Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 231 Visiting Professor Qian

Chapter 231 Visiting Professor Qian

Qian Xuanxuan was still young after all, no matter how smart he was, he still had his age, so he believed what Xianyu said.

Believed, Qian Xuanxuan looked at his grandfather Professor Qian pitifully. He knew that his grandfather had the final say on this family, and as long as his grandfather agreed to accept it, he could accept it.

Professor Qian knew that Xianyu was cheating Qian Xuanxuan, but he didn't take a close look at the Transformer. He knew it would not be cheap, but he didn't expect it to be worth hundreds of thousands. He thought it would be worth tens of thousands at most. .

Seeing that Xianyu's attitude was very firm, and Qian Xuanxuan really wanted it, he hesitated for a while before agreeing.

With Grandpa's approval, Qian Xuanxuan immediately jumped three feet high, and walked around the Transformers happily.But he was very sensible, even though he really wanted to try this gift now, he still restrained himself and obediently waited and listened to everyone talking, but he couldn't stop glancing at the Transformers.

Xian Yu looked funny, and said to him with a smile: "Do you want to go play first?"

Qian Xuanxuan shook her head obediently, "No, I want to accompany Sister Xianyu, can Sister Xianyu play with me later?"

"Of course." Lei Yu smiled very gently.

Ji Mo seldom sees her face like this. He feels that there seems to be a kind of maternal radiance on Xianyu at this moment, which looks very good.

After giving Qian Xuanxuan's presents, he took out Yannian for Professor Qian and Qian Xuanxuan's parents in his spare time.

She also wondered whether it was not good to give Yannian every time she gave a gift, but after thinking about it, of course, the most important thing is to give a gift.Speaking of practicality, what gift can be more practical than Yannian?
For the gift of Yannian, Professor Qian accepted it very readily. He accepted all the big Transformers, and he shirked what to do with a health care product.

Of course, at this time, he didn't know that the health care products he picked up were actually the high-quality goods in Yannian. Due to Lu Fanyun's hunger marketing, the high-quality Yannian products in the market are now hard to find.

"Why are you two here at this time?" Professor Qian rubbed his grandson's head and asked Xianyu.

"What do you mean, I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do?" Lei Yu retorted unhappily.

Although it was true that she used to visit Professor Qian for business every time, which meant that she would not go to the Three Treasures Hall if she had nothing to do, but today she really came to visit Professor Qian purely.

"Yes, yes, of course." Professor Qian said with a smile. Isn't this his subconscious reaction?

Xianyu and Ji Mo accompanied Professor Qian to talk, while Qian Xuanxuan's parents went out to buy vegetables, and they had to cook some delicious treats when they came.

There is a special aunt in their own house who is in charge of cooking, but on Professor Qian's side, because he is busy doing various researches all day long, he seldom eats at home, so he doesn't have any nanny or anything like that.

Fortunately, both of them know how to cook, and their craftsmanship is not bad, at least there is no problem in entertaining guests.

"I heard that your roommate made a solar chip with a few people from the School of Mathematics and the School of Physics some time ago?" Professor Qian casually cared about the situation of his students.The time when they developed the solar chip was at a critical juncture for his new energy vehicle development, and he just listened to it and passed it.

In the past few days, he finished his research and development, and he was free. When communicating with a few old guys in the school, he heard their sour words. Only then did he know that there was a lot of movement about the solar chip in the spare time. At that time, even ST coveted it. No, it's just that she was stopped by the school and the country, which led to ST not looking for her again after being rejected by Xianyu once.

I don't know about this at all, "It was developed to participate in the international competition jointly sponsored by ST and H University, mainly because its prize money is more coveted by me." Lei Yu told the truth.

Professor Qian joked with a smile, "You girl, you've lost Qian's eyes." Even so, he didn't have any doubts about Xian Yu's character.

Xianyu didn't make any excuses either, she was indeed in Qian's eyes now, since she saw the Yun family's mountain villa, she never came out of Qian's eyes again.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"I've been working on virtual reality technology lately."

Professor Qian, who was leaning on the sofa leisurely, sat up straight suddenly, "Virtual reality technology? Are you serious?" From energy and power engineering to virtual reality technology, isn't the span a bit big?And how did she know so much professional knowledge?Don't you feel that your brain is not enough?
But considering that her second major can be a literary thing like history, energy and power engineering and virtual reality technology are still included in science and engineering. Thinking about it this way, it seems that the span is not that big.

Xianyu is not a joking person, so Professor Qian realized right away when he asked, that Xianyu is indeed researching virtual reality technology recently.So he hurriedly asked again: "How far have you researched? What is the probability of success?"

"I have a general charter. The main reason is that the [-]D modeling and data collection in the later stage are more labor-intensive and material resources, and the progress of the neural link is relatively slow, but it is estimated that the problem is not big." In terms of neural link, she fully believes in her father's strength , plus her suggestion, everything is just a matter of time.

After listening to it, Professor Qian sighed for a long time, not only lamenting Xianyu's talent and strength, but also lamenting that he didn't know anything about it, so he couldn't participate in Xianyu's research, and couldn't witness another milestone in the history of science and technology.

"Young people are awesome!" Professor Qian sighed, and then looked at Ji Mo, who had been quietly listening to him, "You are blessed."

He is no longer as polite to Ji Mo as he was with Xian Yulai last time. Before that, he was talking about Minister Ji, but now he can blurt out the kid.

Ji Mo, who treats leisurely well, has always been extraordinarily graceful, and for Professor Qian, who treats leisurely as an elder, he is also an elder here, so he is not displeased with Professor Qian's words, but nods and smiles Said: "You are right, I am very lucky."

As he spoke, he glanced at Xian Yu again, and the two looked at each other, and Xian Yu found that his eyes were full of approval for this sentence, and she felt a little embarrassed in front of Professor Qian.

With a light cough, Xianyu turned his head away from looking at him, but said to Professor Qian, "I forgot to tell you, I found my biological parents."

"Oh?! You kid, why are you telling me now! When did you find them? How are they? How are they treating you?" Professor Qian asked a series of questions towards Lei Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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