Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 230 The Well-behaved Qian Xuanxuan

Chapter 230 The Well-behaved Qian Xuanxuan
What the country needs to do besides the initial investment is to reap the results, and they don't even need to worry about the promotion and use of the results after they come out.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that once this technology is interviewed, companies seeking cooperation will definitely flock to it, and the country only needs to sit back and reap the profits.

And if you are worried about the risk of research and development, the state does not necessarily have to occupy [-]% of the investment. This is the same as a company holding a shareholding. The country can also share [-]-[-]% to other families or enterprises.

It's just that the [-]-[-]% shared out does not represent [-]-[-]% of the profit, and there will inevitably be compression.

But even so, there are bound to be many forces who want to invest money in.

Thinking about this clearly, Lu Peifeng did not directly refuse, but said in a deliberative tone: "Twenty percent of your investment can be directly converted into profits, but the other thirty percent depends on your contribution. If your contribution in the entire research and development process If it is not much different from other R&D personnel, I will not agree to the [-]% profit." Even if the cooperation breaks down, he will not agree, this is the bottom line problem, otherwise it would be too unfair to other R&D personnel.

"Yes." Ji Mo has no objection to this point.

"When do you want to start?" The time is not so coincidental now, the Chinese New Year is coming up in two days, and it is hard for him to find someone.

"After the next year." Idle Yu said, and wait until the Spring Festival is over.

"That's a happy cooperation." Lu Peifeng stood up, "Stay here for a meal before leaving?"

"No, there's still something to do. I'll leave after seeing Grandpa." Ji Mo refused, thinking about going to visit Professor Qian a year ago, it would be better to hurry up, so he decided to go today.

"Okay, then I won't keep you." Ji Mo's temperament, if he said something happened, it was really something, so Lu Peifeng didn't force him to stay.

Ji Mo and Xian Yu went out of the study together to visit Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu's mental outlook seemed to be much better than when she saw him last time.

Old Man Lu was also very happy to see Ji Mo and Xian Yu, "Thanks to the Yannian you sent last time, after drinking it during this time, my body and bones are getting better, old man." Old Man Lu said to Xian Yu with a smile.

Xian Yu didn't dare to take the credit, and smiled and declined, "This is not my credit, if I don't send Lu Fanyun, I will give it to you."

"Heh, if you hadn't brought it to me last time, he wouldn't have remembered me as an old man." He still remembered that the boy brought Yannian back to honor their elders after he was free.

Xianyu laughed, what old master Lu said was true, at that time Lu Fanyun's company had just opened, and he was so busy that he didn't take care of the elders at home for a while.

The two chatted with Mr. Lu for a while, and also rejected the invitation to stay for dinner, and went to Professor Qian's house hand in hand.

Professor Qian has been busy with the research and development of Zhibo Technology's new energy vehicles before, and he just finished the task a year ago, otherwise I would not be able to see him now.

And as the Chinese New Year was approaching, Qian Xuanxuan and the others must be at Professor Qian's house, and it happened that she gave him the Transformer.

When we arrived at Professor Qian's house, it turned out that Qian Xuanxuan and his parents were also there.When she and Ji Mo came to visit last time, Qian Xuanxuan's parents were also there, and they met each other once, so this time when the two of them came again, Qian Xuanxuan's parents let them in directly.

When he saw Xiaoxuan following the two of them, he was so surprised that his mouth opened wide.

After entering the room, Qian Xuanxuan found out that the person who came was his sister Xianyu, and immediately rushed into Xianyu's arms like a small firecracker. Luckily, Xianyu knew that his habits were well prepared, and Ji Mo also shared a part. One hand held her tightly.

"Sister Xianyu, you finally came to see me! I don't even know how much I miss you!" Qian Xuanxuan acted coquettishly without any pressure.

It's true that Xianyu hasn't seen him for a long time, and she misses him very much. She squatted down lightly, pinched Qian Xuanxuan's small face and said to him gently: "My sister misses you very much, so this time I will give you a special gift." You brought presents."

"Gift? What gift?" Qian Xuanxuan was just looking at the spare time and didn't notice the Transformers behind her.Now when I heard Xian Yu talking about gifts, I saw the Transformers behind her as soon as I turned around.

The favorite toy of kids his age, especially boys, is Transformers.Now in front of him is a Transformer who looks very colorful and cool and has no friends, and the most important thing is that this Transformer is almost as tall as him!

"Sister Xianyu! Sister Xianyu! Is this Transformer the gift you want to give me?!" Qian Xuanxuan jumped up excitedly.

Xian Yu got up with a smile and brought him to Xiao Xuan, "Yes, that's it, its name is Xiao Xuan."

"Is it Xuanxuan's Xuanxuan?" Qian Xuanxuan stared at the Transformer in front of him without blinking. Because the gift was too grand, he didn't dare to touch it for a while.

Idle Yu patted Xiao Budian's head, "Well, it's Xuanxuan's Xuanxuan, you can try to talk to him."

Hearing that Qian Xuanxuan's eyes turned into light bulbs, he looked up at Xianyu and asked incredulously, "It can still talk?"

"It can not only talk but also change shape." Lei Yu pretended to be mysterious and teased Qian Xuanxuan.

On the other hand, Qian Xuanxuan's parents were a little shocked when they heard that this gift was for Qian Xuanxuan. They thought it was some kind of robot newly developed by Lei Yu, and they brought it here to discuss with Professor Qian. Who knew it was for Qian Xuanxuan? It was for Qian Xuanxuan.

Neither of them is an ignorant person. Just looking at the material of this deformation meter, you know it is not cheap, not to mention it can transform. The two of them quickly refused: "No, no, this is too expensive."

Professor Qian, who had been sitting on the sofa, frowned and objected, "You spoil him so much all the time, he doesn't even know his last name."

"I brought them all with me, so I can't bring them back. Besides, besides Xuanxuan can play with it, the rest of us don't need it." Lei Yu said the reason calmly. She planned to do it from the beginning. The ones given to Qian Xuanxuan were also made according to his size, and if they were not given to him, there would be no other children to give them.

Professor Qian wanted to say something more, but I didn't give him this chance, "Otherwise, if you tell me who else I can give it to besides him, it will be dusty if I put it there."

Kid Qian Xuanxuan is quite well-behaved, when he heard that his parents and grandpa would not let him accept this gift, no matter how much he longed for it, he still very sensiblely said to Xianyu: "Sister Xianyu, this is too expensive, Xuanyu Xuan can't accept it."

Looking at his pitiful appearance, I felt so soft and confused, I opened my mouth and said nonsense: "Don't worry, Xuanxuan, this Transformer is not expensive, it's just an experiment made by my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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