Chapter 243 New Years
"Did you say this?" Xian Yu raised the small glass bottle containing jelly beans in his hand.

"What kind of candy? Give the second brother a taste." Yunlu wanted to open his mouth and wait for his sister to feed him.

Leisurely poured out one and fed it into Yunlu's mouth. What she eats now is the jelly beans that she took time to go to Lu Fanyun's company to improve. It has a different fruit flavor. Now Lu Fanyun's company sells hers too. This improved one.

The one Yunlu ate was orange-flavored. He chewed it and felt like taking vitamins. He was thinking that what Yinyin ate was really jelly beans, but he opened his eyes wide after swallowing it. He changed his expression.

"Yinyin, are a nutrition pill?!" The feeling of fullness and energy in the body immediately after taking the orange-flavored pill is too familiar.

It can be said that the Yun family has never been unfamiliar with such things as nutritional pills and nutrient solutions. After all, these are also their alternative vitamins. When they are busy, they always take a few pills a day.

It’s just that it’s only been a few days since Yinyin returned to the Yun’s family, and they haven’t exhausted their brain power to the point where they need to take nutritional pills, so everyone subconsciously ignores that Yinyin is also a member of the Yun family through and through, and they have the same physical and mental health as them. Genes, presumably, also need to replenish energy from time to time.

"It's a nutrition pill." Lei Yu nodded calmly to confirm Yunlu's question.

"Is this the nutrition pill you made and sold for Lu Fanyun Company?" Yun Mu suddenly reached out and asked Xianyu to ask for a nutrition pill and stuffed it into his mouth. In fact, he also wanted to try the green and snow-white fingers of his younger sister. What does it feel like to feed it into his mouth, but considering that he wants to have a calm big brother image, he is ashamed to be as shameless as Yunlu.

"Well, yes." I am not at all curious why Yun Mu knew that she had made nutritional pills for Lu Fanyun's company. Out of concern for her, they must have done a detailed review of her life in the past ten years investigation, so they know it's normal.

"Yes, Yinyin is very talented in medicine. First, Yannian, and this nutritional pill. How about it? Are you interested in helping your elder brother after graduation?" Yun Mu praised and shuffled the cards for the rest.

It was a bit embarrassing to talk about this spare time. She still remembered that Hongtu had special outreach personnel who came to find her and invited her to join Hongtu, but she categorically refused at that time.

Lei Yu has no desire to develop into medicine, so he rejected Hongtu's outreach personnel at the beginning, and today he will also reject Yunmu's invitation.

But before she could say her refusal, someone had already rejected it for her.

It was Yu Die who spoke, and she raised her eyebrows and said to Yun Mu: "You two brothers have inherited your father's mantle, Yin Yin obviously studied energy and power engineering, and will inherit my mantle in the future, and now you still want to take over She abducted to Hongtu to help you? It's such a beautiful idea, is it your father's idea?" Yu Die looked at Yun Zhu again with doubts on his face, and the years of love between husband and wife disappeared all at once. .

Father Yun was sitting on the sofa, and when he was mentioned suddenly, he looked confused. Is this a person sitting at home, and the pot came from the sky?When did he give Yun Mu such an idea?
"I'm not, I'm not, don't blame me." Father Yun waved his hands repeatedly, and pointed at Yun Mu after he waved his hands, "It's all his own idea, it has nothing to do with me."

Yun Mu stopped shuffling the cards, so the behavior of their family selling their relatives is also a long-standing family tradition?Just why is it always him who gets hurt?
"Mom, I'm joking, just say that, come, come, come, the cards are shuffled, let's continue." Yun Mu speeded up the movement of shuffling the cards in his hand, and then quickly started to deal the cards, hoping that the mother would let this go. topic.

Yu Die glanced at him, and snorted softly. Didn't say anything more, and wants everyone in the family to study medicine?Dreaming.

A new round of poker games began, knowing that Xianyu wanted to be a landlord, so they deliberately placed the landlord in Xianyu's house when they played the cards.

It’s just that everyone didn’t keep the previously agreed agreement not to release the water, and even Yunlu started to release the water in silence. What can we do if it’s not waterproof? We can’t let the younger sister keep taking nutrition pills to consume brain power to play with them, right? ?

So Xianyu won this round with great ease, some concern did not need to be expressed, and Xianyu also understood their good intentions, she was the one who said it was not waterproof, and now she is the one who accepts everyone's release of water, after all, it is just a family member There is nothing more than silent thoughtfulness and care.

Playing cards is just fun, so everyone watched the Spring Festival Gala and returned to the poker table when they encountered boring programs, laughing and laughing until twelve o'clock in the morning.

As the bell rang on the TV, the new year came. Last year, she traveled to Australia with Professor Qian Zhou Mei and the others. It was not really a Chinese New Year, so this was her first time on earth a new year.

This new year, she will be accompanied by relatives who are connected with her blood. Although this blood does not belong to her, but belongs to the original owner, she greedily accepts this body, and also accepts this body. All causes and effects of the body.

Along with the bell, there was also the notification sound of her mobile phone, ding dong ding dong.

Turning on the phone, it was the New Year greetings sent by Zhou Mei and the others, as well as the sound of red envelopes being sent out in the group.

While replying to their blessings, Lei Yu kept grabbing the red envelopes. Although she no longer cared about the little bit of mosquito meat, grabbing the red envelopes was all about the fun of participating.

Suddenly Ji Mo also sent her a 520 red envelope, and she just clicked on it for a while before his call came.

At this moment, Father Yun and the others went to the yard to set off fireworks, and she was the only one left in the living room. Pressing the answer button, Ji Mo's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

"Can you come out now?" Outside the door of Yun's villa, a black Porsche was parked in the night. Ji Mo pushed down the window and looked at the location of the spare room through the light of the fireworks. It was pitch black. , aren't you in the room?
"Where are you?" Lei Yu asked concisely while taking the scarf and tied it around his neck.

"At the door," Ji Mo urged in a hoarse voice, "wear more."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone was hung up.

Lei Yu ran to the yard and yelled at Father Yun, Yun Mu and others who were setting off fireworks: "Dad, Mom, I'll go out for a while."

"Hey, Yinyin, come back, where are you going in the middle of the night?"

Sure enough, Father Yun's blocking voice came from behind her, Xianyu pretended not to hear, stepped up his steps, and ran even faster.

Yunlu looked at the figure of his younger sister Ruyan cast into the forest, and grumbled reluctantly: "It must be that guy Ji Mo, who knows how to lure Yinyin out all day long, and he is not a good person at first sight!"

(End of this chapter)

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