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Chapter 252 Choosing a Gift

Chapter 252 Choosing a Gift

Of course it doesn't matter if you have spare time, one more person or one less is the same to her.

So many of them want to leave, why do they have to tell the boy, the boy is feeling comfortable being massaged, drowsy, and has no interest in being a tool man to carry the bag, so let them go by themselves .

As for Ji Mo, Lu Fanyun and Luo Lang?Oh, their opinions don't matter, the minority obeys the majority!

None of the girls came here with a car. Ji Mo sent them in their spare time, Zhao Tian was sent by Lu Fanyun, and Zhou Mei came with Zhou Bai. Liu Jia has no boyfriend or brother, so she is the driver at home. sent over.

But if they don't have a car, the boys have one, five people, one car will solve the problem.They were on a mountain in the suburbs, and there were no large shopping malls nearby. They had to go back to the city to go shopping. Tang Nanwen was driving, speeding all the way, brushing the speed limit of the road, almost driving like a speeding car.

In fact, on the first day of the new year, almost all the places were closed, and only a few shopping malls were still open, and there were not many people, so it was very deserted, which gave them a feeling of booking out.

They came rushing to buy gifts, and Lu Fanyun and the others were still waiting for them at the resort. The number of people was just right, which was convenient for them to settle the battle quickly.

Lei Yu had a plan early in the morning, so he could go straight to the destination, but Zhou Mei and the others were purely for fun and followed on a whim.They thought that last year they drank a lot of broth after Xian Yu, and that they had earned their first savings in life. It was a bit unjustifiable not to honor their parents and family, so they became concerned after hearing what Xian Yu said.

But for a while, they didn't have any ideas, and didn't know what to buy.Lei Yu reminded them to follow the preferences and needs of their family members, and everyone would be inspired.

Of course, in the end, everyone bought the same gifts. Originally, there were only so many choices, and the needs and hobbies of people were not too far apart, and they all planned to use the money they earned to buy gifts. In this way, even Prices are not far behind.

In the end, Lei Yu chose a pair of earrings for Yu Die, which were pearls, which matched Yu Die's complexion very well.

In addition to buying gifts for her family, Zhao Tian also secretly prepared a gift for Lu Fanyun. In fact, Lu Fanyun gave her a gift when he went to pick her up early this morning. Thinking about returning the gift, after choosing for a long time, I finally chose a fountain pen.

Lu Fanyun is now the president at any rate, and he is very busy in his daily life. There are many times when he needs to sign, so it is appropriate for her to give a pen.

By the time the group of them returned to the villa, the men had already got up from the hot spring pool. Seeing that they had big bags and small bags, Sheng Jisenfang Zixing and the single dogs booed and asked them what they had bought. Have you prepared a mysterious gift for your boyfriend?

It's not the first time for Xianyu and Tang Nanwen to meet them. Now they are all collapsed people. On the contrary, Zhao Tian, ​​these brothers who met Lu Fanyun for the first time, when they were teased, their faces inevitably turned a little rosy .

Ridiculous about this kind of thing, of course, it is more pleasing for the person being ridiculed to react.Xianyu and Tang Nanwen didn't cooperate, and their expressions didn't change, only Zhao Tian was shy, so Fang Zixing's single dogs all focused on Zhao Tian alone, which made her blush even more.

Can Lu Fanyun watch his girlfriend bully him?Walking to Zhao Tian's side and hugging her, "I said, are you jealous of me? Let me tell you, it's useless to be jealous. You don't look like someone who can find a girlfriend at first glance."

Fang Zixing and others collectively gave Lu Fanyun a big roll of their eyes, "You can be blinded by girls, but we can't find a girlfriend?"

Lu Fanyun was unconvinced, "What's wrong with me? I have girlfriends now, how about you? I'm afraid they haven't been born yet!"

Ji Mo was not interested in watching them attack each other, he sat down next to Xian Yu, hugged her gently, and put his beautiful hands in front of Xian Yu's eyes.

Xianyu pretended not to understand what he meant, and asked in a pretended ignorance: "What is this for?"

Ji Mo chuckled, and his spare acting skills could deceive those who are willing to cooperate with her, "Where's my gift?"

"Oh! It's over, I forgot to prepare your gift!" Xian Yu felt that his acting was okay, and wanted to pat himself on the forehead in annoyance, but was stopped by Ji Mo.

"Such a smart head is stupid. Uncle and the others should ask me to accompany you." The uncle in Ji Mo's mouth refers to Yun Zhu. In fact, he wanted to call his father-in-law directly, but it is estimated that Yun Zhu would not agree, so he could only use it temporarily. Uncle said.

"Did I tell you that your acting skills are really not good?" Ji Mo raised his head and finally decided to expose her.

The corners of Lei Yu's mouth twitched slightly, she knew that she was not good at acting, but she couldn't be seen through so easily, right?Could it be that she always felt good about herself?

After being exposed that his acting skills were not good, Lei Yu pursed his lips, and took out a gift for Jimo from a bag. It was a gray cashmere scarf, which was soft to the touch.

Feeling the warmth in his hand, Ji Mo's eyes darkened. He was very satisfied with this gift. Now he just wanted to bow his head and kiss the woman who was waiting for him to express his feelings. It's a pity that there were too many irrelevant outsiders at the scene Now, stopped his thoughts.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much." Ji Mo said in a low voice, "Put it on for me?"

Lei Yu took the scarf and wrapped it around Ji Mo's neck. When she bought the scarf, she specially learned several ways to tie it from the teller.

When Lu Fanyun and the others finished arguing over there, they turned around and saw the scarf on Jimo's neck. Everyone was sore. Due to the joy of the quarrel just now, Lu Fanyun, Zhou Bai and Luo Lang also had gifts. The recipients hadn't had time to receive their gifts, so it was no surprise that they were sour together.

"Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree." Fang Zixing muttered, not in the mood to quarrel with Lu Fanyun, he also wanted to find a girlfriend now.

Sheng Jisen and Lu Peichuan are in the same mood as him, especially Lu Peichuan. He and Lu Fanyun grew up together in the true sense, and spent more time with Lu Fanyun than Sheng Jisen and Fang Zixing. The two of them often sleep in the same bed.

As a result, Lu Fanyun found a girlfriend quietly, but he is still single.

He could imagine what kind of storm he would be in when Lu Fanyun brought his girlfriend home.

It's nothing more than something that obviously grew up together, Lu Fanyun, that swinger, has settled down, but he doesn't have a girl who is willing to accept anything.

Oh, tui!When he doesn't want to find a girlfriend?The question is can he find it?
Thinking that he shifted his gaze to Xianyu, Lu Fanyun's girlfriend is sister-in-law's roommate, so can he ask sister-in-law to introduce a girlfriend to him?As a sister-in-law, her friends are definitely not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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