Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 226 Cooperation with the State

Chapter 226 Cooperation with the State

The team was finalized just like that. Although she and Father Yun were the only ones at the moment, she was not in a hurry.

Father Yun can find someone from Hongtu without her worrying, and she has some ideas on her own side.

She planned to go back to school to organize a group of people. After all, it was a Q fight. The ready-made talent reserves were not in vain.

It's just that she didn't think about recruiting people one by one, which would be too much trouble, not to mention inefficient. The most effective way to hire cooperation is to start with the professors of the school's electronic information engineering, and hire them and their students to join the team. In this way, she can greatly retain her right to speak.

The only thing that is not easy to operate is that she is very soft-spoken, and there is no big company and big capital behind her, so I am afraid that those professors will not accept the employment.

Seeing that he had joined the team, his daughter still looked thoughtful, without a smile on her face, so she asked with concern, "Is there any problem that can't be solved? Tell Dad, Dad will think of a solution for you."

I didn't think of a good idea for a while in my spare time, so I simply said it when I heard Yun Zhu's question, to see if there were any good suggestions.

Unexpectedly, this embarrassing thing for her made Yun Zhu laugh out loud, "I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be this."

What is the best way to listen to his tone?Idle Yu hurriedly asked, "Father, do you have a solution?"

Yun Zhu vaguely showed a complacent expression, and said directly, "Your current situation is nothing more than the lack of a powerful boss to take charge of the place, and this can completely let your elder brother take over."

Xianyu's mind turned quickly, "You mean to invest in the formation of the team in the name of the eldest brother, and I am the project leader, and he will also come forward to hire professors from the school to join the team?"

Yun Zhu nodded, "That's right, that's it."

I put my head in my head and thought about it. The method is indeed a good one. Among other things, the team formed by Hongtu's name is definitely enough, and I will definitely be able to hire professors to join the team. As for her project leader, can she convince the public? , That's what happened after the professors joined the team, as long as she has real skills, she doesn't have to worry about this at all.

"But won't this be too much trouble, brother?"

As soon as Yun Zhu and Yu Die said this, before Yun Zhu and Yu Die had time to say anything, Yun Lu, who had been listening, said to Xian Yu with a serious expression: "Yin Yin, you must always remember that we are your family, and everything about you is right. It's no trouble for us!"

Yunzhu and Yu Die immediately cast admiring glances at Yunlu, and at the same time Yu Die also echoed: "Yinyin, there is no trouble between family members." Then his tone changed, "You are so polite, Don't you...haven't considered us your family yet?"

After I heard it, I hurriedly denied it, "No, I'm just used to relying on myself." Just kidding, this matter can't be admitted at all, okay, if she has a little bit of this kind of thinking, Yu Die can cry in the blink of an eye , not only Yu Die was crying, maybe Father Yun would have to cry too.

She thought that her explanation was timely, but unfortunately it was timely, but this explanation didn't quite sound right to Father Yun and others.

What does it mean to get used to relying on yourself?What kind of person is used to relying on himself?
If there are people who can rely on in life, who will rely on themselves in everything?It's not that no one can rely on you, you can only rely on yourself!Children who cry are given candy, but children who cry but are not given candy gradually stop crying.

Xianyu didn't know what they were imagining, but only saw that the eyes of the three of them showed distress with the naked eye, especially Yunfu Mica, the guilt in her eyes almost overwhelmed her.

Yun Zhu stretched out his hand and patted Xian Yu's head affectionately, "Yin Yin, you don't have to rely on yourself from now on, your mother, me and two elder brothers can all be your support."

Both Yu Die and Yunlu nodded firmly to agree with this statement, and they will become Yinyin's firm support.

This has become obvious, and I sighed softly in my heart. They must have made up for the fact that they were lonely and unloved when they were young. Although this is also true, she is already so old after all. When you grow up, you will get used to it when you grow up, and you will only feel a little regretful when you think about it occasionally.

But now even the slightest regret is gone.She already has family and friends who love her by her side, as well as a lover who will accompany her for the rest of her life. All of this has been so perfect that it couldn't be more perfect. What is there to regret?

"Okay, then I will rely on my parents and my brothers from now on." Xian Yu smiled coquettishly.

People who don't act like a baby on weekdays are very powerful if they act like a baby occasionally, at least that's how it looks to Yunfu, Mica and Yunlu. The three of them just feel very satisfied in their hearts.

"Don't worry, Yinyin, I'll talk to your elder brother about this when he comes back tonight, and I'll definitely help you with it." Father Yun patted his chest and promised.

When Yun Mu came home in the evening, Father Yun talked to him about it after dinner. Yun Mu didn't agree immediately, but put forward his own idea, "Does Yinyin not consider cooperating with the country? You know that virtual reality technology can It is not an ordinary thing. Once the research is successful, it can even directly enhance the overall national strength of Huaguo. It is no exaggeration to describe the profits as rich as an enemy. If you set up a private team to study, it will definitely attract the covetousness of various forces."

What Yun Mu said was very reasonable. They didn't think about it earlier, but now that they were reminded, they immediately understood that such a huge achievement would definitely not be able to be eaten by a single person even with Hongtu.

"I understand big brother, but how do I get in touch with the country? Is there a ready-made team in the country currently researching virtual reality?"

"As far as I know, the country does not have a dedicated team to study this. Some domestic companies are doing research, but most of them have made little progress. As for how to contact the country, you can ask your boyfriend Ji Mo .” Yun Mu began to joke while talking.

At the moment, all the thoughts of Lei Yu are on how to cooperate with the country, and he didn't notice Yun Mu's joke at all.That's right, as Ji Mo and Ji's family, it's not easy to cooperate with the country, not to mention that she has a treasure in hand, so she doesn't worry about the country's lack of interest.

"Thank you for reminding me, brother."

Yun Mu rubbed his spare head amusedly, "Silly girl, thank you, I am your brother."

Xianyu smiled helplessly, no matter how everyone likes to rub her head, this is obviously a gesture to coax children, and she is a proper adult no matter whether she is on the interstellar or on the earth.

"If I cooperate with the country, Dad, will you still join my team?" Lei Yu suddenly remembered that Hongtu seemed to have always been away from the country, and had never cooperated with the country. Now she wants to cooperate with the country. What about Father Yun?
(End of this chapter)

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