Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 237 Picked up the sesame and lost the watermelon

Chapter 237 Picked up the sesame and lost the watermelon
Xianlou looked at Xianyu in disbelief, and repaid 300 million to Zhang Li with interest?How could he know nothing about this?
It doesn't look like Xian Yu is lying, and she doesn't need to lie to him, so Zhang Li really accepted the 300 million from Xian Yu when he didn't know, to buy off the kindness of nurturing for more than ten years? !

At this moment, Xian Lou was so angry that he wished he could fly back to Xian's house and give Zhang Li two slaps!Short-sighted fool!

Not to mention that it would be shameful for the Xian family to raise a daughter and ask people to return the child support. It is not ashamed to spread it, but with the wealth of the Xian family, raising a daughter for more than ten years has only cost 300 million with principal and interest. , still can't you say that he is idle and digging and searching?
And the point is that she actually took the initiative to accept the 300 million!You must know that if he got spare chips, let alone 300 million, even 300 million can be obtained!But Zhang Li, who is short-sighted, cut off his wishful thinking with [-] million yuan, picked sesame seeds and lost watermelon, how could he not be angry?
If Xianlou is not happy, I am happy when I am idle.Everyone in this idle family loves to make things difficult for her. The fact that she backs down again and again is not because she is afraid of them, but because she is just impatient. If she has so much free time to entangle with them, wouldn't it be nice for her to do more experiments?
After all, Xianlou is a man, and he can't make an obsessive gesture like a woman, so when Xianyu exposes all his excuses and stomps his face on the ground by the way, he has nothing to stop Xianyu mind.

It's just that he doesn't want to continue to embarrass himself, but his lover is not one to judge his face.She still stood straight in front of Xianyu and Ji Mo, blocking them from passing.

Seeing that Xianlou was dumbfounded and speechless, she took over and taught Xianyu a lesson, "There are no parents in the world, even if your father ignores you, you can't treat your father like this!"

Xian Yu deeply agrees with the saying that you are not a family, you do not enter a family, so it is not unreasonable for this woman and Xian Lou to get together, they are both stupid and unaware people.

Although she can only be regarded as Xianlou's former adopted daughter in name, it's never her turn to be criticized by a mistress. I really don't understand where she has the face to educate her so confidently.

Thinking about it, they are all smart people, and they should not understand this mentally retarded idea, so I plan to ignore her.Arguing with someone who is not at the same level of IQ, it is easy to be pulled to the same level by the other party, which is not worth the loss.

And Xianyu's ignorance undoubtedly made her feel that she had been greatly insulted. She wanted to make Xianyu look good, but Ji Mo looked at her unkindly. She supported, but she never dared to take any practical action, and could only continue to stare at Xianyu with cannibalistic eyes.

Xianyu was really impatient to talk to them again, so after the Xianlou was silent, she turned around and led Ji Mo and Qian Xuanxuan around them and went into the park to find a larger open space away from this place. Several artificial mental retardation.

As soon as the three of them left, the little guys around them also moved their positions, always following the policy of Qian Xuanxuan.

Xianlou's illegitimate chubby boy Xianming saw that they were all gone, and the Transformers he had been dreaming of followed him, so he became anxious and tugged at Xianlou's sleeves, "Dad! My Transformers ran away!" Yes! Go and buy it for me!"

In his heart, his father is omnipotent, as long as it is what he wants, he can buy it for him, and this time is no exception.

But this time he was disappointed, Xianlou's face was so dark that he didn't even look at him, and left on his own.

The lively protagonists all left, and the watching parents also dispersed in twos and threes, only watching their own children following Qian Xuanxuan's butt from a distance.

In a blink of an eye, everyone left, leaving only the woman and her son as if they hadn't recovered yet.By the time both of them reacted, the Xianlou had already left without a trace.

Now that Xianlou is rushing to Xian's house in a huff, he wants to ask that idiot at home why he received the spare 300 million but didn't send him a single letter!
According to Xianyu, she had already given the money to Zhang Li at this time last year, but some time ago when Xianyu was on the live broadcast, he asked Zhang Li to contact and win over Xianyu, why didn't she tell him at that time that they were idle? Jia and Xianyu are no longer involved in money, so that he has lost all face today!

Losing face is still a trivial matter, the important thing is that he no longer has an excuse to ask Xianyu to contribute her chip, how much money will he lose!
I don't know what the idea of ​​Xianlou is, she is very busy now.

Although they had just made it clear that she would not help others make Transformers, the children still did not give up. They surrounded Xianyu, calling each sister very affectionately. I handed my favorite snacks to Xianyu, hoping that she would be soft-hearted and help them make a Transformer as well.

Xianyu can still face Xianlou without pretending to be honest, but she can't do anything when facing a group of small groups. Fortunately, she didn't have to be in trouble for long. Someone rescued her, but it was not Ji Mo who rescued her this time , but Qian Xuanxuan.

Qian Xuanxuan saw that the little friends were all around his spare sister, rolled her eyes, and said loudly to everyone: "Although my sister can't help you make a Transformer, you can play with me. "

The children looked at the ready-made Transformers in front of them, and then at Xianyu, the Transformers producer. After debating for a while, they still chose the visible and tangible Transformers, and surrounded Qian Xuanxuan again in a swarm. up.

Qian Xuanxuan didn't feel that being surrounded was such an uncomfortable thing, on the contrary, she enjoyed the feeling of all the attention, children, who doesn't have a little vanity.

He consciously took his little friends to walk a little farther together, and stopped being next to Xianyu, lest these little friends remember her and go around her again after a while.

As he walked, he called Xiaoxuan to follow him. When he went downstairs just now, he had already done a small experiment under the guidance of Lei Yu. As long as he shouted, Xiaoxuan would follow him. Xiaoxuan will also automatically activate the jet device under her feet, and fly in the air, which is so cool that she has no friends.

Of course, the other children around him also heard his call, but they still didn't understand who he, Xiao Xuan, was calling for, and saw the Transformer who they were so envious of, after Qian Xuanxuan's call, , then moved slowly again, closely following behind Qian Xuanxuan.

A smart child immediately turned to Qian Xuanxuan and asked: "Qian Xuanxuan, is your Transformer called Xiaoxuan? Can it still understand your words?"

Qian Xuanxuan didn't even think about showing off, and she knew all the problems without saying a word, "It's called Xiaoxuan, and it's named after me!"

His tone was very proud, and he obviously felt that this was a very remarkable thing. He remembered that he had read a news before, in which a foreigner discovered a star, and the name of the star was the name of its discoverer He thinks that the two are very similar in purpose.

Of course, the other children did not live up to his expectations, and they all exclaimed "Wow!"

 Come back after three days off and find that the comments and votes have skyrocketed? ? ?How flattered to be fat four? (′‵)
  Haha, let me explain again here, I am not breaking the update, but I am not updating every day, because this month there is no full attendance, no small money, so starting from August, I will add 4000 words a day.

  Because I am new to Meng, so the writing is not good. I don't have many subscriptions. I rely on full attendance to eat. It's so sad.Little cuties, wait for me to update every day in August.

  By the way, there is only this chapter today, so don’t wait, babies.

(End of this chapter)

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