Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 256 Chapter 269: Untitled

Chapter 256 Chapter 260 Nine: Untitled

And this year he didn't have a good time.

Originally, Yingjie Technology and Zhibo Technology had been occupying the market of domestic technology companies. Zhibo Technology was an established technology company that was established longer than Yingjie Technology. It also had a military background behind it and had many cooperations with the government.

Although Yingjie Technology cannot be said to be a catch-up from behind, it can barely be evenly divided with Zhibo.

But last year, Zhibo seemed to be on the hook, leaving Yingjie far behind.First, the engine order of World United Airlines, such a large order, World Airlines handed over all of them to Zhibo, although later because of the large production volume, Zhibo couldn't eat this cake, and diverted some to other companies, including Yingjie Technology , but in this matter, Yingjie can be said to have suffered huge losses.

Then there is a watch that replaces the ID card launched by the country inexplicably, and it is actually produced by Zhibo Technology!
Of course, Zhibo Technology itself has cooperation with the government, and the military background is not a vegetarian. He can think of the production of watches to Zhibo.

However, the newly developed solar cells that broke the shackles of the industry later on the market actually let Zhibo take the lead!He couldn't stand it anymore.

There are only three things, I thought it would be like this last year, but near the end of the year, it broke out that Zhibo and foreign new energy vehicles jointly developed new energy vehicles, and they succeeded in developing new energy vehicles!

This pile of piles of pieces, except for the watch, which one has no spare figure?Shihang's engine was developed by her, the solar cell was also developed by her team, and the new energy vehicle is said to have been developed by her mentor together!

If it is said that when Xianyu refused to hand over the patent of Shihang engine to him at the beginning, he didn't take it too seriously, but after she developed solar cells later, he had already fully realized that this woman left Xian's house. change.

From an unknown shadow that has been chasing after him, she has become a shining star, slowly emitting her own light.

When he realized this, his first reaction was naturally to save her. With such a scientific weapon, of course he had to hold it in his own hands.

It's a pity that he was one step too late. At that time, Lei Yu already had a boyfriend? !
But he didn't think there was any real love between Xian Yu and that man. After Xian Yu had loved him for more than ten years, how could he stop loving him if he didn't love him? Maybe that man was just a tool to anger him.

Although the last meeting was not very pleasant, and I also denied the fact that the man had a pretty face, but women are sometimes more stubborn.

Too many unexpected things happened last year, which caused Yingjie Technology to suffer a lot, but this year is a new year. As long as he seizes the cornucopia of leisure, I am afraid that Yingjie will not be able to flourish in his hands. Beat Zhibo Technology?
Thinking of the Transformers weapon man and the coveted smart chip that Lei Yu showed in the "Dream of the Future" variety show years ago, Luo Ye didn't care about the Chinese New Year, so he called his secretary with just one call. Then a series of instructions were conveyed to the secretary's ears by phone.

The secretary, who was enjoying the hard-earned annual leave, let out a long sigh after his president hung up the phone.

It's really a word from the boss, the next one will break his leg!
But the boss asked him to check what Miss Xian was doing?Wasn't the boss the least likely to talk to that Miss Xian in the past?And the boss asked him to check it once before, but he didn't find any useful information at that time. Seeing that the boss didn't mention it later, he didn't report it.

Now let him check again?I didn't find it last time, can I find it this time?He was very reluctant about this, and couldn't find it after checking. Can't people have a good rest for the New Year's Eve?

Thinking so, the secretary resigned to his fate and began to carry out the boss's order, and if he couldn't find it, he had to try again, in case he was lucky this time.

Lei Yu was ignorant of all the upcoming plots and covetousness. After a group of people had enough fun, everyone dispersed. Anyway, it was the first day of the new year, and it was outrageous to spend the night outside.

Ji Mo still sent Xianyu to the door but did not go in. The first day of the new year is not a good time to visit. Tomorrow Xianyu invited Zhao Tian and Lu Fanyun.

After Lei Yu returned home with red faces, Father Yun and Yun Mu Yunlu still snorted unhappily, but they didn't say anything more.Of course, Lei Yu is still in a state of ignorance, why does he have to snort?
Lei Yu, who couldn't figure it out, put these things behind her in a blink of an eye, and her intuition told her that it would be better to pretend that she didn't know.

"By the way, Mom, don't you want to meet my friends? I invited them to our house tomorrow. Is it convenient?" Hastily invited them to come.

Hearing that her daughter invited her friends to visit her home, Yu Die was overjoyed, and quickly replied: "It's convenient, what's the inconvenience!"

Even Father Yun and her eldest brother and second brother nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, Yinyin, it's very convenient at home!" Father Yun said.

Although the information they investigated was very detailed, and they knew the people around Xianyu like the back of their hands, but they had exactly the same mentality as Zhou Mei and the others, how could the paper information compare to what they saw with their own eyes.

They know too little about Xianyu, and it is invaluable for them to get to know her friends and see how she looks in front of them.

Lei Yu nodded reassuringly, there should be no major problem.The Yun family used to have a lot of servants. After all, such a big villa needs a lot of people just to clean and maintain it.In addition, before she was found, Yun, Father and Yunmu were not in good health, so naturally they needed someone to take care of them. Yun Mu himself still had Hongtu to work on, and Yun Lu was abroad, so it would be impossible if there were fewer servants. of.

After knowing her whereabouts, Yu Die also added a lot of staff before she returned to live in Yun's house, so even if it is a special time like Chinese New Year, because the salary and benefits provided by Yun's family are sufficient, there are still a lot of staff. People chose to stay and not go home for the New Year.

Lu Fanyun and the others are here to join in the fun, not to participate in any business gathering, they only need a few cooks to serve tea and make dim sum, and the family's staff is completely enough.

"Did Yinyin have a good time today?" Yu Die took off the heavy down jacket for Lei Yu. If you don't wear something thicker in the north, you really don't dare to go out.

"Well! They chose a hot spring villa, the hot spring there is good, and our family can go together some other day." Xian Yu suggested while taking off his clothes.

Soaking in hot springs is very good for the body. Yun Zhu and Yu Die are very short of health. Although Yannian is slowly making up for it, soaking in hot springs should be more beneficial.

And they have never gone out to play as a family, presumably they are very willing to have this opportunity.

 I really don't know the name anymore, please forgive me, little cuties! ! °(°°)°

  I want to write a quick article! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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