Chapter 232

"Don't get excited, I'll just tell you slowly." Lei Yu calmly comforted Professor Qian, who was dying of anxiety watching.

"They are all from Hongtu Research Institute. My father is the former director of Hongtu, my mother is Yu Die, and I have two older brothers. I just met them not long ago. They are very kind to me."

"Hongtu?! Your biological parents are actually from the Yun family?" Professor Qian couldn't help being surprised, but after being surprised, he developed a more reasonable mentality.

Xian Yu is so smart, if her biological parents were ordinary, he would wonder if Xian Yu had a genetic mutation.Now knowing that her parents are from the Yun family who have always been famous for their IQ and talent, he can only sigh that they are indeed a tiger father without a dog daughter, no wonder why Xianyu is so evil.

"It's good that they treat you well." Professor Qian said with emotion. He figured it out. I'm good enough. With a boyfriend like Ji Mo, the identities of her biological parents are actually not that important. What's important is instead. It's whether her family treats her well or not, whether they can make her feel the hot family affection.

If her family treats her badly, it's better to let her be alone and not have to deal with the troubles brought by her family.

Leisurely: "Don't worry."

Qian Xuanxuan, who has been sitting next to Xianyu for a long time, doesn't know about Yun Family Grand Plan, all he knows is that he has really been sitting here for a long time, and he wants Sister Xianyu to play with him, otherwise Sister Xianyu's It's also okay for a boyfriend to play with him. This person is so good-looking, he doesn't dislike him.

Not knowing how long Sister Xianyu and Grandpa will chat, Qian Xuanxuan sighed like a little adult.

It happened that Professor Qian and Xianyu didn't speak any more, Qian Xuanxuan's repeated sigh was clearly heard by several people, and they couldn't help but look at him.

After Qian Xuanxuan sighed, he realized that the scene was a bit quiet. When he looked up, he saw everyone looking at him. He thought they had finished talking, and said to Xianyu in surprise: "Sister Xianyu, have you finished talking? You can Play with me?"

Idle smile and patted his head, it's hard for the little guy to wait for so long, "Okay, I'll play with you, what do you want to play?"

"Let's go downstairs and test Xiaoxuan, shall we?" Qian Xuanxuan stood up excitedly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." After speaking, he stood up and said to Professor Qian: "Professor, Ji Mo and I will go down and play with Xuanxuan for a while."

Professor Qian nodded, and then told her: "Xuanxuan's parents are coming back from grocery shopping soon, and you can come back for dinner after playing for a while."

Xianyu originally planned to refuse, but seeing Professor Qian's resolute appearance, he didn't say anything, and Qian Xuanxuan's parents had already gone shopping for vegetables. She and Ji Mo left, didn't they make a trip for nothing? .

So Xianyu agreed with a smile, "Okay, then we will try uncle and aunt's craft later."

Qian Xuanxuan also joined in the fun, not to be outdone, and called to Xianyu: "Sister Xianyu, my parents cook delicious food."

Professor Qian's eyelids twitched a little when he heard the brazen words. Doesn't he know that his own son and daughter-in-law are usually served by a nanny, and he seldom cooks, and his craftsmanship can only entertain guests. If it is delicious, it is true. exaggerated.

Qian Xuanxuan is completely wearing a filter, just listen to it, it has no practical significance.However, Professor Qian did not dismantle him. Children of his age see their parents as omnipotent, so there is no need for him to destroy this beautiful vision.

"Okay, then I'll definitely eat more later!" Xian Yu echoed Qian Xuanxuan while taking Qian Xuanxuan downstairs with Ji Mo.As for Xiaoxuan, who has wheels and can walk on her own, she can also fly in places where wheels cannot go.

During the short journey downstairs, Qian Xuanxuan was already so shocked by Xiaoxuan's coolness that she couldn't close her mouth.

After going downstairs, Qian Xuanxuan couldn't wait and dragged Xianyu to the small park in the community, and Xianyu was led by him walking like flying all the way.

At this time, it was the winter vacation, and the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and the people working in every household were almost on vacation in Foshan.

The small park in the community has a basketball court and a badminton court, and next to it is a small playground with some fitness equipment and slides and swings for children to play. Many parents are taking their children in the park There are also many boys who look like high school students playing basketball on the basketball court.

Usually Qian Xuanxuan also likes to come here to play, after all, children, who doesn't like excitement, but today he didn't come here to slide or swing, he came to test Xiaoxuan.

There were a lot of people in the park. Ji Mo, Xianyu and Qian Xuanxuan attracted a lot of attention as soon as they entered the park.

One is because the two of them, one big and one small, are really good-looking, and good-looking people are eye-catching everywhere.The second is Xiaoxuan who followed behind them. He was about to catch up with Qian Xuanxuan's Transformers, and was gliding by himself. Many people watched with interest.

Adults are rational, and they just look at it if they are interested. Children are different, they don't know how to be reserved.They were playing with their toy guns on their scooters, but when they saw the Transformers behind them, they felt that the toys in their hands were not good, so they ran to them and surrounded them tightly.

This is good, they just entered the park, and the road is impassable.

While Qian Xuanxuan was proud that he had attracted the attention of all the children, he was also annoyed that they blocked his way. He also wanted to quickly test Xiaoxuan's other functions.

"All of you make way, let's make way, we can't get through!" Qian Xuanxuan yelled like a little adult, urging everyone to make way, her voice was loud but very polite.

Usually everyone plays here, and most of the children are familiar with each other, and almost everyone knows each other when they come and go, so they are not angry when Qian Xuanxuan tells them to get out of the way, and make way for them to come out.

The way was given up, but as soon as they left, the children all followed. Those who didn't know thought they were abducting children. Qian Xuanxuan, who was in the middle of the children, was like a popular kid king.

The courageous child said to Qian Xuanxuan with envy on his face: "Qian Xuanxuan, where did you buy this Transformer? It's so big, and you can walk by yourself." He wants his parents to give him Buy one too!
Apparently the other kids were also very concerned about where Qian Xuanxuan bought this cool friendless Transformer, so everyone stared at Qian Xuanxuan.

Qian Xuanxuan took the spare hand and said to the children looking at him proudly: "You can't buy this, my sister made it for me!"

"Wow! It's amazing!" All the children exclaimed, and after exclaiming, they couldn't help being envious. This Transformer was made by Qian Xuanxuan's sister, so wouldn't they be able to buy it?
(End of this chapter)

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