Chapter 251

After talking about this matter, I leaned against the flat rock behind me and closed my eyes for a nap. In the cold winter weather, soaking in this kind of warm milk pond, I would be sorry for the right time and place if I didn't take a nap.

She went to sleep on her own, Zhou Mei and the others gritted their teeth, just finished telling them such explosive news, and fell asleep in a blink of an eye, with such a big heart, leaving them to worry about her.

Even though none of them wanted a basin of water to wake her up, they all stopped fighting and lowered their voices.

Lei Yu was woken up by Zhao Tian, ​​who said it was time for lunch.She glanced at the time and found that she had slept for nearly an hour. She was so lazy, as if even her thoughts had slowed down. She sighed twice in her heart, tsk tsk, full of warmth and thoughts, it's so important.

For Chinese New Year, what we want is excitement, and everyone hides out because they don't want to listen to the elders nagging at home, so naturally they come here because they are happy.

There were thirteen of them in a group, and it was a bit crowded to sit at one table, so it was better to have one table for men and one table for women, without disturbing each other, otherwise they would not be happy drinking during the New Year's Eve.

But this does not include Ji Mo, Lu Fanyun and Luo Lang, the three family members who still want to sit next to their wives.

Thinking about it, Fang Zixing and the others can stand by and watch the three of them throw dog food?It’s true that you should eat and drink well during the Chinese New Year, but dog food should definitely not be included in this food and drink.

So the single dogs quickly suppressed the three of them who were about to move. No one dared to suppress Jimo, but they all looked at him with the look that if you leave, you will betray us.

Ji Mo ignored them, and of course he didn't sit there, after all, they were all girls, so it seemed like a man sitting by him.

On the men's side, they were drinking and punching or chatting about things in Vanity Fair, while the girls' side was much more harmonious. They were all foodies, and they had no time to talk except to say that this was delicious and that was also delicious.

But the taste of this dish is a bit familiar after eating it in my spare time. Why does it taste like Jinxiu?It is estimated that Lu Fanyun invited Jinxiu's private chefs here. It seems that he did earn a lot of money last year.

After a meal, the atmosphere dictates that the few girls who are usually moderate are all full, and they sit on the sofa in the same posture. The boys have to eat slowly, and they are still in high spirits right now.

Tang Nanwen saw that they had played at the poker table that they hadn't had time to clean up, and suggested to join them to fight against the landlord. Girls, they don't know much tricks, and basically they played against the landlord.

Everyone else has no objections. If you don't play two cards during the Chinese New Year, you feel that this year is incomplete.Xian Yu calmly refused, "You guys have fun, I won't join in the fun." The four of them are just right, so she won't bully others.

Tang Nanwen saw that she really didn't want to play, so she didn't persuade her, but Zhao Tian said to Xianyu in a ghostly way: "If you don't want to play, why not sit behind me and give me pointers." Brain, with her in charge, she will definitely win from beginning to end.

She thought that no one would find out about her wishful thinking, but no one here is an idiot, Zhou Mei and Liu Jia started arguing, "Is it still possible? It's just fighting a landlord. It's too much for you to ask for cheating!"

Zhao Tian, ​​who was exposed, sneered and quibbled: "I'm afraid that I'm too boring."

She was answered with two sneers.

Reluctantly, Zhao Tian had no choice but to give up the idle humanoid plug-in and go on it herself.

Sitting idle, she clicked on her mobile phone, searching for new year gifts for her family and lovers.

She didn't think of this until Ji Mo gave her the necklace yesterday, and it's not too late to prepare.

There are various answers on the Internet. The cheap ones include handmade scarves and other handmade products, and the expensive ones include various famous brand bags, ties, watches, etc.

She looked at it for a long time, but couldn't choose a suitable one.

After much deliberation, I decided to start from the needs of each person.

Ji Mo, tie is not very practical, he rarely wears a suit, usually only when business needs him to appear in person, he usually wears a suit more casually.

Compared with a tie, a scarf is more practical, and it is just right for this season. Of course, it is impossible for her to weave it by herself. It is too late, but she can buy one.

As for the Yun family, she also has a plan in mind. The elder brother wears a white coat every day, and the tie is not much needed, but the belt is very useful.

As for the second brother, he stayed abroad to find her, and now she has found her, and he will return to Hongtu to help the elder brother manage Hongtu in a few years, so his clothes should be roughly the same as the elder brother's at that time. Well, the eldest brother can choose whatever gift the second brother wants, so as not to be jealous of each other.

Since Father Yun is already in a semi-retired state, and Father Yun has the habit of wearing a watch, it is a perfect gift to give Father Yun a watch.

Yu Die's words made her feel a little embarrassed. Yu Die is more retired than Yun's father now. He cares and takes care of her every day. Occasionally, she sees Yu Die sitting alone, looking very bored.

In fact, she knew that even Father Yun couldn't help going to the underground laboratory to do some research from time to time. Yu Die used to be no worse than Father Yun in the mechanical field, so how could he resist completely retiring now?

In the final analysis, it was just for her daughter. She finally found herself, pretended to be her all over her heart and eyes, and wanted to do her best to make up for her, so she gave up the scientific research career she loved.

Thinking of Yu Di lowering her eyes, maybe she should take some time to have a good talk with Yu Die.

After sorting out all this in their spare time, they were almost done eating. Although the drinking and punching seemed very lively, in fact, everyone was counted and they didn't drink much. They were just trying to create an atmosphere.

After eating, everyone rested for a while, Lu Fanyun booed and went to soak in the hot springs, and came to the hot spring villa, what can I do without soaking in the hot springs.

The girls only soaked for an hour in the morning, and they haven't enjoyed it yet, and they also want to go soaking for a while after hearing the words.And I heard from Lu Fanyun that he specially ordered massage technicians to come. They went early in the morning, but he set the time in the afternoon, so they didn't enjoy it.

I glanced at the time in my spare time, it was still early, and she also planned to go soak for a while, and then go shopping to buy gifts.

When it comes to enjoyment, Lu Fanyun is the best at it. The technician he ordered is really good. After a massage, the muscles of the whole body seem to be moisturized and completely relaxed. The whole person is so comfortable that he just wants to moan, but After all, I was still worried that the male soup pool was behind the rockery, so I held back.

After another nearly an hour passed, Xian Yu finally got up from the soup pool. Zhou Mei asked her why she was there, and after learning that she was going shopping to choose New Year's gifts, she said that she would go too.

If there is one, then there are two, Zhou Mei went, Zhao Tian, ​​Liu Jia and Tang Nanwen thought about it and expressed their desire to go.

(End of this chapter)

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