare time, I simply took some books and necessary things away.

Ji Mo sent them out of the gate of the compound, Yun Zhu and others stared at him, Ji Mo couldn't do anything out of the ordinary, so he could only watch Xian Yu get in the car and leave, secretly thinking in his heart that at most one year, when Xian Yu was 20 years old Finally, we must marry Lei Yu home as soon as possible.

This idea coincided with Lu Yun's.

Leisurely sitting in the Yun family's car, beside Yun's father and mica, Yun Mu and Yun Lu are in the other car, looking at the scenery outside the window, thinking that he is about to go to a new home, where there are people who just came back. The relatives who were less than two days old couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

But when she thought of the ardent and sincere love these relatives had for her, it seemed that there was nothing to worry about.

After driving for more than an hour, the car left the urban area and arrived at a mountain villa area. It was said to be a villa, but it was more like a small manor. It was not like the pure European decoration of Ji's house, but a Chinese-European building.

This mountain villa is located on the mountainside, and she saw more than one villa along the way, and there should be some other villas up the mountainside.

The style of each villa seems to be different. The Yun family's house is a combination of Chinese and European styles, and there are quite a few houses at the foot of the mountain that are purely European.

It is winter right now, and the eyes are full of snow on the dark green branches, far away from the noise and hustle and bustle of the city, the tranquility of the mountains and the cold fragrance of the grass and trees are oncoming, making people's eyes and soul seem to be at ease. Got washed.

"It's so beautiful here!" Lei Yu couldn't help admiring, this place is really beautiful, very suitable for retirement and vacation.

"Yinyin, as long as you like it, it's too quiet here, that is, we live in the elderly, I'm afraid you don't like it." Yu Die smiled lovingly at Xianyu and said.

"I like it, why don't I like it." She likes to be quiet and not noisy. This quiet mountain villa, whether it is the scenery, the decoration style or the atmosphere, is very popular with her.

While talking, the car drove into the villa and stopped. A servant was waiting at the entrance of the villa. When the car stopped, he immediately went forward to take the suitcase from Yunmu Yunlu behind him.

"Come on, Yinyin, I'll take you to see your room, see if you like it, if you don't like it, we can change it." Yu Die walked forward with leisure.

Lei Yu looked at the scenery outside the villa all the way and followed Yu Die forward.

Just looking at this style from a distance is already very pleasing to her, and the scenery after entering the courtyard is also very satisfying.

There is an open-air swimming pool, a large open-air balcony, and a transparent glass greenhouse with many colorful flowers and plants that she has never seen before. There is even a mountain stream that flows around the villa, and the sound of gurgling water can be faintly heard.

In city b where every inch of land is expensive, there is such a mountain villa, which shows the background of the Yun family.

Can't help, Xianyu once again sighed, why every time she thinks that she should be able to secure the title of "little rich woman", come out to beat her, telling her that she is still just a poor person with little knowledge?She is close to autism.

But this autism disappeared instantly after seeing her room.

Everyone in the Yun family has a huge debt and compensation mentality towards Xianyu, so they are extraordinarily caring about everything about her. This caring can be seen in the layout of her room.

The decoration in the room is consistent with the overall style of the villa. The combination of China and Europe does not feel contradictory, but the combination of the two very different styles is very harmonious, and it is pleasing to the eyes.

And the decoration of the details is more attentive.

There is a large bookshelf in the room. The bookshelf is full of all kinds of books. I glanced at it in my spare time. There are famous books, history, machinery, power, and all kinds of books she likes to read.

Beside the bookshelf is a museum shelf of the same height, which is full of antiques of the same style she likes that she had communicated with She Wei in "Dream of the Future", exquisite vases and gemstone plum blossom bonsai, all of which are taken out All priceless.

(End of this chapter)

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