Chapter 257

I have thought that they might come earlier, after all, they seemed restless yesterday.But she really didn't expect them to come so early.

It was only around ten o'clock in the morning the next day, and Lu Fanyun and the others followed Ji Mo and were swaggered in by the housekeeper. Everyone was carrying things, big and small, in their hands.

"You did you come so early?" Lei Yu put down the book in his hand and looked at the group of people with a shocked face. Father Yun and others also followed her actions.

This situation made Lu Fanyun and the others praise in their hearts. As expected of the Yun family, the daily leisure is actually reading as a family?Is this using the living room as a library?

"Didn't everyone say to wish you an early year? Of course you have to come early!" Lu Fanyun said as a matter of course.

Immediately, his words attracted the attention of many people, especially Father Yun and Mica. After paying attention to Lu Fanyun, he looked at Xianyu again. The meaning in his eyes was obvious: Yinyin, how is your friend? Doesn't seem very smart?
Beside her, Zhao Tian covered her face with one hand, and twisted Lu Fanyun's waist with the other hand holding the gift, and said softly to him: "If you can't speak, you can donate it to others!" Do her best to embarrass her.

The meaning of early New Year's greetings clearly refers to sending New Year's greetings in advance before the New Year arrives. It has nothing to do with whether New Year's greetings are in the morning or in the evening, okay?
Ji Mo is obviously used to Lu Fanyun's lack of common sense, and there is no expression on his face, and he can't see any look of embarrassment at all. Zhao Tian not only sighed secretly, but sure enough, the man who matched the boss would also have to It's a big boss, and she has learned all the skills of nourishing qi.

"Uncle Yun, Aunt Yu, Happy New Year." Ji Mo sincerely congratulated Yunzhu and Yu Die on the New Year, and put the gifts he brought on the table while talking.

Yun Zhu glanced at it casually, it seemed to be a ginseng plant?Using ginseng as a New Year's gift, this Ji Mo is considered intentional.

Lu Fanyun and others followed Ji Mo's actions, and after he said it, they all said in unison: "Happy New Year, Uncle and Aunt!" These seven or eight people shouted together, the voice was quite loud, and the entire villa was full of people. There was an echo, and the gifts were so piled up that the coffee table couldn't fit and they were placed on the ground.

Yun Zhu's attitude towards other people is much gentler. After all, one is trying to take away his daughter's big pig's hoof, and the other is his daughter's friend. As long as Yin Yin is not kidnapped, everyone can still sit down and have a good talk Well.

Yu Die looked at the group of spirited boys and girls in front of him, not to mention their appearance, they were also very upright, they were good boys.She smiled and asked the servant to carry all the gifts down, and then invited everyone to sit down.

Everyone looked at the gentle smile of Father Yun and Mother Yun and felt a little unreal. Is it true that the Yun family, who has always been mysterious, is like this in private?
Mr. Yunzhu is about the same age as their parents, but he is not bald early or full of hair like other researchers. Instead, he is still elegant and handsome, with the meticulous temperament of a researcher and the gentleness of an elder.

Academician Yu is also an extremely elegant lady. Although she is not young, she is still shockingly beautiful. Most of Yu Yu's beauty is inherited from Academician Yu.

And although Academician Yu smiled gently, but for some reason, they felt a rigorous and powerful aura from Academician Yu. This should be put in a TV series, a proper queen-type strong woman!

Yun Mu and Yun Lu haven't spoken since they came in, and their faces have little expression. They can't tell anything, but the face alone is already very mouth-watering, okay?This lady is so handsome!
Xian Yu looked at the stunned people in front of him, coughed lightly to remind them to regain their senses, and then introduced these friends to Yun Zhu and Yu Die.

After Yun Zhu and Yu Die got acquainted one by one, they didn't pay much attention to other people. Instead, they paid more attention to Zhou Mei and the three of them. They were also very gentle and kind to them, so that the three of them were very flattered.

After introducing Lu Fanyun and the others, Xiaoyu pointed to his side and said, "This is my mother, my father, my eldest brother, and my second brother." It was extremely concise, because there was no room for her to play, and they were already very busy. Knowing the formation of the Yun family's family, I did a lot of homework in private.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie, Hello, Eldest Brother and Second Brother!" A group of people called out following the idle introduction in a daze.

This dazed look made Yun Zhu and Yu Die laugh, and both Yun Mu and Yun Lu had smiles on their faces. The two of them didn't show any expressions at the beginning, it was just because they were slow, and they always had to observe Yin Yin's friends. Personality is not, when the observation is almost done, the expression on the face will naturally be more.

Yun Zhu and Yu Die were also well prepared. The younger generation had to give lucky money when they came to pay New Year's greetings. Yu Die distributed a red envelope to everyone. Even Ji Mo had a share, and those who didn't have a share were idlers.

Everyone was stunned by the touch after receiving the red envelope, card? !So rich and powerful?

"Big...Big brother, I don't know if Aunt Yu still needs a daughter? Do you think I can do it? It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. The main thing is that I want to be a sister with you." Zhao Tian couldn't speak easily.

Everyone burst into laughter, Lu Fanyun's mouth was quicker than his brain in the laughter, and he said to Xianyu: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, are you missing a brother, and see if I can do it? It doesn't matter if it's money or not, the main thing is that I want to do it with you." Brothers and sisters!" Emma, ​​he heard Zhao Tian say yesterday that Uncle Yun and the others are bank cards at every turn, so let him do such a psychologically burdensome thing!
It wasn't Leisure who answered him, Yunmu's faint voice reached Lu Fanyun's ears: "Do you think Yinyin lacks a brother?" It was the first time he saw someone so courageous as to rob him of his sister, Ji Mo didn't dare to be so crazy.

"Ji Mo, your cousin is quite interesting?" Since Lu Fanyun is Ji Mo's cousin, Yun Mu naturally pinned the blame on Ji Mo. Cousin, he has the responsibility of disciplining his cousin. .

Ji Mo, who was implicated by innocence, was dazed for a moment. Very well, the routine operation could not stop Lu Fanyun from committing suicide. Later, he would have to find a needle to sew his mouth shut to effectively treat his incompleteness. Trouble, since there is no way, he will manually install one for him.

"I will go back and educate him well."

Lu Fanyun realized later that he seemed to have made a fatal mistake. It was over, and the idol must not have a good impression of him.He was right, Yun Mu really didn't have a good impression of him now.

As a girlfriend, Zhao Tian has no sympathy for the mournful Lu Fanyun.

Ma De is mentally handicapped, she just finished talking about being sisters with Xianyu on the front foot, and he wants to join in the fun and become brother and sister with Xianyu on the back foot, what's wrong, he wants to incest!The orthopedic beds in Germany are all set, right?

Lu Fanyun still wanted to find comfort from his girlfriend, but in the end he received a lot of disgust and cold faces. He was disgusted by both his idol and his girlfriend, and he was about to be cleaned up by Brother Mo. He felt that his whole life was gloomy up.

 The title is harmonized...(′‵)
  Do you believe me when I say I don’t know what German orthopedics is?I'm just a simple child (ω)

(End of this chapter)

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