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Chapter 244 New Year's Gift

Chapter 244 New Year's Gift
Yu Di slapped him angrily. The down jacket worn in winter made a particularly loud slap, but in fact he didn't feel it at all. "Shut up, you guys have a lot of things to do in one day."

Those who celebrate the new year don't allow young couples to celebrate the new year together?What's wrong, it's all habit.

The biggest talker in this family is Yu Die, so even though Yun Zhu wanted to say something, under Yu Die's persuasive eyes, he moved his lips, but he still didn't say anything.

Yun Mu was also not very happy. He didn't think that Ji Mo would be sorry for Yin Yin. After all, Ji Mo's kindness to Yin Yin was obvious to all.He just felt that it wasn't long before Yinyin returned to Yun's house, and it was too late for them to love her, so how could she be willing to let her fresh and lovely cabbage be taken away by pigs so early?
Leisurely trotted all the way to the gate of the courtyard, pushed open the small door on one side, and was embraced into a warm embrace as soon as he turned around.

"Why are you wearing so little?" Ji Mo frowned and took her into the car, where the air conditioner was turned on.

"I was in a hurry and forgot to wear it." There was heating at home, so she only wore a knitted sweater inside and a thin down jacket outside. She felt cold when she came out, but she didn't want Ji Mo to wait too long. So she didn't go back and change it.

"Why are you so anxious that you can't come out after getting dressed?" He was clearly on the phone telling him to put on more clothes, but it seemed that he had completely ignored him.

"You called me out just to teach me not to wear more clothes?" In the special time and atmosphere, it was rare for Lei Yu to use a bit of a coquettish tone, but she didn't seem to notice it, and felt that what she said was quite normal.

Ji Mo's eyes darkened, and they all said that looking at a beauty under the light, the more you look at it, the more beautiful it is, not to mention that Xianyu's color is very beautiful, and under the dim light in the car, it looks even more shockingly beautiful.

Outside the car is the endless sound of fireworks, and inside the car is the charming smile of the person he likes. Coupled with the joy of the New Year, if Ji Mo can hold back, there will be ghosts.

One leaned over, without any preparation, directly covered her lips with a trace of coolness, gently rubbed them, and then poked into the white teeth to taste carefully.

I don't know when, Xian Yu's position has been moved from the seat to Jim Mo's lap. When he felt something strange under his body, Xian Yu finally woke up, pushed Jimo away, and buried his head into his neck.

Ji Mo laughed lightly, his chest vibrated slightly with the laughter, "Why are you still so shy?"

Xian Yu suddenly raised her head, her face was still blushing, she forced a straight face, "Who says I'm shy?" Why are you smiling, she's not shy!She is not a child, how can she be shy!
"Why are you so red when you're not shy?" Ji Mo pinched her face, it was tender and smooth, but there was no flesh.

Lei Yu turned his face away uncomfortably, "The air conditioner in the car is hot."

"It's my fault. The temperature of the air conditioner is too high." That's what he said, but Ji Mo didn't turn down the temperature, daughter-in-law, she's right in everything she says, just cooperate.

"Look at what this is." Ji Mo took out a beautifully packaged small square box from his pocket, only the size of a palm, and handed it to Xianyu.

Lei Yu looked at the shape and size of the box, and at the atmosphere in front of him, thinking that this could not be a ring, could it?She understands this routine, no matter how time flows, some things can never change, such as this marriage proposal, there is not much difference between the stars and the earth.

But thinking about it, she is not stupid enough to say what she thinks, after all, if she is not, then she will be completely embarrassed.

"Is this a New Year's gift?" Lei Yu opened the box in his palm while talking.

Inside the box was not the ring she had thought, but an exquisite diamond necklace lying quietly on the black velvet lining, sparkling with the movement of her palm.

"Do you like it?" Ji Mo asked, stroking her hair gently with one hand around her spare waist.

"I like it! It's very beautiful!" Lei Yu nodded vigorously.

I really like it!Although she doesn't have much interest in jewelry, even from the perspective of a pure engineer, this necklace is undeniably beautiful.

Blue diamonds are inlaid in the middle of a small and delicate rose, and some fine diamonds are dotted on the petals of the rose, making the whole look exquisite and elegant.

"I'll help you put it on." Ji Mo took the box and took out the necklace, but he didn't directly put it on Yu Yu's neck at the first time, but warmed the necklace in his palm before putting it on for her.

Xianyu looked at the scene in front of her. At this moment, she felt that perhaps the diamond necklace was very precious, but what was even more precious was Jimo's action of warming the necklace for her.

After wearing it, she turned her body to face Ji Mo, showing the necklace on her neck, "Does it look good?"

Her answer was a kiss on her white and tender neck, "It's beautiful."

Lei Yu blushed again, wondering if he was talking about the beauty of the necklace, the beauty of the person, or both?
"Necklaces are beautiful, people are more beautiful." Ji Mo added as if he knew what I was thinking.

Xianyu coughed uncomfortably, "But what if I didn't prepare a New Year's gift for you?"

Speaking of which, not only was she unprepared for Ji Mo, but also Yunfu Yunmu and her two older brothers. It was her first New Year's Eve, and she had no experience in this area, and she didn't know if it would be too late to buy it tomorrow?

"I just got the gift I want." Ji Mo said softly, smelling the fragrance in her hair.

I looked at Ji Mo in doubt: "Huh? What gift?" When did he get anything from her?Could it be the strands of hair?She wondered if she didn't have hair loss either.

"This." As he said that, Ji Mo pressed his idle head again, and a kiss that was more intense than before swept over.

At the beginning, I had time to think about the gift he was talking about. Fortunately, she was thinking about her hair. Why did Ji Mo keep touching her head and playing with her hair? That's all she could think of.

But her thinking seems, it seems, maybe a little too straightforward?Is there any help for her who is so incomprehensible?
Thinking about her, her mind turned into a mess, and she could only sink with Ji Mo.

After a while, it was Jimo who let her go, because she had no strength to push her away.

A strange feeling came from under her body again, she could no longer pretend that she didn't know anything, and wanted to move to the seat next to her uncomfortably.

"Don't move." Ji Mo's hoarse voice rang in her ears, and his hands were firmly fixed on her waist, preventing her from moving a little.

I had no choice but to sit blankly and wait for him to calm down, and the blush on his face could not dissipate for a long time.

Feeling the silence in the car, Ji Mo was worried that she would blush for a while, so he started the topic with a low smile, "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

Ever since he found out about the relationship between Xianyu and the Yun family, he has investigated all the relationships between the Yun family. Because of its special status, the Yun family is not like other families with a large family and many relatives, so Xianyu is completely No worries about relatives.

 Explosion is even more impossible to explode, you should give up this heart hahaha laugh three times!

(End of this chapter)

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