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Chapter 242 Boys Don't Need To Be Pampered

Chapter 242 Boys Don't Need To Be Pampered
The corners of their mouths twitched not only for idleness, but Yun Mu and Yun Lu also had the same expressions. They still vaguely remembered the scene when they themselves had earned over [-] million net worth in college and begged for praise vigorously in front of Yu Die. What did their mother do at that time? Are you doing it?

He seemed to push them away, with a disdainful smile on his face, "As far as a net worth of [-] million yuan is concerned, don't you know that the tradition of the Yun family is to use tens of billions as the counting unit? If I had With such a small fortune, I'm ashamed to marry your father, it's as if I've been adopted by you."

Well, these are the original words of my mother at the time. Because the impression was so deep, they still remember them so fresh and dare not forget them, and since then they have never dared to reveal their wealth.

In the Yun family, what happened to being rich?If you have money, you can float?Don't you know there is a saying that a mountain is higher than a mountain?They always feel that someone can slap them to the ground when they are floating, and then say: Oh, tui, I don't know anything!

Yun Mu and Yun Lu looked at each other, and the breath of sympathy slowly flowed between the two of them. Sure enough, boys don't need to be pampered.

Xian Yu on the side didn't know how to respond to her mother's words, so he could only laugh awkwardly, okay, let's change the subject, she already knows that she is a poor person.

"Then you can squeeze big brother, he is richer than me." And Yunlu, who was still in the same trouble with Yunmu just now, sold Yunmu in a blink of an eye. Well, a dead fellow is not dead. The younger sister is for pain, and the brother is for it. It's used for cheating, there's nothing wrong with it at all.

"Come on, let's get started, dad, mom, brother, don't help me, or it won't be fun to play, let's see the truth." Idle Yu Ze Erkang refused everyone's help, and she decided Shame on the poker table!
For Chinese New Year, the picture is just to be happy, none of them pay attention to these thousands of children, so when they heard that Xianyu said that he wanted to see the real chapter under his hand, they smiled and agreed, even if Xianyu lost in the end, If anyone really wanted her money, he would find an excuse to give it to her later.

Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement, they began to shuffle the cards in their spare time. In order to increase the fun and difficulty, they did not choose to draw the cards in turn, but directly deal the cards. This is not exciting.

Fighting Landlords, if you want to be more exciting, of course you have to be the landlord. This one has good or bad luck, the cards are average, and the landlord is not her, but Yunmu.

After all, it was her first time playing, and she was not that proficient in mastering the rules, so it was a buffer for her not to be the landlord.

Just now when Yunlu told her how to play, she understood that for them, fighting the landlord is more about their own calculations, and memorizing cards is only the most basic, and they have to simulate all kinds of cards played by the other party in their minds. Possibly and the countermeasures for the next few steps, it seems to be somewhat similar to Go, which is to take a step and look at the number of steps.

Yun Mu is the landlord, so he is the first to play the card, and she belongs to the same camp as Yunlu and Father Yun. In this case, the landlord is one against three.

This is considered difficult for ordinary people, not to mention that the one and three here are not ordinary people?

After a lot of back and forth, there is no doubt that Yun Mu lost.

Yu Die watched with a smile on the sidelines and helped to keep the accounts. Seeing that Xian Yu won, she was happier than Xian Yu.

As soon as she got down, Xianyu was completely familiar with the gameplay, and she thought that she should be able to try being a landlord, but it was a pity that it was still not her turn to be the landlord, but Father Yun's turn.

As the saying goes, there are no brothers in love, and there are no fathers and sons in casinos, so even if the landlord in this one is Father Yun, they will not be lenient. They won by a narrow margin, because at the end of the game, each of them had few cards in their hands, and with another round of cooperation, the win or loss might be reversed.

The person who wins shuffles the cards, and Father Yun's experimental hand shuffles the cards in the same way. Feng Shui takes turns, and this year when I come to my house, it's finally my turn to be the landlord.

"Yinyin, what you said just now is not to let dad and elder brother help you, don't cry when you lose later." Yunlu teased with a smile.

Lei Yu smiled confidently, "Second brother, don't worry, I will show you what is dangerous in the world in a while."

"Hehe, the tone is not small, dad, big brother, do you hear, don't let the water sneak in for a while, today I have to let Yin Yin understand what it means to have someone beyond others!"

None of Father Yun and Yun Mu paid any attention to him. Of course, they just didn't let the water go. Since I have said that I want to have fun, they naturally won't spoil the fun.

Lei Yu looked at the cards in his hand, it wasn't very good, but it wasn't bad either.Sure enough, she didn't realize the pressure of the landlord until she became a landlord. One against three is not just for fun. She used her powerful thinking ability to constantly predict how the other three people would respond after she played cards, as well as her backhand. .

The three people on the opposite side are also under a lot of pressure. Although they can predict, but the current situation seems to be that every step of theirs has been imagined by Yin Yin, and they are well coped with. They have a kind of following Yin Yin Yin's thinking is walking.

Obviously this is not an illusion, because she won this hand, which is also a narrow victory, but her narrow victory is different from Yun's father's narrow victory. Can't figure out his way.

On the other hand, Lei Yu relied on her extremely powerful calculation ability to imagine every possibility of playing cards, and then played her own cards according to the set response method, forcing them step by step to follow the way she set.

It feels a bit like playing poker with a computer, everything counts.

"Yinyin, don't you think it's all over?" Yunlu asked in a little shock.

Although it is okay to predict them with this kind of assumption, it takes a lot of energy, so they only need to imagine a few steps, how can they predict so much.

The leisurely mood of winning the cards was exceptionally comfortable. He took out the jelly beans in the pocket of the down jacket and popped one into his mouth. Well, it tasted like apples.

Hearing that the four people other than her were a little shocked, they really counted all the possibilities?Isn't it normal to be calm after the shock?Their Yun family's genes should be like this!
"Yinyin, what are you eating?" In an instant, Yunlu's attention was attracted by what he was eating in his spare time.

Father Yun and others were also curious about this. They have seen leisure eating this thing before. Sometimes when they are close, they can smell all kinds of fruits. Presumably it should be fruit candy or something. ?But Yinyin doesn't look like someone who likes candy.

 The air conditioner at home broke down yesterday, but luckily I replaced it with a new one today. The installer was also very helpful, and the delivery and installation was done in one day.

  Good night, little cuties

(End of this chapter)

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