Chapter 260
She knew that Lu Yun was actually worried about her life after returning to Yun's house. Now that she saw her, Lu Yun felt more at ease.

Lu Yun took her spare time to sit down and chat at home, but just chatting was dragged into business by Mr. Ji and Father Ji.

"I heard that you are cooperating with the boys from the second Lu's family on research and development recently?" Mr. Ji asked, remembering the rumors he had heard recently.

Lu Er refers to Mr. Lu's second son, Lu Xushan.

Idle Yu nodded, "There is such a thing." It was Ji Mo who helped her lead the thread.

"The research and development is virtual reality?"

Apart from nodding, I still nodded. It seems that Lu Peifeng has been making a lot of noise recently. Otherwise, how could even Mr. Ji have heard of it?Mr. Ji is not in charge now.

"Maybe I have the confidence to research what it looks like?" Mr. Ji was obviously very concerned. When he asked this question, he couldn't help leaning forward.

"This... I can't say for sure at the moment." Idle Yu is actually quite confident, but she didn't say anything dead. In fact, to what extent, the decision-making power is no longer with her. She has already prepared everything she can do. It's almost there, and the rest depends on what step Yunfu can do with the neural link.

If Father Yun's progress is fast and the effect is good, then she has the confidence to push the virtual reality to its final form, making people unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

It is true that she said at the beginning that she would not bring too advanced technology to this world and disturb the process of this world itself.

But virtual reality technology is special. It has not advanced this world for many years, and it has limited interference with the progress of this world. Perhaps the biggest problem is that there will be countless people who are addicted to illusion and do not want to wake up in reality.

But in this world, there are no technologies that are beneficial but harmless. There are more technologies that have more disadvantages than advantages, such as nuclear weapons that can easily destroy the world.

But even so, aren't there many countries that are desperately researching nuclear weapon technology?There is no merit or demerit in technology itself, only the human beings who use it.

Once the virtual reality technology is successfully developed, the phenomenon of addiction is inevitable. She can't stop it, but soldiers will block it, water will cover it, and there is a youth mode for playing games. Isn't virtual reality the whole anti-addiction mode?

Generally speaking, the advantages of this technology outweigh the disadvantages, and she can safely bring it to this world in advance.

Mr. Ji, who didn't get an accurate answer from his spare time, frowned and sighed.It was he who was impatient.

Although the age of war has passed, no one knows how long peace can last, especially now that there are not many countries that are eyeing China, and China's technology is indeed still a bit behind other countries.

Lu Peifeng is still too young to see the problem comprehensively. Although he has paid enough attention to the cooperation with Yuyu because of Yunzhu's joining, what he didn't expect is that once this technology is successful, it will be of great importance to other scientific research fields. what a great help.

Think about how harsh the conditions of some experiments are in reality. Not to mention the equipment that costs tens of millions or hundreds of millions, the experimental environment alone has caused countless scientists headaches.

But if all these can be done in virtual reality, some of the required conditions can be set by a series of data from the outside world. First, conduct a pre-experiment in virtual reality, and then reproduce it in reality. Research that has been going nowhere may be successful!
And if this technology is in the hands of Hua Guo, who can say for sure about the future world situation.

Huaguo has no intention of invading other countries, but it doesn't like being bullied by others. It is enough for them to taste the humiliation in the early years. Why let the next generation follow suit.

"It's okay, don't worry, take your time. Fortunately, our old bones can still afford to wait." Mr. Ji tried his best to calm down his mentality, and didn't want to bring too much pressure to Xianyu.

Listening to Mr. Ji's comfort, I don't know what to say for a while.She's not blind, how could she not see the same expression on Mr. Ji's face as that of Professor Qian back then?
That's a concern for the country.It seems that you can't close your eyes if you don't see that this country is prosperous and prosperous, standing proudly in the forest of the world, free from any external threats.

"When you die, you know that everything is empty, but you don't see the same in Kyushu. Wang Shibei set the Central Plains Day, and family sacrifices are never forgotten." This poem can probably describe their mentality.

This concern was too heavy, so heavy that her heart also sank.

Sitting next to her, Ji Mo gently shook her hand, didn't say anything, but showed his posture: I have everything.

Leisurely smiles suddenly, she used to come and go by herself, occasionally accompanied by Cheng Wen to warm each other, but now she finds that there is always someone by her side in the wind and rain, this feeling is really Not bad.

She still had to go to Lu's house in her spare time, so she chatted with Lu Yun and others for a while, then she got up and said goodbye. Lu Yun knew that she had to go to Lu's house, which was her natal family, so she didn't keep her any longer.

"Don't worry, the result will not be too bad."

Before leaving, Lei Yu suddenly said this dryly to Mr. Ji.

Mr. Ji was stunned for a moment, and then smiled knowingly.A strong youth makes a country strong!

It's not so happy to go to the Lu family for leisure. She likes Mr. Lu very much. She respects and likes them, the older generation who have dedicated their lives to the country, but she doesn't like the rest of the Lu family very much. Both of them are in politics, and they are too shrewd to get along with each other.

Especially the last time I went there, Lu Fan'an's wife didn't treat her well, she was picky, and I really couldn't understand her anywhere.

It's just that people can't understand how she flirts with her, and she is not easy to get angry. There are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, and sometimes she needs to endure, and she sighs in her spare time.

The car finally drove into Lu's house smoothly. She didn't visit suddenly. Of course, she had been notified in advance about the New Year's greetings, so a housekeeper greeted her at the door.

There is no difference between this time and the last time. Last time she came to meet her parents, and the people arrived were very complete. This time, because the time is at the New Year's Eve, the people are still neat.

Lei Yu still laughed and called people around first, it’s not good to have a small seniority, you have to call people one by one, but it’s not all bad because of a small seniority, although you have to call people one by one, but every time you call, you will get a red envelope , She doesn't seem to be losing money after going back and forth.

"Grandpa, this is specially prepared by my parents for you. The method of taking it is written in it. You must drink it on time." Lei Yu took the special medicine that Yu Die specially prepared for Mr. Lu from the gift separately. Pick it out and give it to Mr. Lu.

The Lu family heard her say that her parents had no other reaction except that they were a little strange, because the two brothers Lu Fanyun and Lu Peichuan had already publicized it for Lei Yu at the Lu family the day they came back from the hot spring villa.

(End of this chapter)

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