Chapter 228

"Cousin Peifeng." Ji Mo said.

In my spare time, I recalled in my mind which cousin Ji Mo said was Cousin Peifeng. There are really too many cousins ​​in the Lu family, there are four of them. If you don't think about it carefully, it is really easy to confuse them.

After thinking for a while, he remembered that this cousin Peifeng should be Lu Peichuan's second brother, Lu Peifeng, the second son of Ji Mo's uncle Lu Xuyan, who looked serious and cold.

Seeing Lei Yu remembering who Lu Peifeng was, Ji Mo continued: "Cousin Peifeng is in charge of this. If you want to cooperate with the country, you must go through him."

I was thinking about this matter sooner rather than later, "Can we do it tomorrow?"

Ji Mo nodded, "Yes." After thinking for a while, he said, "I'll talk about the profit issue."

Although his cousin Peifeng looks cold and hard, he is actually cold and hard in his heart. Adhering to the purpose of his brothers to settle accounts clearly, he will never be soft when it is time to make a move. Let Lei Yu talk to him about profits. It will be miserable.

Lei Yu nodded in agreement. Lu Peifeng is Ji Mo's cousin. If she were to talk to her, she would not be good at it.

Yes, now I am still naively thinking that Lu Peifeng is a good person.

Until the next day, Ji Mo took her to Lu Peifeng's house to find Lu Peifeng.

"You said that you want to cooperate with the country, and the country will lead the establishment of a team to study virtual reality technology, so what can you contribute? In other words, I want to know what your role is, I can't just do it based on your words, right? "Lu Peifeng sat upright in the study and asked.

Lei Yu nodded secretly in his heart, this serious and upright attitude was very formal.

"At present, I have a general charter for virtual reality technology. The rest is data collection, a large number of experiments, and biological neural links. In this regard, Mr. Yun has also achieved certain results. This problem can be solved." Lei Yu looked directly into Lu Peifeng's eyes, full of confidence, "That is to say, as long as you agree to take the lead in forming a team, I can give you a successful result!"

Lu Peifeng's eyes are not blind, he can see Leisure's confidence and certainty, he still has a certain understanding of this cousin and daughter-in-law, it is said that she is a genius with extremely high scientific research talent.

"Let me ask, who is Mr. Yun you are talking about?"

Leisurely: "Mr. Yun Zhu, former director of Hongtu Research Institute."

"Mr. Yunzhu?!" Lu Peifeng's voice suddenly became high, "How did you move Mr. Yun?"

Lei Yu thought that it had only been two days since he met the Yun family and returned to the Yun family. Lu Peifeng didn't know that her relationship with Yun Zhu was also normal, so he stated: "Mr. Yun Zhu is my father."

Lei Yu felt that it sounded like my father was Li Gang.

"Aren't you an orphan?" Lu Peifeng asked hesitantly, without waiting for an explanation, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately understood, "Have you found your biological parents?"


"It turns out that your biological parents are Mr. Yun and Academician Yu." Lu Peifeng said in an unexpected but reasonable tone.Considering Lei Yu's talent and IQ, it doesn't sound too strange that Yun Zhu and Yu Die are her parents.

Then Lu Peifeng took a look at his cousin Ji Mo again. His cousin is really lucky. When he found a girlfriend who was an orphan, he was very capable. There has been a qualitative leap.

"Okay, I can promise you." Lu Peifeng, who didn't quite believe in Xianyu's strength, suddenly agreed.

I was thinking about the change in his attitude as if he knew Yun Zhu's identity, so he tentatively asked, "Is it because of Mr. Yun that you agreed so readily?"

Lu Peifeng nodded first, then shook his head and said: "It is true that Mr. Yun is the reason. I fully believe in Mr. Yun's strength. If he joins, the probability of success is still very high. The other part of the reason is that I also believe Your strength, the child of Mr. Yun and Academician Yu must also be beyond doubt."

I idled my mind to ponder what he said, and found that he was talking about it because of her father Yun Zhu?The reason why she believes in her strength is also because she has full confidence in the genes of her father Yun Zhu and her mother Yu Die, and feels that her daughter who inherited their genes should not fall into the prestige of Yun Zhu and Yu Die.

But it doesn't matter, whether it is trusting her father Yun Zhu or trusting her spare time, as long as the goal can be achieved.

"Another point is that the leader of the team must be me, and I must have the absolute right to speak." Lei Yu put forward his own request.

Lu Peifeng didn't agree to Xianyu immediately, but frowned and thought for a while. Although he believed in Xianyu's strength, it didn't mean he believed that she could overwhelm everyone and become the leader of the team.

You must know that the leader of a team must be the most powerful person in the entire team. In the field of science, everything speaks by strength, and only strength can have prestige.

"It's useless for me to promise you this. If you can't convince the rest of the team, you won't be able to hold the position of leader securely."

"Don't worry about this Mr. Lu, as long as you agree, it's my business to convince others." Now I don't call him cousin after Ji Mo, but Mr. Lu. It's not appropriate to call him cousin on this occasion.

To be honest, Lu Peifeng didn't really want to agree to Xianyu, he still didn't really believe that Xianyu had the strength to beat everyone in the team, after all, she was still too young.

But Ji Mo has been watching him from the sidelines, the meaning is self-evident, and the reason why Yun Zhu agreed to join, needless to say, it must be because of his spare face, otherwise, with Hongtu's style of never cooperating with the country, Yun Zhu It is impossible to agree to join the team anyway.

He had to give Ji Mo face, and Yun Zhu had to think about it, so Lu Peifeng said to Xianyu with a little reluctance: "It's not impossible to promise you, but I'll say something ugly first, once you are not competent In this position, I will remove you immediately and replace you with someone who can do it."

Lei Yu nodded indifferently, saying in his heart that you didn't have that chance.

"Then let's talk about other things."

Idle understands that this other matter is nothing more than who invests in the team's R&D funds, the consequences of R&D failure, or the distribution of profits after successful R&D.Yesterday, she and Jimo agreed to let him discuss these matters, so she stepped back decisively and let Jimo stand in front of Lu Peifeng.

Lu Peifeng didn't understand the meaning of her retreating action, but he didn't need to ask, Ji Mo had already made it clear, "I'll talk to my cousin about other things."

When Ji Mo said this, he had a smile on his face. He thought he seldom showed any unnecessary expressions to people other than Xianyu, so when Lu Peifeng saw this smile, he immediately felt a shudder down his back, feeling not very good.

 I really really really really really really hate the title ()`ω(ヾ)
(End of this chapter)

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