Chapter 240 Coveted
It's a pity that no information can be seen from Yun Mu's face.

Her sister and Yun Mu grew up together, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they are childhood sweethearts. Anyone with eyes in Hongtu can tell that her sister likes Yun Mu, but Yun Mu himself seems to be blind. His overtures have been indifferent.

Of course, this has little to do with her. She likes Yunlu, so after watching Yunmu, she turned to Yunlu again. Yunlu, like Yunmu, doesn't have much expression on his face, and only looks at Xianyu with concern. , she couldn't help following Yunlu's gaze to look at Xianyu, then lowered her eyelids to hide the burning jealousy in her eyes.

In fact, she came back from abroad a long time ago, but before she came to the Yun family, she heard that the Yun family had found something idle, so she waited at home for a few days for news, and then found someone to inquire about the missing Yun family. The news of Yunyin for many years.

It's just that for some reason, she didn't receive much information, and it was all superficial information. I heard that her real name was Xianyu, she was a student of Q University, and she performed very well in school.

She is two years older than Xianyu. She didn't remember much when she disappeared. Because of Yunlu's relationship, she would often go to Yunzhu and Yudie. It is inevitable that they will be gentler, probably because they hope that others will be gentler to their daughters. Anyway, after so many years, before this Yun Yin came back, she was almost another young lady of the Yun family among outsiders.

And she has lived up to her status as the other eldest lady of the Yun family, she has always approached Yun Zhu and Yu Die with the attitude and care of a daughter, and the two of them have indeed grown deeper feelings for her as they get along for a long time.

To be honest, she covets the identity of the eldest lady of the Yun family very much. If she didn't prefer the identity of the second young lady of the Yun family, she really wished that she was the eldest lady of the Yun family.

It's just that although she is not the real young lady of the Yun family, she feels that there is no difference between herself and the young lady of the Yun family because of the close attitude of the Yun family towards her.

She felt that she was indistinguishable from the young miss of the Yun family. When she learned that Xianyu had been found, her first feeling was that something that might belong to her for the rest of her life was about to be lost.

If Lei Yu hadn't been found, she was naturally the most special person in the Yun family, about the same age as their daughter/sister, lively and cute, who could guarantee that they didn't mean to treat her as a substitute at all.

But now that the real Yun Yin is back, isn't the only thing waiting for her as a substitute to retire?But why did she want to retire?Could it be that she has been approaching and working so hard for so many years to wait for the real Yun Yin to come back and then retreat in obscurity!
What she wants is a special status and status in the Yun family, the love of Yun Zhu and Yu Die, and the special treatment of Yun Mu and Yun Lu, and the positioning of her as another young lady of the Yun family by outsiders!
Covering all the jealousy and hostility in her eyes, when Meng Ya raised her head again, there was only genuine joy in her eyes, "Uncle Yun, Auntie Die, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Sister Xianyu!"

Her promise greeted Yu Die and Yun Zhugeng with more loving smiles, and even Yun Mu and Yun Lu smiled warmly.Although what she said just now had a lot of lotus meaning, but they all thought that Meng Ya had just returned from abroad, and they didn't know that they had found Yin Yin, and it was understandable to ask such words, so they all bypassed it. Just unhappy.

Although Xianyu is very disgusted with her so-called sister Xianyu, after all, this is indeed somewhat similar to the heroine Su Lian's sister Xianyu, and she can't like it, but the words "stretch your hand and don't hit the smiling face" She still knows.

So she just smiled faintly at Meng Ya, "Just call me Xianyu."

Meng Ya changed her name in a good manner. A younger sister is a creature to be loved. She only wants to be a younger sister, but not an older sister.

"Okay, then I'll call you Xianyu, you can call me Meng Ya." Meng Ya returned to Xianyu very lively and cheerful, looking like she was willing to be friends with Xianyu.

As for how much sincerity is contained in it, only she knows.

It was a coincidence that Meng Ya came here before the New Year's Eve dinner, so she came here at this time and just stayed for the New Year's Eve dinner. After all, having a New Year's Eve dinner together looks more like a family, doesn't it?

It's a pity that she has spare time this year, so she seems extra redundant, and as the meal time approached, Yun Zhu and Yu Die didn't intend to invite her to stay, if she didn't say goodbye, it would be too ignorant.

So after chatting with Yu Die and caring about Yun Zhu and Yu Die's health, Meng Ya took the initiative to leave.

Sure enough, Yu Die and Yun Zhu didn't try to keep her, and she came today without even saying a word to Yun Lu.

After Meng Ya left, Yu Die held his spare hand and said with a smile: "If you are bored in the future, you can play with Meng Ya. She is from B University. She is a senior this year. She is about the same age as you. She should be able to play with you." come."

Raising a child who is 99 years old and worrying about [-], she saw that during this time, she has been alone at home reading books or doing experiments with her father, and has no friends to go out to play with or something. How can I stay at home, it's so boring, so she thought that Meng Ya is about the same age as her, and Meng Ya has a lively personality, so she must be able to bring her Yin Yin to be more lively.

Lei Yu knows what Yu Die is worried about, but different people have different hobbies. She doesn't like a lively temperament, and she doesn't like going out and having fun when she has nothing to do. In contrast, various experiments are interesting. many.

But if Yu Die was worried, she called Zhou Mei and the others to reassure her, "Mom, I don't lack friends. I'll bring a few friends over to play in two days."

It just so happened that she also took the opportunity to explain that she had found her biological parents, otherwise she would tell them when school started, and she would definitely be accused of not caring about them.

Hearing that Lei Yu wanted to bring friends to play at home, Yu Die suddenly laughed, "Okay, you, you should play with your friends more often, what's the point of following your dad all the time, Nian Tingren should have Young people's fun."

I can't stop nodding, this kind of caring and nagging may be the legendary pain and happiness, although it hurts to hear too many nagging, but the care in it makes her heart warm.

Father Yun was not very happy with his wife saying that it was boring for her daughter to follow him, so he stopped Yu Die's muttering in time: "Okay, let's eat, Yinyin must be hungry."

Yun Mu and Yun Lu watched the excitement with a smile on the sidelines, and then each supported the other and pulled it to the dining table to rescue Xianyu.

This is their first real reunion dinner. In the past, there was a lack of one person every year. Yu Die couldn't help but shed tears again while eating. Even Yun Zhu's eyes were slightly red. They waited for this I have been waiting for more than ten years.

 Ding ~ today's update has been delivered, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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