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Chapter 248 A gentleman's revenge, it's not too late

Chapter 248 A gentleman's revenge, ten years are not too late

As soon as Zhao Tian's good person card was sent out, who would have thought that the rich second generation saw that the person who stopped him was Lu Fanyun, and immediately turned black and white, saying that Zhao Tian deliberately bumped into him, and he forgave her because she was beautiful. He wanted to take her to meet Young Master Yun, but this woman yelled at him!Said they toad want to eat swan meat!

What the rich second generation said was vivid, and it really seemed like that. If Lu Fanyun didn't know Zhao Tian and her temperament, he would have almost believed it.

He didn't believe it, but Zhao Tian realized that these two people knew each other, and they were originally together!

It is said that things of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. Friends are like this. What good thing can Lu Fanyun be? !

Zhao Tian was so angry that she couldn't care about Yannian anymore, she really belonged to the same group!Turn around and leave, while walking, thinking that I must sue Xianyu, let her see what kind of guy this cousin Ji Mo is, and I must stay away from this person in the future.

Lu Fanyun is not a fool, how could he let Zhao Tian go just like that, after he let him go, even if he jumped the Huangpu River later, he couldn't explain what happened today.

He hurriedly grabbed Zhao Tian, ​​and without further ado, explained straight to the point that he had nothing to do with this rubbish rich second generation, they were just ordinary drinking and meat friends, and he hadn't contacted for a long time.Not only that, he also taught the rich second generation a lesson for Zhao Tian, ​​and went straight to the rich second generation with more sharp humiliation than Zhao Tian's words.

WTF!He, Lu Fanyun, who was hesitant to chase after him, dared to come up to tease him?I don't even want to see if he deserves it!

Lu Fanyun's humiliation was too ruthless, the rich second generation almost cried because of his humiliation, and in the end the security guard invited him out of Lu Fanyun's company with his pale face and red eyes.

After the rich second generation left, Zhao Tian almost calmed down. Now she doesn't suspect that Lu Fanyun and him are in the same group. After all, if they are really in the same group, this kind of humiliation will destroy the strong brotherhood.

But after she calmed down, she felt the smell. Could it be that Lu Fanyun did too much?She and Lu Fanyun also got along for a while when they were in the company, and although they also kept in touch after returning to school, they didn't have much contact.

But Lu Fanyun's behavior today is obviously not his attitude towards an ordinary friend!Has she ever seen a pig run before eating pork?She had reason to suspect that Lu Fanyun had ill intentions for her, but she still lacked evidence.

After driving the rich second generation away, Lu Fanyun asked Zhao Tian why he came, and then he took her upstairs to get Yannian. He never let go of Zhao Tian's hand during the whole process.

Zhao Tian looked at her and said that she couldn't break free no matter what, and said that it was very good, and now there is evidence.

After the two went upstairs to Lu Fanyun's office, Lu Fanyun let go of Zhao Tian's hand. The first thing he said after letting go was an apology. The next sentence I like that you fried it so that the outside is charred and the inside is tender.

Is the sudden confession okay?

Such a good-looking man with a powerful boyfriend and a domineering CEO confessed to himself, it was impossible to say that she was not moved.But although Zhao Tian is impulsive, she is not a brainless person, so she can't fall in love with someone just because of impulsiveness.

Moreover, what kind of family is Lu Fanyun, what kind of family is she, it's not just a joke.

So she didn't respond to Lu Fanyun at that time, took Yannian in silence and left.

Lu Fanyun hit the snake with the stick and wanted to send her off, she had no choice but to agree.

And after that, Lu Fanyun began to stalk Zhao Tian every day as if a switch had been turned on, but he was extremely shameless and dared to do anything.

After pestering for a week or two, as soon as Zhao Tian's attitude softened, he immediately started visiting. Zhao Tian's parents, who were unprepared, were shocked and at a loss.

Moreover, this fellow had done enough homework before coming to the door, knowing that Zhao Tian's parents liked and felt at ease with Xianyu, so he revealed in a few words that he was Xianyu's boyfriend's cousin.

His intentions are obvious, since they are assured of Xianyu, they must also be very assured of Xianyu's choice of boyfriend five, and since he and Xianyu's boyfriend are a family, then he must be a good man too!There's nothing wrong with this logic.

Sure enough, Zhao Tian's parents felt much more at ease after learning about this relationship.

In addition to his good looks, Zhao Tian's mother became more and more enthusiastic towards him. Zhao Tian's father's attitude was average, but father-in-law didn't like son-in-law, he understood!
I heard that brother Mo is also disgraced in front of his father-in-law, how could he escape from things that even brother Mo couldn't escape.

In short, Zhao Tian undoubtedly fell under his courtship of three meals a day.So there is today's scene.

Lei Yu provoked a meaningful smile and said to Lu Fanyun: "Co-author, you were able to catch up with our Zhao Tian, ​​and there is also a part of my credit for this?"

She still remembers Lu Fanyun's disdainful attitude when she was with Jimo, and kept telling Jimo to attack her earlier.Although later Lu Fanyun apologized in time because of Ji Mo's relationship, and gradually saw her strength and respected her, but some revenge should be revenged.

Thinking of this, she turned around and said to Zhao Tian: "Our poor little Tiantian, I'm afraid you don't know that when I first fell in love with Jimo, Lu Fanyun instigated Jimo to treat him earlier in front of me. I'm going to do it."

Zhao Tian immediately became angry, "What else is there?" What kind of joke are you kidding, actually bullying Xianyu? !
Lei Yu smiled and glanced at Lu Fanyun, who was pale and desperately begging her to let her go, and continued to use his lifelong acting skills, "God, I was just an adult at that time, and he actually acted in front of everyone. In front of Ji Mo, you have to be careful about premarital sex and so on, Xiao Tiantian!"

What kind of temper is spare, can Zhao Tian not know?She has never called her Xiao Tiantian, she has always called Zhao Tian directly, and when she meets a few of them occasionally, she will express her dislike for them with goosebumps all over her spare time.

But now Lei Yu actually calls her Xiao Tiantian!She felt a little unacceptable.She knew that she was joking with them, so she cleaned up Lu Fanyun by the way, but Zhao Tian didn't dare to offend Yu, the boss in the dormitory!
So between Xianyu and Lu Fanyun, she once again chose Xianyu without hesitation. There was no way, her first love was so plastic, it was not just big brother Yu, so it could only be wretched.

"Lu Fanyun! You are wrong, why didn't I realize that you are still this kind of person? You said that you are in love with me, is it because you are greedy for my body! Do you want to lose your heart?!" Zhao Tian straightened up With his own face, he said to Lu Fanyun sternly.

Lu Fanyun felt that he was really miserable today and couldn't be more miserable. He didn't even have the strength to stand up now. Of course, it was impossible to sit. He is still undergoing trial.

He simply squatted down directly, and said to Xianyu with a sad face: "Sister-in-law is still ruthless." After speaking, he explained to Zhao Tian: "I don't, I'm not, I won't! At the beginning, I was young and full of flamboyance, and I It's actually pretty clean!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately laughed.

 Why did the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket skyrocket when I stopped updating, but both tickets fell off a cliff when I was fully present?This unscientific! ()
(End of this chapter)

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