Chapter 241

Lei Yu didn't comfort them, but silently picked up some of their favorite dishes, what they needed at this time was not comfort, but company.

Yu Die smiled to stop her tears, and ate the food that Idle Yu gave her. Although their Yinyin didn't seem to show their emotions, in fact, they loved them a lot, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a short period of time. Then find out their respective preferences, and the dishes are all their favorites.

Touched by Xianyu's unknown concern, both Yunzhu and Yu Die were obviously fed up tonight, and Xianyu and his two elder brothers were very helpless, they had to eat less at night when they were older, but they still ate so much.

In his spare time, he accompanied the two of them in the living room to eat and drink, while Yunmu and Yunlu sat on the sofa and waited to watch the Spring Festival Gala while watching the night.

"Yinyin, how about we hold a banquet after the next year?" Yun Zhu discussed with Xian Yu while walking.

"Banquet? What banquet?"

"It's just an ordinary banquet, to announce to the outside world that our precious daughter has been found."

"Is this... must be held?" Idle Yu asked hesitantly. She may not have time in the next year, because the time agreed with Lu Peifeng is also in the next year. When Lu Peifeng finds all the staff and establishes a good team, she, the project leader, will arrive at that time He must be very busy, and he will not be able to spare time to attend the banquet, and he may not have time to eat.

"Yinyin doesn't like attending banquets?" Yu Die asked with concern.

"It's not a question of whether you like it or not. You forgot that my team will start entering the laboratory next year, and I may not be able to spare time to attend banquets." Of course, she does not like to attend any banquets. .

Yun Zhu slapped his head one by one, obviously thinking of this, after all he himself is a member of the team, "Then wait until the experiment is over?" Yun Zhu frowned and thought.

Xian Yu nodded and replied: "Yes." Although she doesn't like to participate in banquets, if Yun Fu and Mica feel that this banquet is necessary, it's okay for her to participate.

After pacing for about a quarter of an hour, Lei Yu helped the two of them to sit down on the sofa, and the party just started.But just watching the party will inevitably be a bit boring, so Yunlu found two decks of playing cards out of nowhere.

"Come on, Fight the Landlord! 50 base bet, [-] cap." Yunlu took out another bank card and put it on the coffee table, "Yinyin, second brother, I put the card here today, can you win? It's up to you to go."

"Fighting the Landlord? I don't know how to do it." The original owner doesn't know this, and neither can she.

Yunlu had a question mark on his face, is there anyone who can't fight landlords these days?But thinking of my sister's life in Xian's house for many years, and her quiet personality, it seems normal that she can't play Doudizhu.

"It's okay, I don't know how to play, my second brother will teach you, it's very simple, come and see these cards..." Yunlu got up and sat next to Xianyu, and taught her the rules of poker one by one.

After listening carefully for a while, the rules are really not difficult, but there seems to be something in this gameplay.

According to her second brother, three people play 54 cards, Mica does not participate, they are four people here, so there are [-] cards.If ordinary people play this game, what they look at is skill and luck, but their family is a top student, with only one hundred and eight chapters of cards, who can't remember it?
But if each of them can memorize the cards, this game is not only a game of skill and luck, but also a test of a person's calculation ability.

Lei Yu held the poker in his hand and pored over it for a while with great interest, then took out the card that Father Yun gave her as pocket money a few days ago and put it on the table, "Come on, second brother, I have already taken out the bet." .”

Yunlu watched his younger sister's neat movements, his eyes moved with the bank card she took out, and he couldn't take it back for a while.

"Yinyin, are you... sure you want to use this card as a bet?" Yunlu asked uncertainly. The card he took out was only a few million in the sky. card!

Father Yun also had this card when he gave it to Lei Yu, and his eyes were straight at that time, this is Dad's secondary card!

Although he is not short of money, and he is indeed very rich, but no one thinks there is too much money, right?And when it comes to who is richer, he or his father, he still has to touch his conscience and say that the richest person in this family is none other than Father Yun.

Anyway, he has accumulated more than [-] years of wealth, isn't he? How old is he, and the salt he eats is more than the rice he eats. It can't be compared.

"Just this card, what's the matter, can't it?" Xianyu looked at Yunlu suspiciously.

Yunlu was about to explain the preciousness of this card, but Yun Mu gave him a look, and if he stopped him, Yinyin was not very willing to accept this card at the beginning. If she knew the preciousness of this card, it would be even more difficult. Will not charge.

"Of course, it's okay, big brother will help you win back your second brother's card." Yun Mu rubbed his spare head and smiled warmly.

"Mom and your dad will help you too." Yu Die also responded with a smile, and although Father Yun didn't speak, his nodding gesture already showed his position.

Yunlu immediately refused to accept it, "It's too much for you to do this. This family belongs to me as the poorest, and you still gang up to squeeze me? Won't your conscience hurt!"

"If you don't squeeze who you squeeze, is it possible that you want to squeeze Yinyin?" Yu Die asked in a steady voice, don't think she doesn't know how much money this brat has in his pocket, and how much patent fees he has earned abroad. How dare you come to cry poor with them?

"Obviously the poorest person in this family is Yinyin, and the total property on her body is only a few hundred million yuan. How dare you squeeze Yinyin?" Yu Diyou continued to question in confusion.

Lei Yu looked up at Yu Die in disbelief, was he shot while lying down?Well, even though she was sitting, this act of stabbing her heart casually is too much, okay!

What does it mean that she is the poorest in the whole family?And she is worth more than [-] million yuan, okay? This statement of her billionaire net worth seems to be only [-] yuan, and she almost shed tears of poverty every minute.

"Mom, what, I think... With a net worth of over [-] million, it's not very poor, right?" She is considered poor, how can those social animals who are struggling on the poverty line live?Lei Yu struggled to argue.

In an instant, she was greeted with Yu Di's unbelievable eyes, which read brightly: What?A net worth of [-] million is not considered poor? !
The net worth of everyone in the Yun family has always been measured in tens of billions. Even when she was an academician of the Academy of Engineering, her net worth started at tens of billions!

But the person in front of her is not someone else, but her precious daughter. Since the daughter thinks that a hundred million yuan is not considered poor, then it is not considered poor, and her daughter's self-confidence cannot be hit.

"Well, what Yinyin said is right, a hundred million yuan is already very rich! Our Yinyin is really outstanding, and we already have a net worth of a hundred million yuan before we are 20 years old." Yu Die nodded while talking, as if It is to plant a psychological hint for myself and make myself agree with this statement.

I listened to the corners of my mouth twitching non-stop, although what you said was sincere and you nodded as you spoke, but you left a hundred million yuan after another, and you have perfectly betrayed your true inner thoughts, okay?
 Today's update has arrived
(End of this chapter)

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