Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 254 No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 254 No Contrast No Harm

Everyone's eyes lit up all of a sudden, they were interested, of course they were interested!
This is the Yun family. The Yun family has been in control of the Hongtu Research Institute since the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It has been mysterious for decades, and even people of their class rarely see it.

Perhaps their parents have seen it, but they are still in the internship stage and have not yet taken over the family business, so they have no chance to meet the Yun family.

"Sister-in-law, that's what you said! You must not go back on your word, I will definitely be there tomorrow, no knife in the sky can stop me!" Lu Fanyun was so excited that he wanted to spin and jump.

Xianyu was very strange, "Why do you like my brother so much?" No way, Lu Fanyun is a prodigal rich second generation, even if his prodigal son turns back now, he has no reason to like her elder brother.

"Sister-in-law, you don't know anything." Lu Fanyun said to Xianyu, "Let me tell you, since I started Fengfan Biopharmaceuticals, I have worshiped my idol..."

What is the lifeblood of a biopharmaceutical company?That must be all kinds of pharmaceutical technologies and patents, only with these can the company survive.

Since he understood this point, his covetousness for Hongtu has been out of control.Hongtu's various technologies and patents could bury him in a book.

This covetousness, as he learned more about Hongtu and Yunmu, over time it became his admiration for Yunmu.This worship is not without reason.

First of all, Yunmu is the current director of Hongtu. Everyone who has seen him but has not seen him has heard of his reputation, and praised him for being better than blue.

All the patents in his hands are worth several others, and he is also in charge of Hongtu, the first research institute that can't be more awesome. There are countless patents that flow out of the research institute to benefit the society.

Isn't it normal for Lu Fanyun to worship such a person?

After listening to Lu Fanyun's affectionate narration, I felt goosebumps all over my body, this idol filter is no one else.

"Stop, stop, I think you should tell my brother about your continuous admiration like a surging river, instead of telling me, after all, this is how your idol will notice you, right?" Stopped Lu Fanyun who wanted to continue talking, let her brother listen to these words.

Lu Fanyun thought about it too, and looked at Xianyu gratefully, his sister-in-law is really thinking about him!

Lei Yu is guilty of avoiding his grateful eyes. He didn't realize that Lu Fanyun was so stupid before. Could it be that he mentioned that idols have the buff of reducing intelligence?

When she raised her eyes, she saw that the eyes of other people were also shining. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she asked in disbelief, "Could it be that you are also my brother's fans?"

"That's not true. It's just that I'm a little excited when I think that I can meet the mysterious Yun family tomorrow." Fang Zixing waved his hands.

Leisurely breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Fanyun's expression was so cult, if she didn't know that the hero of the book she traveled through was Luo Ye, she would almost have thought that her brother was the hero of this book, Tom Su, Lu Fanyun, affected by the protagonist's halo, became stupid.

Thinking of Luo Ye, she seemed to have not been in contact with the hero and heroine for a while.In fact, it seemed that she hadn't had much contact with the male and female protagonists. The few encounters were only random encounters except Luo Ye wanted the patent in her hand.

But this is just right, she doesn't want to have too much communication with the hero and heroine, especially the hero Luo Ye seems to be a scumbag, and the heroine Su Lian is also a white lotus, which is disgusting.

I don't know why the author of this book set up such a character when setting up the hero and heroine.

After thinking about it, she felt that maybe it was because the characters set in the book actually had the correct three views, but she traveled through the book and saw more three-dimensional characters outside the set.

And also because of her time travel, the development of the situation has changed a lot.If she is still the original owner who is not up to date and only knows about love, then she will not have the chance to see Luo Ye's scumbag nature. He and the heroine Su Lian will go through thousands of sails, find that each other is true love, and then join hands to grow old. Similarly, the heroine Su Lian will not look at her white lotus all day long, maybe she is in her eyes or not.

After guessing the truth, I don't want to spend too much time thinking about these annoying people. After a few guesses flashed through my mind, I shot the hero and heroine out of my mind.

However, the male and female protagonists who were photographed out of her mind have not had an easy year.

Xianlou got angry with Zhang Li after returning from her lover because Zhang Li had received the buyout money from Xianyu, who had learned from Xianyu.

In the early years, Zhang Li still loved him, and she must have chosen to admit her mistakes and endured her anger towards him. Although Zhang Li still loves Xianlou now, she has already seen the essence of Xianlou, and she will not be so obedient up.Facing Xianlou's questioning and accusation, she also directly turned back.

The two didn't hold back their voices, the loud noise of arguing reached Su Lian's ears upstairs, and she hurried down to persuade them to fight.

It's okay if she doesn't persuade the fight, as soon as he persuades Xianlou to think of her, the reason why he had a fit with Zhang Li on the first day of the new year was not because he was indulging in the tenderness of his lover, but because he took some time to verify Xianyu's theory of this matter.

After this verification, it was discovered that the 300 million that I had transferred to Zhang Li was transferred by Zhang Li to his good daughter Su Lian. No wonder neither mother nor daughter told him about it, let him I lost a lot of face in front of Xianyu, and cut off some of his thoughts without making a sound. This is playing him like a monkey.

Su Lian, who was affected by Xianlou's anger, was yelled at a few times, and tears came down. Zhang Li saw her precious daughter crying, and immediately quarreled with Xianlou more intensely, while Su Lian seemed to be affected. Huge ran upstairs like aggrieved, slammed the door, and fled the flames of war.

Su Lian, who came back to the room, stopped crying the moment the door was closed. To let Xianyu see it, he must sigh that these eyes belong to the faucet. Not with.

"Xianyu! It's you again! It's you every time, and you don't stop after being kicked out of Xian's house!" Su Lian said with a ferocious expression as she tore at her bed sheet.

In fact, her hostility towards Xianyu wasn't that great, she was just trying to dissuade her and want to embarrass her.But there are too many times, every spare time makes her lose face, and the current spare time is so outstanding, so good that it reaches the whole Q university, but anyone who has ears has heard of her deeds more or less.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. In contrast, her real daughter has never had a patent, nor has she published any papers, nor has she participated in any national competitions. Compared with world-class universities such as H University, she is worthless value!
 I want to make a book pusher, "Quick Transmute: The Female Supporting Is Not Mixed", it's really beautiful, I like the heroine's character so much! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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