Chapter 250

Hearing the word milk pool, everyone became excited, women, who would not want to try a milk bath.

"What are you talking about, let's go, let's soak for a while and have lunch." Zhao Tian immediately regained her spirits.

"Okay, then let's go." Tang Nanwen also said that she always has a personality, and immediately stood up and prepared to go to the hot spring.

Xianyu is also very interested in hot springs, mainly because she has never been in hot springs before, and she wants to try what it feels like, so she readily agrees.

A few girls greeted the man over there and went to the hot spring together.

The hot spring is just behind the yard, and there is a small scene of a rockery stream between the male and female hot springs, which is very comfortable to watch.

This milk soup pool is worthy of its name. The milky white spring water is steaming hot, and many rose petals are sprinkled on it. There are some yellow-white rocks on the edge of the soup pool. A few trays were placed on a flatter rock, which contained some drinks and pastries.

The moment they got into the water, they all let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Liu Jia was immersed in the warm hot spring and teased Zhao Tian: "I said that Lu Fanyun arranged this place on purpose. He must have seen that you have worked too hard recently, so he tried every means to help you relax."

Liu Jia just said that casually, but except Zhao Tian, ​​who was a bit shy and embarrassed to speak after being teased, the others nodded in agreement.

"Am I guessing the truth?" Liu Jia looked at Zhao Tian inquiringly, hoping she would give her an answer.

Zhao Tian was embarrassed by the look, and she became angry from embarrassment: "You can't stop your mouth even if you soak in the hot spring! Can you still take a good bath?"

"Yes, yes, haha." Liu Jia smiled and moved away from Zhao Tian, ​​and if she didn't move further away, it was time for her to make a move.

"Oh, I said why this year's party is only for us who know the basics. In the past, there were many more people at Lu Fanyun's party than now. It turned out that it was specially prepared for our little Tiantian." Tang Nanwen also cooperated with Liu Jia teased Zhao Tian.

Lei Yu nodded again. In the past, Lu Fanyun formed a team because there were too many people. When she and Tang Nanwen first met, there were quite a few women who were eyeing her.

"Senior sister!" Zhao Tian yelled, and rushed over to fight.

Xianyu closed her eyes to enjoy the comfort of this moment, and involuntarily thought of what happened in the past year when she traveled to Earth.

From the precariousness at the beginning, the loneliness of being alone, to now her relatives, friends and lovers are all by her side, she is already very satisfied!
Now she just hoped that it would stay like this.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that I have found my biological parents." Xian Yu opened his eyes abruptly and said plainly.

The few people who were fighting stopped suddenly. Did they hear hallucinations just now?They seem to have heard Xianyu say that she has found her relatives?
Zhou Mei was the first to react, "You're only telling us about such a big thing now? And you almost forgot to tell us?! Did you forget to focus on last year?!"

After confirming that they were not hearing hallucinations, Zhao Tian and Liu Jia also glared at Xianyu, but Tang Nanwen was not so angry, she and Xianyu didn't have such a good relationship, and there was no need to tell her that Xianyu had found her parents, but She is quite envious of the relationship between Xianyu and her roommates.

A wealthy family doesn't lack anything, but it lacks true love. She doesn't have such a good relationship with her roommate, and she also has face affection with other ladies from aristocratic families.

Lei Yu didn't take the anger of the few people seriously at all, she explained lightly: "As for what happened years ago, it wasn't long before I found it, it's not too late to tell you now."

Zhou Mei and the other three were speechless about the insignificant mentality of Lei Yu, and they had nothing to do with her, so they could only hold back their anger and ask more important things.

"Who are they? Who are they? What is their identity? Do you treat me well? Do you live in Jimo's house or your biological parents' house now? Does the Xian's house know? Did you have any trouble with you?" A series of questions Asked questions one after another from several people's mouths without stopping.

A few people were angry, and they answered their questions one by one without fluffing their beards wisely. For proof, they also told some specific examples.

When they heard that Xian Yu's biological father was Yun Zhu, the former director of Hongtu, and his mother was Yu Die, a once well-known academician of the Academy of Engineering, several audience members were stunned and couldn't keep their mouths shut.

It took a while for the idle voices to stop before they came back to their senses.

"It's really unexpected and reasonable." Zhou Mei sighed.

The channels of Liu Jia and Zhou Mei were miraculously synchronized, "That is, it must not be easy to give birth to a monster like you. I heard you said that it is Mr. Yun Zhu and Academician Yu Die, and I actually have a feeling that this is what it should be."

Zhao Tian has a lot of nerves, and her focus is rather strange, "You actually have two older brothers in spare time! Aren't they all handsome?"

Without waiting for an answer, Zhao Tian asked herself and answered: "You must be very handsome, you are so good-looking, brother will definitely not be bad!"

Idle Yu nodded, the eldest brother and the second brother are indeed good-looking, but... "Is it really good that you, a married woman, covet other handsome men so much?"

Zhao Tian wiped the saliva that didn't exist at the corner of her mouth, "Don't frame me, when will I covet other handsome guys! What is our relationship, your brother is my brother, I am admiring my brother!"

Xianyu laughed, "I believe in your evil."

"Brother who always gives me a bank card, I'm really sore. I'm also a brother. Why is my brother just a philanderer who only wants to cause trouble for me?!" Tang Nanwen shed bitter tears for herself. Her brother is a love letter from God, she is amazing, her brother is a letter of war from Satan!
She was tired of talking about Brother Guozheng.

Leisurely patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, she also knew how hardworking Tang Nansheng was, thinking back then he was still yelling at her indiscriminately.

And Tang Nansheng, who had previously dismissed her, was also very nervous when facing Ji Mo.

After a few people digested the fact that she had found her biological parents and the identities of her relatives, Xianyu continued: "Are you free tomorrow afternoon? Come to my house for two days?"

She invited them because she had promised Yu Die to bring her friends home to show her, to let her know that she also had friends, otherwise she would always ask her to play with that Meng Ya.

The second thing is also for the hearts of Zhou Mei and the others. Although they heard her say that father Yun and others treated her no better, but they haven't seen it with their own eyes, so they are worried after all.

Hearing that Zhou Mei and the others agreed to Xianyu decisively, let alone if they really had time, even if they didn't have time, they would make time to go there. They were worried that I would report good news and not bad news, so they still wanted to see for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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