Chapter 255 Conspiracy
But why, Xianyu is just a counterfeit, who has occupied her identity for more than ten years, and her real identity may be just a rural girl, why is she better than her!

Su Lian feels that she has been compared to the dust, but in fact she is not very famous in school, and few people know about the bloody plot between her and Xianyu, all this is just her own wishful thinking comparison.

The sound of quarreling downstairs kept coming up, Xianlou scolded Zhang Li for being short-sighted, and incidentally accused Su Lian and Zhang Li of being a fool, only 300 million was lost, and the mother and daughter teamed up to hide it. he.

In fact, Zhang Li didn't tell Xianlou about it because she was short-sighted and cared about the 300 million yuan. Before she married Xianlou, her family was also a wealthy family. She and Xianlou belonged to a marriage. Nothing good came of it.

The reason why she didn't tell Xianlou was entirely because she forgot about it, she never cared about Xianyu from the bottom of her heart, and never put her in her eyes, even though Xianyu had changed a lot after leaving Xian's house, She still thinks that Xianyu is just that useless, cowardly and incompetent girl who is begging for her mother's love.

Xianlou also had this kind of thinking in the past, if he hadn't suffered from Xianyu's merciless retaliation in public, he would not have broken away from his original inherent impression of Xianyu so quickly.

But Zhang Li obviously hasn't had a positive encounter with Xianyu. At the airport, Xianyu still showed some kindness, so Zhang Li's impression of Xianyu hasn't changed much.

This also caused her to not take this matter to heart even though she received the 300 million yuan from Xianyu. She even thought that it was just what Xianyu should give her. Isn't it right for a daughter to be filial to her parents?The Xian family has raised her for so many years, no matter how much money she earns, she should be filial to her!
As for the alimony that was bought out and repaid?Don't be kidding, does Yang En mean that you can buy it out if you buy it out?Never heard that it is better to raise kindness than to give birth to kindness.

Zhang Li also took it for granted, she had been a noble lady for many years, she was used to being flattered by others, and she was also used to being humbled by Lei Yu.

It would be useless to explain her thoughts to Xian Lou now, the fight had already raged and couldn't be stopped.

Although the two said they had no feelings for each other, after all they had been husband and wife for many years, it was impossible to do anything, and in the end they just slammed the door and left.

After the Xianlou slammed the door and left, Zhang Li smashed in the living room with gloomy eyes. After smashing, she asked the servant who was hiding in the kitchen to come out to clean up, and went upstairs to comfort Su Lian herself.

Ever since she gave up on Xian Lou, she shifted her focus to Su Lian, wholeheartedly planning for Su Lian. Su Lian is her real precious daughter, and Xian Yu is just a fake who has taken over the magpie's nest.

After hearing the quarrel downstairs stopped, Su Lian burst into tears again, and pressed her eyes hard, trying to make them look red and swollen.

As soon as Zhang Li opened the door, she saw Su Lian's appearance of being greatly wronged, and her heart ached.

"My dear daughter, don't cry. When you cry, my mother will scratch her heart and lungs." Zhang Li walked quickly to Su Lian's side and hugged her to comfort her.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm useless. If I'm useful, Dad won't always think about my sister."

"Nonsense!" Zhang Li said loudly, "You are no better than that dead girl! She is not even as good as a strand of your hair, she is just a counterfeit who robbed your life!" Zhang Li won't allow anyone to say that she His daughter is not good, even Su Lian himself is not good.

"But... But my sister is really powerful. She has so many patents, and my father always wants her to go back to Xian's house." Su Lian buried her head in Zhang Li's arms, hiding the jealousy that could not be concealed on her face.

"It would be nice if... if I could have a patent, then Dad would treat us better." Su Lian whimpered softly as if she was feeling sad.

But Zhang Li, who comforted her, seemed to be awakened by her inadvertent words.That's right, if these patents belonged to her little pity, would Xianlou still be so vacant all day long?If these patents belong to Xiao Lian, wouldn't all the honor, status and wealth that belonged to that dead girl Xianyu be transferred to Xiao Lian?
Listening to what Xianlou just blurted out, it seems that Xianyu is still holding a chip that he covets, and the profit in it can reach hundreds of millions.

And if they can control their spare time, she will definitely be able to research other things in the future, and this endless stream of golden eggs can be owned by their mother and daughter!
Thinking of this, Zhang Li trembled uncontrollably, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was very feasible.

Isn't Xianyu always looking forward to the warmth of the family and the love of his parents?If she charms her with family affection and maternal love, and confuses her, she will definitely be able to be Xiaolian's stepping stone willingly.

Even if she doesn't want to, she still has a way to deal with her. She's just an orphan, with no relatives and no reason. It's not easy to control her!

So Zhang Li patted Su Lian on the back slowly and said: "Our little girl is the best, you deserve all the best things in the world, and that dead girl is only worthy of being a stepping stone in your shadow!" She What he said was very decisive, as if there was some kind of plan in it.

"Mom, don't say that, sister... my sister is really amazing, and I admire her very much, but I'm too disappointing." Su Lian said with a tone of grievance and a little worship.

However, a smile appeared slowly in a place that Zhang Li couldn't see, look, this world is inherently unfair, she only needs to show weakness and show her grievances, and someone will naturally hold her hands and give her what she wants. The things were brought to her, and she was just an innocent person who didn't know anything. Those things were forced to be given to her by others, and she never asked for them, right?
Why do you have to fight so hard for something that you can get without any effort?
Zhang Li didn't refute Su Lian anymore. Before the matter failed, she wasn't going to tell Su Lian too much. Her daughter was too innocent and didn't know anything.Tell Su Lian this plan now, she will definitely be opposed, and if the plan does not succeed, she will not be too disappointed.

Her daughter only needs to stand under the sun to enjoy the envy and praise of the world, and she, as a mother, can take care of all the places where the sun doesn't shine.

On the side of the heroine Su Lian, conspiracy and malice breed in a rotten environment, and the side of the heroine Luo Ye is no different.

The Luo family and the Xian family are both family businesses, and he has only just taken over the position of president for a few years. Everything in Yingjie Technology seems to be calm, but in fact, I don't know how many people are waiting to pull him down.

(End of this chapter)

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