Chapter 258 Unworthy
"Yinyin, take your friend around and have a look around." Yu Die kindly rescued Lu Fanyun, mainly because the two elders are here, and these children are bound to be cautious.

Xianyu nodded, got up and took them to wander elsewhere.

Ji Mo has already visited once, and he understands the exquisiteness and luxury of this villa very well, and it is considered calm, but it is the first time for others to see it, and the more they look at it, the more they drool.

Among them, except for Zhao Tian and Liu Jia, who doesn't have many villas at home?But there is also a gap between villas and villas, okay?Of course, it’s not that their villa is so bad, but it’s because the decoration of the Yun’s villa is too charming, and if they’re not mistaken, some of the furniture and decorations in this house are probably worthy There are four words worth a lot of money!
Take a look at this precious wood furniture, look at this celebrity calligraphy, painting, porcelain and enamel decorations, which fully express what money is just a number!

Their respective families are also rich, and the decorations in their homes are also exquisite and luxurious, but they are not as ubiquitous as Yun's, as if what is placed there is just an ordinary object.

And the point is, their family is rich, but they are not very rich!They're just a bunch of poor, poor kids who haven't fully taken over the family business.

"Wuuu, boss, do you really have no shortage of sisters?" Zhao Tian's mouth was full of disappointing tears.

"How about I ask my mother for you later?" Xian Yu said with a smile.

Zhao Tian quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her mouth and shook her head with a sneer: "No need, no need." Everything else is easy to say, but Yun Mu and Yun Lu, the younger sisters of the two elder brothers, are not easy to do. Yun Mu's cold voice just now , It really scared them a lot, even a person like her, who must salivate when seeing a handsome guy, didn't dare to take a second look.

"There is a laboratory downstairs, do you want to see it?" Xian Yu felt that they should be tired of looking at the villas, so why not show them the laboratory.

Several people nodded again and again, and Ji Mo was also a little interested. He had never been to the laboratory downstairs when he showed him around in his spare time last time.

Lei Yu simply didn't think about it at the time, but when he remembered it today, he took them all to see it.

After all, close contact is impossible, even going in. This kind of medical laboratory has to be disinfected and wears work clothes, just look through the glass, anyway, they are just curious.

Lei Yu led the crowd to walk and found that Lu Fanyun was left behind. He stared at the cabinet close to the glass without blinking his glass eyes.

Zhao Tian walked over curiously and pushed him, "Why are you so focused?"

Lu Fanyun blankly pointed to a small transparent bottle with an English label in the cabinet.

The others followed his finger and glanced twice, but didn't understand anything.

"Do you know how expensive this bottle of reagent is?"

Hearing Lu Fanyun's voice as if his soul was drifting away, everyone shook their heads, and at the same time became a little interested in the bottle of reagent.

"100 million." Lu Fanyun said slowly.

"That's not counting..."

"one gram."

Before Lu Peichuan finished speaking, he heard Lu Fanyun's addition, and quickly swallowed back what he hadn't finished.

"Sorry to bother you." It was he who didn't deserve it.

Those who had the same idea as Lu Peichuan before also felt that they were really bothering them. Just now they thought that the reagent was 100 million a bottle, 100 million, who of them didn't?Casually give you the whole dozen bottles.

The result is actually 100 million one gram? !It looks like there must be more than ten grams in the bottle, right?It costs more than 1000 million to ride a horse!And it seems that there are many other similar small bottles in the cabinet. In other words, the value of the things in this cabinet is easily over [-] million!

"How do you know so clearly?" After being shocked, Fang Zixing put his arms around Lu Fanyun's neck and asked everyone's doubts.

"I just bought it some time ago." He was shocked when the purchaser under him handed him the list, okay? One million one gram, why not grab it!After buying it, his heart ached.

Now everyone was shocked, "Okay, you boy, you have become so rich without making a sound!" Fang Zixing felt his heart was bubbling with sourness, and his arms around Lu Fanyun's neck became more and more forceful, Good guy, getting rich without brothers is an unforgivable crime.

Lu Fanyun pushed him away angrily, "I bought five grams as soon as I stepped on the horse!" He couldn't bear any more.Just five grams, the purchaser at the time thought he was stingy, what's the matter, 500 million is not money?Do you think that everyone is like the Xianyu family, a bottle is worth more than 1000 million yuan, and a cabinet is a cupboard?

Lei Yu is just an amateur in biomedicine, and she has never been in contact with many reagents, so before Lu Fanyun said, she didn't know that the reagents in this cabinet were so expensive.

Of course, now that she knew it, she wasn't too shocked. Just kidding, it's only [-] million yuan here, so there's nothing to be shocked about.Thinking about it, Lei Yu also shed disappointing tears from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't look at it, let's go up and look at the simple and unpretentious antique calligraphy and paintings." Sheng Jisen said in a dispirited manner.Looking at it further, they will all turn into lemon juice. The gap between rich and poor is too bullying.

Isn't it good to buy a house for 1000 million?Buy a bottle of reagents the size of your thumb, if you don’t hold one of the reagents securely, 1000 million will be gone after a while.
Lei Yu didn't want to hit them again, so he took them to see the villa in a regular manner. Among other things, the scenery of this villa is still very good, and it is a bit worth seeing.

After seeing the priceless reagents downstairs, the group of people calmed down a lot when they saw those precious calligraphy, painting and porcelain. Even the museum shelf in the spare room did not make them more shocked. People in the world are now, and trivial things can no longer move them.

Zhou Mei and the others performed better. They had been in contact with biomedicine before, and they knew something about it. Moreover, when Zhibo Technology was researching new energy batteries, they also gained some knowledge. Some crystal thin films and Rare metals are not cheaper than those reagents.

After all, those famous brand bags and luxury goods in life are trivial. The real cost is the things in the laboratory, which can easily cost hundreds of millions.

After the visit, they went back to the living room. Although Yu Die and the others felt that they were elders and might make Yinyin's friends restrained, in fact Lu Fanyun and the others were very willing to get along with Yu Die and the others. They all admired the Yun family. .

Lu Fanyun wanted Yun Mu's autograph all the time, but judging from what happened just now, he definitely couldn't do it by himself, so he kept pestering Lei Yu, hoping that she could ask for an autograph for him.Even Jimo's eyes can't stop him, it seems that idols are really powerful.

I had no choice but to be entangled, so I had no choice but to say to Yun Mu: "Brother, he is your fan, you want to sign his autograph?"

Yun Mu leaned on the sofa, rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "Oh, my hand seems to be hurting a little, I'm afraid I won't be able to sign." He was speaking to Xian Yu, but his eyes were on Lu Fanyun.

Robbing his sister and wanting his autograph?How could it be so beautiful?

(End of this chapter)

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