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Chapter 223 The gap between the rich and the poor

Chapter 223 The gap between the rich and the poor
There is an antique screen in front of the bookshelf and the museum shelf. Judging from the display on the museum shelf, this screen is likely to be genuine by casual visual inspection.

On the diagonally opposite side of the bed is an exquisite dressing table. On the dressing table is an extremely delicate and luxurious dowry. Yes, it is the kind of dowry used by noble ladies in ancient times, but it is not so old and looks streamlined. overflow color.

The box is so expensive, the value of the things inside will not be cheaper than the dowry, otherwise it will not be worthy of the dowry.

There is no wardrobe in the room. Presumably there should be a special cloakroom. Sure enough, there is a sliding door next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there should be a cloakroom behind it.

Xian Yu glanced over, and his eyes fell on the huge balcony in front of the French windows. Seeing her looking at the balcony, Yu Die opened the French windows and dragged her to the balcony.

The top of the head is made of transparent glass. Looking down from the balcony is the courtyard of the villa. Looking into the distance, there is a blend of dark green and snow-white mountain scenery. You can imagine how beautiful the scenery in front of you will be when the ice and snow melt and spring flowers bloom.

In addition, rattan chairs, small tables and bonsai are all available on the balcony, and there is even a hanging basket rattan chair beside the table.In the summer evening, with the cool breeze blowing in the mountains, eating delicious tea, or reading a book or taking a nap, when you are tired, you can look up at the bright starry sky.

This kind of day, really a god would not change it.

"Mom, how much did you pay for this villa?" Xian Yu summoned up his courage and asked.

"Huh? Why did you ask this?" Yu Die didn't understand Leisure's brain circuit, wasn't he looking at the room carefully, why did he jump so much, and asked how much the villa cost in a blink of an eye.

"I'll just ask, you tell me." She gave up on asking a price, otherwise she would always want to buy one for herself.

Lei Yu wanted to know, and Yu Die thought about it in his head, "11 billion or 12 billion?" This villa was bought by Yun Mu and Yun Lu after she and Yun Zhu were not in good health, and they almost gave up looking for leisure later. In the rest of the day, she moved here to take care of her health, and she heard Yunmu talk about the price by chance, but she really forgot the exact price.

After listening to the price, Lei Yu didn't have much expression on his face, but his heart shattered all over the floor with a thud.Very well, this villa is worthy of the price, and it is enough to make her give up.

Thinking about her current net worth just over [-] million, she can't even afford one-tenth of this villa.

This is just the price of the villa, and the price of the decoration must be even more desperate. Not to mention anything else, the museum shelf in her room alone is estimated to be enough for most of her net worth.

"Yinyin, do you like this room? If you don't like it, tell your mother and we'll change it." Yu Die looked around the decoration of the room, trying to find out where Lei Yu was not satisfied.

"No, I like it very much, there is no need to change it." Xian Yu shook her head, she really couldn't be more satisfied.

Yu Die carefully looked at Xianyu's face, and saw that she didn't force herself, so she believed that she really liked it, and then she smiled. This room was arranged by her, and she saw her in "Dream of the Future" as early as During the live broadcast, she started to decorate the room. Fortunately, her thoughts were not in vain, as long as her Yin Yin likes it.

"It's fine if you like it, it's getting late, let's go down to eat, I see you're hungry and thin." Yu Die dragged Xianyu to go downstairs again. Let go of the rest of your hand.

Xian Yu didn't even think about pulling her hand back, she knew that Yu Die should still be in a very insecure state, and she had to hold her hand all the time to be at ease.

It's just that she's hungry and skinny again. Is this serious?Can she be starved and thin in just one meal?Sure enough, unless the child is fat and becomes a ball, parents all over the world always think that their child is a bamboo pole.

After Xian Yu and Yu Di went downstairs together, Father Yun and the others were sitting on the sofa waiting, it was enough to see the room for Yu Die, they didn't follow along to join in the fun.

"Finished? How about it? Are you satisfied? If you don't like it, we can change it." Father Yun asked.

With exactly the same problem and attitude, her wishes are the most important thing. This kind of care impacts on Xian Yu's heart, making her soft-hearted.

"I like Dad very much." Lei Yu repeated his answer again.

"Hehe, as long as you like it, as long as you like it." Father Yun said with a smile, a very loving father.

The onlookers, Yun Mu and Yun Lu, only felt that their father seemed to be a different person, and it would be great if they could be so gentle to them both.

The two of them tried to imagine Father Yun's gentleness towards them, and then shuddered at the same time. Forget it, they couldn't bear it.

"Yinyin, tell brother if there is anything missing, brother will take you to buy it." Yun Mu got up and walked to Xianyu's side, pinching Xianyu's face.

He wanted to do this action as early as when his younger sister was just born. Thanks to Yun's father, Mica, for a whole year, they took it as their mission to love her when she was still in the womb. After that, Mica still didn't give up looking for the reason for being idle.

Apart from Ji Mo, Lei Yu has never been touched so intimately by anyone, as if treating her like a child, coaxing her in pain, this feeling is not bad, but on the other hand, she is also a little embarrassed, after all, she is a As an adult, I feel a little ashamed.

"Second brother Yinyin can also take you to buy it. The eldest brother is usually busy, so you can just tell the second brother." Yunlu said calmly, um, he didn't lie, the eldest brother is already busy, so he is more free .

He had already resigned from Country M yesterday, so far he is alone, and he has a lot of time to spend with Yinyin, their family Yinyin is really cute.

Don't look at her glamorous and charming appearance, but she has a very gentle temperament and occasionally likes to be shy. Sure enough, it's just like what my parents said, my sister is Yuxue and cute.

"There is nothing missing." Whoever should arrange the spare time is better, so they both refused.

Sure enough, she would feel lonely and lonely when she had no relatives, and she would feel overwhelmed when she had relatives. She was almost overwhelmed by too much love.

"Yinyin, tell your two elder brothers what you want, or you can buy it yourself, don't worry about the money." Yun Zhu took a bank card and handed it to Xianyu.

He was worried that Xianyu would feel uncomfortable when he just returned to Yun's house, so he didn't dare to bother his two elder brothers, so he simply gave the money directly, and he could buy whatever he wanted.

Lei Yu was stunned by Father Yun's operation, is it okay to give the bank card if there is a disagreement?
"No, no, I have money." Idle Yu refused, since she is an adult and has the financial means, there is no need to use Father Yun's money.

"What is your little money, take it quickly." Father Yun continued to hand over the card, " don't want to use our money?"

Saying that, Father Yun’s expression became guilty, yes, for more than ten years, they did not fulfill any responsibilities as parents, let her grow up in an environment where she was ignored, and now they use money to make up for it, I want to know Yinyin would not accept it.

Seeing that Father Yun's whole body's energy and spirit collapsed in an instant, Xianyu's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly picked up the card, "It's nothing, I'll just be polite."

Although that sentence, what kind of money is your money, is really shocking.

Anyway, it's a small goal, so it's so inconspicuous?Sure enough, she is still a poor person?

(End of this chapter)

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