Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 229 Profit Sharing

Chapter 229 Profit Sharing
To be honest, he is not willing to talk to his cousin Ji Mo. Although Ji Mo has no expression on his face all the year round and looks cold, it doesn't mean that he can see the bottom of his mind like an ice cube at a glance.

On the contrary, Ji Mo has many companies and industries under his hands, and all of these companies and industries are very profitable. He is much richer than all of them.All these things show that Ji Mo has a very smart mind and deep thoughts.

In contrast, Xianyu, the cousin and daughter-in-law, is much more innocent, and talking to her is better than talking to Ji Mo.

Lu Peifeng tried to struggle again, but before he had time to say anything, Lei Yu took the lead and said: "I'm not good at these, cousin and Ji Mo talk about it." Her communication with Lu Peifeng was over, so at this time she started again I called my cousin back.

Lu Peifeng glanced at Ji Mo who was smiling at Yanyan, and then at Xianyu who retreated behind Ji Mo, and said in his heart that you are not talking nonsense, I just want to talk to you because you are not good at it.

But in this situation, he probably can only talk to Ji Mo.

Seeing that Lu Peifeng finally accepted his fate, Ji Mo turned around and pulled Xianyu to the side sofa to sit down. "You sit here and listen."

After settling down for leisure, Ji Mo came to Lu Peifeng again and put on a posture of talking about business. He had no choice but to learn from Lu Peifeng. If he didn't talk about business, he would be so tricked that he couldn't find his way.

"The first point is the issue of research and development funding." Ji Mo said first without hesitation, "My intention is that I don't care about other things, whether it is invested by the state or other forces, but [-]% must be set aside for spare time. I invest with the Yun Family." You must know that investment often represents a share of profits, and the right to speak about the results after the results come out, so he must win a part for Xian Yu and the Yun Family, after all, Lei Yu researches this technology. The original intention was to take revenge on Samir Brent, and she knew without thinking that she would never agree to any relationship between this achievement and Samir Brent's family.

Lu Peifeng frowned even tighter. If the investment cannot all come from the state, then the state will not have the absolute right to speak about the processing and distribution of this achievement in the later stage.

But judging by Ji Mo's appearance, this point is obviously out of the question.

"Are you so sure that the research and development will be successful? What if it fails? If it fails, all your investment funds will be wasted." Lu Peifeng tried to use the risk of failure to reconsider Quan Jimo.

It's a pity that Ji Mo was completely unmoved, "I don't need my cousin to worry about this." The words were exactly the same as Xian Yu's, but the tone was much more arrogant than Xian Yu's.

Lu Peifeng was overwhelmed by the anger of these two, should he say that these two are worthy of being boyfriend and girlfriend?Not a family, do not enter a door?No matter how you say it, it's so annoying.

"Everyone understands, the risk of failure is really so great, my cousin would not agree to lead the formation of the team." Ji Mo calmly said, doesn't he understand Lu Peifeng's cautious personality, if he succeeds, it is possible Not very sexual, he had already directly rejected it.

But Lu Peifeng's expression turned ugly when he found out his mind, so why didn't he talk to him in his spare time? !
"What if I don't agree?"

Ji Mo still didn't have any fluctuations, "It's okay to disagree, the big deal is for the Ji family and the Yun family to cooperate." It doesn't have to be the country's participation, both the Ji family and the Yun family have enough power and financial resources, At that time, I am not afraid of being coveted by others.

Lu Peifeng smiled back, "You've already said that, do I have any other choice besides agreeing?"

Ji Monao nodded in satisfaction, which meant that Lu Peifeng agreed.

Lu Peifeng knew that he couldn't let Ji Mo speak first, otherwise the initiative would always be in Ji Mo's hands.

So he said before Ji Mo said the second point: "Second point, the profit distribution of research and development results, [-] points!" In fact, Lu Peifeng didn't really want [-] points in his heart, and he knew that Ji Mo would not agree to this Allocation, but he was the first to talk about an allocation method that was not within Ji Mo's expectations, so that it would be easy to discuss.

Unexpectedly, Ji Mo gave him a cool look, without saying a word, he got up and walked to Xianyu's side, took her hand and walked towards the door, "Let's go, cousin has no sincerity to cooperate."

Not to mention that Xianyu and the Yun family accounted for [-]% of the initial investment, even if they didn't invest, it's unreasonable to invest in technology alone.

Lu Peifeng only needs to invest a sum of money, and then organize a group of people to pick up ready-made ones. Whoever gives him [-] points for his face.Not to mention the matter of organizing people to form a team, as long as the name of Yunzhu is released, many people want to join.

Xianyu watched the conversation collapse, but she was not in a hurry. She deeply understood that since it was handed over to Jimo, she had to trust him fully, and it was best not to point fingers at things that she was not good at. , otherwise it will only have the opposite effect.

So when Ji Mo said to go, she got up and followed her without saying a word.

Seeing that Ji Mo was about to take someone away if he disagreed, Lu Peifeng became anxious, "Wait a while, what are you so anxious about!"

Ji Mo stopped, turned around and said to Lu Peifeng in a slightly mocking tone: "My cousin is not sincere at all, so what else is there to talk about."

Lu Peifeng: "??!!"

Whoever talks about cooperation is not like this, first lower the price and then negotiate, it is obvious that you do not follow the routine, and leave if you disagree!
There was no way, Lu Peifeng could only lower his figure, "I didn't think about it, let's discuss it again." As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Peifeng felt something was wrong, didn't he want to take the initiative?How can you say that the initiative has returned to Ji Mo's hands?
After all, why didn't you talk to him in your spare time? !Lu Peifeng once again questioned his soul.

Ji Mo didn't really want to leave at first, but he walked back slowly after hearing the words.

Seeing this in my spare time, I obediently sat on the sofa and listened to the two of you coming and going.

"Tell me, how do you want to divide it." Lu Peifeng asked with a dark face. He has already broken the pot. He was just picking up a ready-made one. Even if the spare time is not to cooperate with the country, as long as she researches it, she will benefit in the end. It is also always the state.

He still has a little understanding of virtual reality technology. At present, the progress of various countries is not great. If Lei Yu really researches it, it will be of great help to enhance the overall strength of Huaguo.

Moreover, virtual reality technology has a wide range of applications, entertainment is one aspect, and more importantly, it can also play a huge role in the aerospace field.

"Five to five points." Ji Mo spat out a few words with a cold face.

Lu Peifeng thought about this share for a while. The Yun family represented by Lei Yu accounted for [-]% of the initial investment, and the [-]% could directly represent the profit. If the contribution of her and Yun Zhu played a decisive role in the research and development process, [-]% of the profit would not be a big deal. Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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