Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 247 Lu Fanyun and Zhao Tian

Chapter 247 Lu Fanyun and Zhao Tian
The little chili pepper Zhao Tian who has always been jealous of the world is also rarely hesitating at this moment.

"Just... that's all..."

"That's what?" Zhou Mei and Liu Jia walked up to Xian Yu and formed a line to show their camp.

"Oh! Just fell in love with that!" Zhao Tian muttered with a blushing face.

"Is this the end? You have eaten up the origin of the incident?" Lei Yu was not satisfied with this brief explanation.

"Just... just..." Although Zhao Tian is always angry, she is still a little girl who has just tasted love when it comes to the relationship between men and women. She should be as shy as other girls, and now she just said a word for a long time Can't tell.

Lu Fanyun couldn't bear to see his girlfriend in trouble, so he took Zhao Tian into his arms, "I'll tell you!"

Lei Yu raised his eyebrows, yo, Lu Fanyun is quite manly, seeing the rhythm of listening to the story, it is not a problem for everyone to just stand and chat, and there are other people in the room watching the excitement together, They were all very interested in Lu Fanyun's love history.

Lei Yu raised his hand to stop Lu Fanyun's eloquent talk, "Wait a minute, let's sit and listen slowly."

After talking, Lei Yu and Ji Mo walked behind Lu Fanyun. In this gathering, Lu Fanyun not only invited Fang Zixing, Sheng Jisen and Luo Lang in their circle, but also Zhou Mei and Liu Jia. It's just that the drunkard's intention is not to drink, so the New Year's party is fake, and it is true to declare that he is in love.

"Happy New Year, sister-in-law." Everyone said hello to Xianyu.

I felt embarrassed for a while, but then I found out that Tang Nansheng's brother and sister and Lu Peichuan were still in the crowd, and I didn't know when Lu Peichuan would come back.

After they were all seated, they crossed their arms and leaned on Jimo's arm leisurely, raised their heads and said to Lu Fanyun who was still standing: "Okay, you can start explaining, oh, wait a minute , Zhao Tian, ​​come and sit down."

Zhao Tian glanced at Lu Fanyun and then at the Roommates and Sisters Group, and finally chose the Roommates and Sisters Group. She was also very helpless. Sisters are much more difficult to coax than boyfriends these days!She is already wearing a sinful body now, if she is not well-behaved, she can choose the burial place later!
Now Lu Fanyun was left alone in the middle of the room, his posture was very much like a prisoner being interrogated.

"Sister-in-law, you're going too far. Didn't I just fall in love? As for targeting me like this?" Lu Fanyun complained to Xianyu with a mournful face, and at the same time cast a look of pleading help at Jimo, Brother Mo, hurry up Take care of your daughter-in-law!

However, Ji Mo turned a blind eye to his eyes asking for help, he was just a cousin, well, not as important as a wife.

"You quietly seduced my roommate to be your girlfriend, and you still blame me for targeting you?" To be honest, she does have a little intention of targeting Lu Fanyun now. Lu Fanyun is a friend. Yes, it's not appropriate to be a lover.

Zhao Tian has never been in a relationship. Although she usually looks hot-tempered and doesn't seem like someone who will be bullied, who can say for sure about feelings?Bullying in love is often the pain of a lifetime!

And Lu Fanyun used to be a playboy brother, with the bottom line of being a human being, not involved in pornography, gambling, drugs, etc., but when it comes to the relationship between men and women, he is not very good. Although he is not a person who messes with men and women, he is not a big deal Master of long love.

If Lu Fanyun can't completely calm down for Zhao Tian's prodigal son, she is worried that Zhao Tian will be hurt by him.

Lu Fanyun also knew that his behavior of stealing someone's roommate to be his girlfriend was a little unkind, so he complained a few words at the beginning, and then put on a gesture of beating and scolding.

What else can I do besides beating and scolding?He didn't dare to offend Xianyu, his brother Mo was still sitting here!And he is Zhao Tian's boyfriend now, he knows how powerful the sister group is, and no one can offend his girlfriend's sisters. This is the truth summed up by the world.

"My fault, my fault sister-in-law, I'll just say it casually, you don't remember villains." Lu Fanyun laughed and begged to be let go, and began to talk about the love process between him and Zhao Tian.

But it turned out that ever since they borrowed the laboratory from Lu Fanyun's company for a period of time, Lu Fanyun had been in contact with Zhao Tian in private. In his words, he had already had a good relationship with Zhao Tian at that time. I like it.

Later, during the winter vacation, Zhao Tian thought that the Yannian at home was about to run out, and that the medicine sold outside the market was not as effective as the special medicine made by Lu Fanyun's company, so she went to Lu Fanyun's company by herself to prepare Buy some and go back.

The maker of Yannian is Leisurely, and these roommates also enjoy the privileges. They can get the special Yannian that is restricted to others, and they can go to Lu Fanyun's company at any time to get it.

Just that day, a rich second generation who doesn't care about meat and vegetables also went to Lu Fanyun's company to find him out, and saw Zhao Tian as soon as he arrived at the company.

The four girls in their dormitory, except Yuyu who is pretty for all to see, the other three are also good-looking. It just so happens that this rich second generation has recently changed his taste, and he likes Zhao Tian who is so small, cute and has a strong student personality angry.

He thought that he had never seen this girl in the upper class of city b, and although her clothes were of the same brand, they were not expensive, and she was probably just an ordinary wealthy family. Girls, you won't have any trouble if you play.

If you want to understand this, this rich second generation was so smart at the time, he stepped forward to moles Zhao Tian without hesitation, who is Zhao Tian?She belongs to Chaotianjiao!Can she bear being molested by a rich second generation who sounds good at best, or a scumbag at worst?
That was obviously not possible, and she immediately turned back without saving any face. She said everything she could say, such as the toad wanted to eat swan meat, and didn't look in the mirror to see her own appearance.

The rich second generation didn't know what was going on in his mind at the time, he wanted to do something when Zhao Tian made such a low face in public!

The disturbance between the two was not small. Zhao Tian stayed in Lu Fanyun's company with Lei Yu and the others for a period of time. The company's front desk still knew these friends of Mr. Lu. The secretary made an internal call, and within 2 minutes Lu Fanyun came down in a hurry.

When he came down, he happened to see the rich second generation raising his right hand, obviously wanting to slap Zhao Tian.

He sprinted for a few steps, and rushed to Zhao Tian's side in one stride, stopped Fu Erdai's slap that was about to fall, and staggered Fu Erdai forcefully by the way.

This typical hero saves the beauty, if it develops to this point, it is still a beautiful story. At that time, Zhao Tian was still very grateful to Lu Fanyun, and said that although Lu Fanyun was flamboyant, he was still a good person .

(End of this chapter)

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