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Chapter 259 Life Needs a Sense of Ritual

Chapter 259 Life Needs a Sense of Ritual
In the end, Lu Fanyun still couldn't get his idol's autograph, and he almost cried when he left.

After seeing them off, the Yun family finally calmed down.After resting for a while, I went upstairs to take down the gift I prepared for Yun Zhu and the others yesterday.It was already late yesterday when they came back from the hot spring villa, and she could think that if she gave them gifts at that time, they would definitely not be able to sleep soundly all night, especially Yu Die, who might cry.

Lu Fanyun and the others came early again today, and she didn't find a chance to see them off. Now that they are gone, the time is just right.

When Lei Yu came down from upstairs with big and small bags, Yunlu was looking at her curiously, isn't this what Yinyin bought last night?Why bring it up now?

Without him asking, Lei Yu has already given the answer.

"Dad, Mom, Big Brother, Second Brother, this is a New Year's gift for you." Xian Yu smiled and distributed the gifts to everyone.

The sudden gift made everyone a little stunned, and after the stunned, joy and touch rushed over their faces.

"Won't you take it apart and take a look?"

"Tear it down! Let's tear it down!" Yu Dioren said repeatedly with tears streaming down his eyes.

The four moved in unison to unpack the packages in their hands. When unpacking, they secretly looked at other people's boxes and silently compared the sizes.

"Do you like it or not?" Seeing them unwrapping the presents and staring at the gifts in their hands without saying a word, Xian Yu couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Could it be that they don't like these presents?
"Of course I like it. This is Yinyin's first gift to us. How could we not like it? We're just too excited." The elder brother Yun Mu, who has always been relatively taciturn, walked up to Xianyu and patted her on the head.

Lei Yu looked at the expressions of the other people, and saw that they really liked it, so he was relieved.

Yunlu couldn't help but patted Xianyu's head after Yunmu and said softly, "Silly girl."

The most beautiful relationship in this world is that the person you like also likes you. Applying this sentence to family relationships is also applicable. The family members they love with all their strength are also loving them with all their strength. Nothing could satisfy them more than this.

"It's fine if you like it." Seeing that they liked it, Xianyu's calm expression returned to her face, as if she wasn't the one who was nervous just now.

As for her bad acting skills, although the Yun family had only been in contact with her for a relatively short time, they still knew something about her, so no one tried to expose her hypocrisy.

"We have also prepared a gift for you, but the time has not come yet, so I will give it to you later." Yun Zhu said to Xian Yu with a smile.

Yinyin has prepared gifts for them, how could they forget Yinyin?

Lei Yu was aroused by Yun Zhu's words, "Huh? What gift?"

"Secret it now." Yun Zhu shook his head lightly and refused to disclose any information.

In this way, Xianyu became even more curious, and she couldn't help but look at Yun Mu and Yun Lu beside her, trying to get a hint, but they avoided her gaze in unison.

Helplessly, I could only hold back my curiosity and wait for this surprise.

"Yin Yin, come over and help me put this watch on." Yun Zhu said to Xian Yu while taking off the watch she was originally wearing.

Yu Die crossed the line, "Why, Yinyin came here first to help me put on the earrings!"

Yun Zhu didn't dare to argue with Yu Die, so he made a gesture of giving in with a smile.So Lei Yu first helped Yu Die put on the earrings.

After putting it on, Yu Di deliberately raised her neck slightly, exposing the earrings on her ears, and walked a few steps in front of everyone, asking, "How is it? Does it look good?" Although she hadn't looked in the mirror yet, she felt that I must be extremely beautiful at this moment, except for the moment when I wear the wedding dress, I am the most beautiful now!

"Your Majesty is so beautiful, it's so flashing that I can hardly keep my eyes open." Yunlu staggered a few steps exaggeratedly, pretending to be unsteady by the flash, and Yu Die laughed heartily at him.

"Come on, Yinyin, come and help me put on the watch." Yun Zhuchong waved in his spare time. Although he could wear it himself, it was a gift from his daughter. Of course, his daughter had to put it on for him. Best, don't young people nowadays say that life needs such a sense of ritual?He felt that he, too, had to keep up with the trend.

After I finished wearing the watch, I was not surprised to see Yun Zhu also stretched out his hand to show off. Although he didn't say anything, he was actually waiting for someone to praise him.

None of the people present were so ignorant, and they all praised him.

On the third day of the new year, I woke up early in the morning. Before Ji Mo and Lu Fanyun left yesterday, she specially asked Jim Mo to come to Yun's house early to pick her up for New Year's greetings at Ji's and Lu's houses, except for the one she had chosen earlier. In addition to the presents, Yun Zhu and Yu Die specially prepared another annual gift, which contained a box of Hongtu's privately researched special medicine, which was not for sale, and was specially prepared for Mr. Lu.

Not long after Xianyu finished washing, Ji Mo arrived. Leisurely wondered, although he was asked to come earlier, it wouldn't be so early, right?
Yu Die warmly greeted Ji Mo to sit, "Have you had breakfast?"

"not yet."

"It just so happens that we haven't eaten yet, we will eat together later."

"Okay, thank you Aunt Yu." Ji Mo was not polite at all, he came so early just to wait for this sentence.

Yunzhu and Yunmu saw Ji Mo as soon as Yunlu went downstairs, and Yu Diezheng smiled happily at him.The three of them blackened their faces at first, and then put on false smiles to greet Ji Mo. Ji Mo seemed to be unable to see the falsehood, and his performance was extraordinarily sincere, which made Yu Die, the future mother-in-law The adults are more and more satisfied.

After the meal, Ji Mo took Xianyu away in front of Yun Zhu and the others with big bags and small bags on his behalf. As soon as they left, the smiles on the faces of the three disappeared instantly, and Yu Dieli didn't even bother to pay attention to them San changed his countenance, turned around and went about his own business.

In their spare time, they went to Ji's house first, Mr. Ji and Ji's father could still sit still, but Lu Yun and Ji's housekeeper couldn't sit still. After a while, they got up and looked forward to the door, and then drank tea again, obviously not calm many.

After hearing the movement at the door, the two hurriedly got up and walked a few steps forward.

"Aunt Yun, Grandpa Butler, Grandpa, Uncle Ji, Happy New Year." Lei Yu warmly greeted Lu Yun and Steward Ji, and then politely called Mr. Ji and Father Ji
When she returned to Yun's house, Mr. Ji asked her to call her grandpa instead, so this will be grandpa directly.

Old Master Ji looked at Xianyu and nodded. It seems that this girl is doing well after returning to Yun's house, so he can feel at ease.

Lu Yun is a woman, and she has to show her emotions a lot. Seeing that Lei Yu is not thin, she patted her with a smile, "I agreed to come and see me often after I go back, but my heart is getting cold after waiting!"

Xian Yu smiled softly, "I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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