Chapter 236
Outsiders don't know whether Xianlou is a good father, they only try to figure out what they think is the truth from the few words they hear.

So within a few minutes of the dispute between Xianyu and Xianlou, the parents who gathered around in the park had already started pointing.

Lei Yu's entire eyebrows were frowned, this scene was really inexplicably familiar to her.Every time she met Su Lian, didn't the current scene reappear, inexplicably, a bunch of people gathered around to criticize from the standpoint of bystanders.

She and Ji Mo waited here just to see if this idle building is the one they thought of. Now that it has been confirmed, she has no intention of continuing to stand here to accept the onlookers.

Ji Mo saw that she wanted to leave, so he took her hand and prepared to leave.

But now they can't leave if they want. Seeing Xianlou coming, the woman became more courageous in an instant, and rushed straight in front of them, "Want to leave after beating someone? No, you have to give me a hand today." My son and I apologize!"

Xian Lou was even angrier. Xian Yu's behavior of ignoring him made him feel ashamed, so he also sternly shouted: "If you see me as a father in your eyes, please apologize to me immediately! You have only left Xian's house for a few years. How did it become like this!"

Unbearable and no need to bear it any longer, Xianyu shook off Jimo's hand with full firepower, "I don't know why Mr. Xian is yelling at me so much now? Do you think I don't have parents' love or something?" She just didn't want to be Onlookers, but it doesn't mean she is afraid of trouble.

And the surrounding parents were also confused by Xianyu's words. What did the man who rushed over just now mean, isn't he the father of this girl?Why doesn't this seem to be the case after listening to this girl now?So is this man her father?Why are they struggling so hard to eat a melon, why can't they have some seedless watermelon!

"What identity am I?! I'm your father!" Xianlou roared angrily. Although he and Zhang Li had kicked out Xianyu from Xianjia, in his heart, Xianyu has always been the property of Xianjia. , He can come and go as he calls.

"Let me remind you, Mr. Xian, that your daughter's name is Su Lian, and we don't have the slightest relationship. You can eat random things, but you can't talk nonsense. If you pretend to be your daughter like this, my parents will be very troubled!" If it's her father, she has to admit it. Isn't it a joke that the Yun family has been searching for him for ten years!

Fortunately, Xianlou is not a fool, and he understood Xianyu's implication under his anger, but he still couldn't believe it, so he tentatively asked, "Have you found your biological parents?"

The expression on Xian Yu's face told him that he had guessed the truth, that Xian Yu had indeed found his biological parents.

He remembered some of his previous plans, and he was still thinking about the chip in Xianyu's hand. If Xianyu has found his biological parents, what's the matter with Xianlou?

Driven by profit, Xian Lou turned his head, and said in a heartbroken tone, "Even if you find your biological parents, can you deny us? We have raised you for more than ten years no matter what, you won't Want a little kindness?"

It came again and again, Xian Yu was almost vomited out of the disgusting overnight meal by Xian's trick.

"If the ten years of nurturing you are talking about is ten years of cold violence, growing up under different nannies, and then kicking me out of the house before the college entrance examination, then it is really thanks to you that I can live so long show mercy!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people who eat melons finally figured out a complete line of eating melons.

According to their speculation, the girl in front of them doesn't seem to be the man's biological daughter?Could it be some bloody blunder plot at eight o'clock?Then the man's family didn't treat the girl well, let the girl grow up in a cold and violent environment, and was raised by a nanny, and drove her out of the house at the most important moment in the girl's life, Now this man is saying that she is ungrateful?

Tsk tsk, this behavior is really shameless, making melon eaters like them a little embarrassed.With such a growing environment, is it embarrassing to accuse other girls of being unkind?If I'm not mistaken, the girl might be spoiled like a little princess by her biological parents.

The eyes and indistinct pointers from the people around let Xianlou understand that the current situation doesn't seem to be good for him. He didn't expect that his submissive daughter would refute him in such a way in public, pulling all his fig leafs away down.

In fact, he still understands that the Xian family is not good to Xian Yu, at least he and Zhang Li are not worthy of Xian Yu's parents. Yu Cao has been distracted, and it is all due to her own tenacious vitality that she can grow so big.

But he knew it in his heart, but he couldn't just admit it, otherwise wouldn't his current behavior be equivalent to public execution?And once he admits it, the chip really has nothing to do with him.

What should be pretended is still to be pretended, "Xiao Yu, I admit that I have been negligent as a father these years, but the reason why I ignored you is for the sake of this family! I want to give you better financial conditions, but you can't Deny that we have given you the best economic conditions and the best food, clothing, housing and transportation!"

Xianlou's Xiaoyu made Xianyu's skin crawl, she couldn't help stroking her arm, maybe Xianlou lost her mind, "I think you should pay attention before saying such words The surrounding environment, for example, if you pay attention, you will find that your illegitimate son is still standing in front of you, waiting for you to seek justice for him."


"This girl is really funny."

"Haha, I laughed so hard, is there something wrong with this man's brain?"

"Oh, no, my stomach hurts from laughing. This man must be out of his mind. The illegitimate child is still here. I'm ashamed to say that I'm here for this family!"

"It's not wrong to say it's for this family, but he has more than one family haha."

The people around were amused by Xianlou's words, they couldn't help talking, and they forgot to restrain their voices when they were excited, so that all their comments reached Xianlou's ears, and he froze suddenly.

Just now, he was so full of thoughts about the chip not being able to disassociate himself from Xianyu, that he actually ignored for a while that his illegitimate son Xianming was still here!Now what he just said was exposed in the blink of an eye, and turned into one sharp slap after another and slapped back on his face.

At this moment, Xianlou wished that he hadn't received a call from his mistress, so that he wouldn't rush down to meet Xianyu and lose face so much.

He really wanted to turn back time and pretend nothing had happened, but he didn't intend to let it go.

"As for the matter of your mistress swapping me and your biological daughter, my parents said they would hold you accountable. At the same time, I would also like to remind Mr. Xian that the best economic conditions you mentioned were as early as last year. At this time, I have already returned a total of 300 million yuan including principal and interest to your wife Zhang Li, if you don’t believe me, you can go back and ask your lady.”

Lei Yu unhurriedly gave Xian Lou another heavy blow, which caused another uproar at the same time.

The girl was just a baby when she was a child, but she was deliberately dropped by this man's mistress.

When the little girl was kicked out before the college entrance examination, the girl had already repaid all the financial expenses, but she still licked her face and said that he gave the little girl the best financial conditions, and asked the little girl to be kind!I don't know who gave him the face.

 It feels so cool to break the update~=(°°), of course, there is also a little bit of caution haha
(End of this chapter)

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