Chapter 245

"Read at home?" Otherwise, what else can I do? On the first day of the new year, almost all the shopping malls outside are closed, and there is no place to go shopping.

Ji Mo is also very helpless. It’s really not a good thing for a girlfriend to love studying too much. He has never felt the pressure from other competitors from the outside world when he is in love with Xianyu. Instead, he competes with learning and scientific research every day. The problem I can't compete.

"Lu Fanyun and the others have a game tomorrow, will you come with me then?" Young people like them don't want to stay at home during Chinese New Year and listen to their relatives nagging, so Lu Fanyun formed a game and made some appointments. When the people close to him went out to play, he also invited Ji Mo. Originally, Ji Mo didn't plan to attend, but thinking of the few times Xian Yu met her after returning to Yun's house, he agreed again.

"Yes." Lei Yu nodded, Yunzhu and Yu Diezheng wished that she would go out and play more every day instead of staying at home and reading all day, of course Yunzhu felt that it would be better if the accompanying person who went out to play was not Ji Mo up.

"Okay, you go back quickly, if you don't go back for a while, someone should come out to look for you." Ji Mo entangled the hair on his fingertips and said, he had already seen several figures appearing at the gate of the yard from the corner of his eyes, and he would not let go People, I'm afraid I can't help but knock on his car window.

"Well, then I'll go back first." I'm not at all reluctant, it's only one night, I saw it as soon as I woke up, what's there to be reluctant about.

Ji Mo fully understands how straight his girlfriend is, so he didn't express his dissatisfaction with words, he just pulled her head down and approached her lips tenderly for a while before letting her go.

"Let's go." If you don't go, he might not let people go.

It's too shameful for Xian Yu to get up in a hurry, blushing, open the car door and leave without looking back. Ji Mo is a well-trained soldier after all, how can he respond to a kiss every time?I'm sorry for his military status!

Fortunately, Ji Mo didn't know that this kind of thinking was in Lei Yu's mind, otherwise she would definitely let her know that soldiers are also men, and men can't resist teasing their lovers.

Ji Mo watched Xianyu turn into the yard, waited for a while to see that nothing happened, and then started the car and drove into the cold night.

This side leisurely walks lightly, trying to sneak in as unobtrusively as possible, but the group of people who finished the fireworks in the yard seemed not to feel the cold of this winter night at all, and they all stood in a group, from the moment she entered the yard. From that moment on, he stared straight at her.

The second elder brother Yunlu, who has been doting on her since she returned to Yun's house, snorted softly and said, "Yo, I'm still willing to come back. I thought you were going to follow him today." Obvious jealousy.

This Ji Mo is too seductive!How long did it take for them to bring Yinyin back? According to his pace, I'm afraid it won't be long before Yinyin will be brought back to Ji's house!

He, Yunlu, does not agree to this marriage!Without his consent, no one can take Yinyin away from Yun's house!

She laughed leisurely, she knew it would be this scene, "This is my home, how could I go with him, I still have to stay with my parents and brothers."

She purposely softened her tone when she said this, and said it softly, and sure enough, the faces of several people visibly softened, and there was an obvious smile on the corners of their mouths.

What?backbone?What it is?What a man wants is to be able to bend and stretch!
Yun Mu walked to her side, raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head, and said with a gentle smile, "Don't listen to your second brother, he is just jealous." After speaking, he frowned and gathered up the spare scarf, "Why are you wearing so little? Go in quickly."

After all, it's a girl who doesn't want to stay. In such a cold day, I can't wait to go out with so little clothes.

Lei Yu was obedient and quickly ran in with small steps, and took off his scarf as soon as he entered the living room. The heating in the house is very good, and he should be sweating after wearing the scarf for a while.

Father Yun and others also came in with her, but the faces of the few people who had been coaxed entered the room turned ugly.

I don't know what's going on, so what's going on?Didn't you just coax it?Why did he turn his face and be ruthless again after turning around?

The only one whose expression has not changed is Yu Die, so it is only natural for Xian Yu to look at Yu Die with puzzled eyes.

Yu Die walked into her with a smile, "Leave them alone, it's getting late, you should go upstairs to sleep quickly, girls need to sleep well to have healthy skin."

She did know why the faces of the men in the family were so ugly, didn't she just see the redness and swelling on Yinyin's lips?We are all adults, who can not understand such obvious traces.

She knows, but she doesn't intend to tell Xianyu, girls are thin-skinned, don't look at Yin Yin's appearance is cold, but in reality she is gentle and shy, it's Chinese New Year, why should she say something to make the child feel uncomfortable , isn't this just ordinary uncontrollable love?When Yun Zhu was chasing her, she was not as good as Ji Mo.

Seeing that Yu Die didn't intend to tell her, I was afraid that it was a Shura field, so I didn't ask in detail, and obediently said good night to everyone and went upstairs to sleep.

After Xian Yu left, Yu Die turned around and said to the people behind him: "It's alright, alright, go to sleep quickly, don't make me feel uncomfortable when it's Chinese New Year."

Yun Mu and Yun Lu didn't dare to offend, they touched their noses reluctantly, and didn't say anything, but Yun Zhu had endured it for a long time, and he felt that he couldn't help it, so he took a deep breath and prepared to talk one's own thoughts.

However, before he could catch his breath, Yu Di flung his eyes at him, "Shut up! You forgot what happened when you chased me back then? Now you're ashamed to talk about others!"

Yun Zhu was so blocked that he almost couldn't get up, and at the same time, following his wife's words, he recalled the scene when he chased Yu Die back then.

At that time, Yu Die was already the youngest academician of the Academy of Engineering, and he was the academician of the Academy of Engineering. Because most of the academicians of the Academy of Engineering were not young, and Yu Die was extremely talented, everyone regarded Yu Die as their own. The junior looked at her very closely.

At that time, he spent a lot of effort chasing Yu Die, and sometimes he had to be sneaky when dating, and he would never let him go if he was inseparable if he didn't kiss.

Now that the time has changed, the same situation happened to his daughter. Back then, he complained that those old academicians of the Academy of Engineering watched too closely. Now he understands how they wished they could swallow him up with a bowl of water. I even feel that my mood at the moment is worse than theirs.

In fact, he understands the truth, but he doesn't know the pain until the knife cuts him. He still can't let Ji Mo, a big-tailed wolf, marry Yinyin back to Ji's family smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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