Chapter 227
"Why don't you join? I haven't done research with Yinyin yet." Father Yun said naturally.

"Will it have any impact on Hongtu...?"

"What effect will it have? Your father and I have retired now, and Hongtu is now under your brother's management." Yun Zhu waved his big hand and pushed it away.

After hearing this, Lei Yu immediately felt relieved, as long as it won't have any impact on Hongtu.

The next day, Lei Yu was planning to go to Ji Mo to discuss the cooperation with the state in developing virtual reality technology, but unexpectedly, before she left, Ji Mo came to Yun's house one step ahead of her.

Yu Die naturally welcomed Ji Mo very much, and warmly greeted him to sit down, and ordered the servants to serve tea and snacks.But Father Yun and Yunlu are not so enthusiastic, not only not enthusiastic, but also a little cold, forgive them for not being enthusiastic about this person who robbed his daughter/sister.

Ji Mo saw it but didn't take it seriously at all. After all, there is no father-in-law who is kind to his son-in-law.In exchange for him having a well-behaved daughter with Xianyu one day, whoever wants to abduct his daughter, he can break that person's leg.

"Auntie, sit down quickly, you don't have to be so polite." Ji Mo stopped Yu Die politely, and at the same time took out a gift he carefully prepared and handed it to Yu Die. The most important thing he should please in this family is the future mother-in-law, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course, he was not so ignorant that he only prepared Yu Die's gift, and Father Yun and Yun Lu naturally also had a share.

Looking at Ji Mo courteously courting her family with a smile, I asked jokingly, "Is there no place for me?"

Ji Mo glanced at her with a smile, and handed over a beautifully packaged dessert box.

"Weitu's dessert?" Lei Yu asked in surprise.

Weitu is the name of a famous dessert shop in city b. Their desserts have always been sold in limited quantities, and the price is not cheap, but even so, many people make reservations every day. She ate with Ji Mo once, of course , mainly because she was eating, and remembered the taste after eating it, but she didn't have much chance and time to eat it again.

Yu Die's gift is a pink-purple pearl necklace, each pearl is the same size, round and shimmering, it is very valuable at first glance.

"Xiaomo, you have a heart." Yu Die liked this necklace very much, and most importantly, her Yinyin liked the dessert very much.

"Auntie is too polite. This is specially prepared for you by my mother, as long as you like it."

Since all the gifts that Yun's family gave to Ji's family before were well-loved, and they were also of high value, Lu Yun has been thinking about returning gifts.Today, Ji Mo is coming to Yun's house, so she specially asked Ji Mo to wear this pearl necklace as a gift.

Yu Die smiled and said, "Please trouble your mother." Then he said to Jimo: "You are here to find Yinyin, you two go upstairs to talk, and we elders will not get involved. Have someone bring some food up."

Ji Mo smiled knowingly, sure enough, it is useful to please the mother-in-law.

After Ji Mo and Xian Yu left, Father Yun and Yun Lu couldn't bear it anymore, and complained to Yu Die with an unhappy face, "How could you let that kid go to Yin Yin's room!"

Yu Di squinted at Yun Zhu calmly, "Why don't we go to your room?"

Yun Zhu was about to continue talking, when Yun Lu on the side pulled him indiscriminately, and if he continued speaking, his mother would be furious.

Feeling the pull from the sleeves, Yun Zhu suddenly woke up, saw that Yu Die's expression was not right, and changed his tone in time, "No, no, I'd better go to Yinyin's room, the balcony outside Yinyin's room has a good view, Suitable for hospitality."

Yu Di sneered, ignored him, went to the kitchen and asked the servants to make some food and take it upstairs later.

The remaining Yunzhu and Yunlu father and son looked at each other and sat down dejectedly.

Upstairs, Ji Mo was visiting the spare room. When he saw the exquisite display of the museum shelf, even he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "I feel like I abused you."

Lei Yu looked back suspiciously, "Huh?" How did you say that.

"It's nothing." Ji Mo smiled without explaining.

Judging from the status and financial resources of the Yun family, the things on the museum shelf must be authentic. Treating Xianyu so cherished, in comparison, it seems that he is abusing Xianyu.

It seems that what he has done is far from enough. It is not good for his father-in-law's family to be too rich. He must pay more in the future, otherwise he will not be able to show his goodness.

Lei Yu didn't worry about this, she pretended to be something in her heart, she pulled Jimo to the balcony, and after he sat down, she told Jimo what she thought.

"So you want me to help you and the country take the lead in setting up a team to study virtual reality technology?" Ji Mo concluded.

Idle Yu nodded, "Yeah!" That's right.

Ji Mo didn't agree right away, but smiled, "Then what good do I have?" Looking straight into Xianyu's eyes, "Or how do you plan to repay me?"

" will get [-]% of the profit?" Lei Yu asked tentatively.

Ji Mo shook his head while sighing, looking extremely helpless.

Isn't what he's hinting at obvious enough?How can a matter that can be solved with a kiss be involved in profit?Only now did he realize that his girlfriend was so straightforward, and she was so incomprehensible.

Seeing Ji Mo shaking his head in his spare time, he thought he was dissatisfied with the profit sharing, "Don't shake your head, it can be negotiated, otherwise [-]% is fine, but if it is a cooperation with the country, maybe I will talk about it alone It doesn't count."

Ji Mo was too lazy to listen to Lei Yu's continuing to say these incomprehensible words, so he got up and covered that small mouth that kept babbling, tossing and turning, and at the same time let out a satisfied sigh in his heart.

After a long time, the two separated, Ji Mo licked his lips very seductively, and his magnetic voice became a little hoarse, "Okay, I've got what I wanted in return."

Xianyu blushed and didn't know what to say, so it turned out that this was what he said in return, and she realized belatedly that she just talked about profit, isn't she too confused?

Fortunately, it didn't embarrass her for long, the servant knocked on the door and came in to deliver tea and snacks.

Compared with desserts, Lei Yu wanted to eat the desserts that Ji Mo brought over. She didn't dare to look up at Ji Mo for a while, but silently opened the dessert box, for fear that when she looked up, she would see Ji Mo's eyes making fun of her.

Ji Mo knew that Xianyu was shy. When she was shy, her cheeks were always blushing and she didn't speak much. Of course, if she became angry from embarrassment, she could still speak, but what she said would be a little thorny.

So he decisively changed the subject, "When are you free, I'll take you to find my cousin. He should be happy to cooperate with you on this matter."

"Cousin? Which cousin?" Lei Yu put a spoonful of dessert into his mouth, and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

 Catch bugs

(End of this chapter)

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